>China loves Black Panth-
China loves Black Panth-
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they hate it as the movie, coz it's dark, bad lighting
Squinty eyes, can't see well.
It is scientifically proven that the average Chinaman's eyesight is more suited to bright conditions, fast-moving objects. The creatures perform very badly at night.
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
Who cares what they like? Black people are smarter than East Asians.
They won't
>Scott Mendelson
What's his endgame?
Even the Rock can top TLJ.
In the US or worldwide?
One Wolf Warrior cameo and the problem is solved.
Honestly, couldn't see a fucking thing during the ambush sequence.
> Black actors
> Black outfits
> Nightime
> Bad lighting
> Bad directing
> Camera shaking all over the place
If they were aiming for that, then they should have made that the focus and done something creative like the strobe light scene in Kick-ass. Instead it was just bad CGI mixed with bad lighting and bad directing.
Oy Vey Goyim, film is racist anyway
That video is retarded making a ton of assumptions about how technology should be an equalizer - when technology was founded on the opposite.
Children already grow up in societies of mixed races and it still does not change their view on what is normal.
that's actually the scary thing: this massive shilling for equality when humans are clearly not equal is going to lead to disastrous results in the future. what's the endgame anway?
99% of humans as a slave class, but too stupid to even understand their situation.
Yeah but you're the 1% and so above it all right?
I'm just some random guy like you.
Why are liberals turning on Last Jedi now?
Because it didn't have enough Latinx and Trans voices, also the feminist-haired captain was completely inept at her job and made WYMYNZ look bad
...But are you?
Why did they even go see the movie and give their money away? It was pushed as a movie that was black as hell.
i dont really understand that how much money a movie made is any meaningful metric of a movies quality
is (((tv))) really all just money grubbing kikes ?
A billion dollars
black person + light background would be fine... but why is the back dark too?
now you know this movie is astroturfed as hell
A torture for what eyes?
>as the MCU superhero movie has topped $1.1 billion in global receipts (including around $570 million domestic and $81m in China counting its $4m Wednesday gross).
It's at $84.2 million in China counting today, it'll pass $100 million there easy
OP is talking about China. The Chinese haven't spent a billion dollars to see black panther.