What is the movie equivalent of this charming man by the smiths?
What is the movie equivalent of this charming man by the smiths?
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How fucking dare you.
who's the director of this film?
Le Geroge Lion
Who are some film characters like Morrissey?
The Baxter, or the movie that inspired it:
The Apartment
Since the song is about detatchment from social obligation out of choice I'd say ferris bueller's day off
if you want a similar aesthetic watch high fidelity
>tfw i like the smiths even though they're essential soyboy-core
its over for me
Moz is redpilled, doesn't like refugees, doesn't like #metoo, I'm also pretty sure he went on record saying he hates reggae.
...and it never really began
Was it about gays? youtube.com
A Single Man
but in my heart it was sooo real
Fucking hell, I was just listening to that song.
That song cuts me fucking deep man.
X-men Days of Future Past
What Difference Does It Make?
Who is the kino version of Michael Gira.
>inb4; terrence malick
Haha, your name is fuck, my friend
The Cowboy
I cannot fucking wait until Morrisey dies
Lynch is the most similar
Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
Morrissey is so fucking cool. I love the way he dances.