What is the movie equivalent of this charming man by the smiths?

What is the movie equivalent of this charming man by the smiths?


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How fucking dare you.

who's the director of this film?

Le Geroge Lion

Who are some film characters like Morrissey?

The Baxter, or the movie that inspired it:
The Apartment

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Since the song is about detatchment from social obligation out of choice I'd say ferris bueller's day off

if you want a similar aesthetic watch high fidelity

>tfw i like the smiths even though they're essential soyboy-core
its over for me

Moz is redpilled, doesn't like refugees, doesn't like #metoo, I'm also pretty sure he went on record saying he hates reggae.

...and it never really began

Was it about gays? youtube.com/watch?v=qdOHPjMzY8s

A Single Man

but in my heart it was sooo real

Fucking hell, I was just listening to that song.

That song cuts me fucking deep man.

Attached: morrissey on muslims.png (471x565, 66K)

X-men Days of Future Past

What Difference Does It Make?

Who is the kino version of Michael Gira.

>inb4; terrence malick
Haha, your name is fuck, my friend

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The Cowboy

Attached: mulholland dr cowboy.png (1000x505, 319K)

I cannot fucking wait until Morrisey dies

Lynch is the most similar

Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things


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Morrissey is so fucking cool. I love the way he dances.
