I-is he still /ourguy/?

I-is he still /ourguy/?

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he was never our guy

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what is it with Tumblr's obsession with making characters gay? A lot of reviews on letterboxd is shit like "character x & y are totally gay" or for upcoming films "make so-and-so gay you COWARDS!"

>literally just says think whatever you like
>still gets shit on
he could wave a swastika and cry out for the Jews to be gassed and you retards would still be upset

Mark sneedill

people on letterboxd are seattle liberals who don't experience real life outside of the coffee queue and their echo chambers on twitter

Poor Mark, Rian destroyed his spirit.


He doesn't give a shit. He says his character would never act the way he did in TLJ and he's right, but Rian is the writer, not him. If all the characters in Star Wars are gay, then let them be. He doesn't control the story and inducing things based on past behavior is a big no-no.

*cue the clip of him saying "GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! KILL LUKE" at the oscars*


Homosexual reproduction. Queers easily discovered new reproduction methods and the propagation of faggotry through media and children.

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Wait is this true?

>"This is really important to us"
What is wrong with people?

Its called shipping, sweetie

kek you can tell he's forcing it and not being entirely honest

What a sweet man

>think whatever you like

That's not always good advice.


i imagine growing up as a gay person, trying to feel like you're ''normal'' when there is next to no representation in mainstream media aside from villains and throwaway joke caricatures, it's quite nice to have somebody who played such a famous role in a huge movie franchise not make a big deal about your opinions on his character's sexuality.

This honestly. He seems like a really good guy with an understanding of fandom and people in general. Too bad they killed off his character though.

Maybe they should try not being fags lmao

Many prime time television shows have homosexual characters in them. Also many movies have homosexual or even transgender characters

Shatner is /ourguy/, and I don't think Hamill gives a shit anymore. Nu-wars ruined his iconic character.

Okay but why would you want to make an established straight character from a 1980s sci-fi movie gay?

Well Luke in TLJ was acting pretty gay. To be honest the entire movie was gay.

No one is making you suck dicks faggot. Why can't you be normal, like your brother?

He's not gay, but his best friend cucked him out of wincesting his sister.

>this is really important to us
Fucking sad

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>not normal
>want to feel normal
fucking dumb and pathetic premise. one chance at life and you choose to feel down because you like dick and others don't approve, and beg for it to be "normalized." especially when that means actively shitting up art with your neurosis. just kill yourself at that point

not (you) just speaking in second person


Stop hating on gays
I bet you all secretly like dicks

>needing other people's affirmation
Being a faggot is not your problem, being a weak ass little shit is.

>Han Solo is gay
>marries and has a child with a woman

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>Also many movies have homosexual or even transgender characters
not as leading men

probably because they love star wars and luke and wanted to be like him when they grew up like countless other kids who watched star wars, i dunno why don't you ask them?

how does the main character of a movie being gay ''shit it up''

>take other men's dicks in your ass
>take my opinions srsly pls

they just want something to latch on to

If I were in his position, that would've been the moment I lost my job

You don't call my character gay at any point in time. Unless you want to start some shit, I'd throw my entire future out the window.. it's a matter of honor

>try to be like him
>they started sucking dick and want him to do it too
looks like they failed

Because they are boring 1 dimensional people who use their affinity for the same sex as their defining character trait.

im just glad star wars is finally over tbqh

>how does the main character of a movie being gay ''shit it up''
Having poopdicks in kids movies quite literally shit things up.

It's just begun. I saw the last Jedi and that was the theme of the movie

To literally destroy the past and start anew. Luke and Kylo Ren were on the same page but Rey was against it.. I'm guessing it's because she was too weak to let go.

>year is 2070
>there are now 62 "Star Wars" movies
>light side are ironically all trannies and lesbians of color while the dark side are all cis white men
>blasters are removed for being too much like guns, and lightsabers are giant glowing dildos
>kids don't even know who the characters from the original six movies are anymore
>half of the movies are MCU, Simpsons, and Star Trek crossovers since Disney has acquired nearly every IP on the planet
>Darth Trump is the new recurring villain
>a portion of the profits from each new movie is donated to build new Islamic learning centers around the world

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>how does the main character of a movie being gay ''shit it up''
well in this case, the whole leaving home and comfort to go on adventures, seek one's destiny, meet girls (with the implication of someday starting a family) is pretty key to the masculine archetype embodied by Luke. not to mention they way switching the sexual tension from the triangle with males competing to a homoerotic thing between the guys with Leia as third wheel totally warps the dynamic. these things are obvious to anyone with any understanding of storytelling user. generally, stories stand the test of time because they speak to something near-universal in human experience, and therefore inherently somewhat normative. you can't have a star wars or LotR or Casablanca or Stagecoach with gay protagonists, it's as simple as that

guess I should say inb4 gay hobbits

How will Star Wars fans ever recover

it's pathetic. i'm homo and it's not even remotely important. it never is.