Just finished my annual re-watch, how the fuck did this trilogy turn out so perfectly?
Just finished my annual re-watch, how the fuck did this trilogy turn out so perfectly?
Because you were a child when they came out, and you never read the books, so your perception of them is severely warped.
Why aren’t you watching one a week, every week, OP? You’re slacking
Perception is in the eyes of the beholder. He might appreciate LOTR films even more than book enthusiasts.
>arrive at place
>announce it's name
>continue to destination
Was Gandalf the autism?
I tried to read the books and Hobbit aside, I found them fucking boring.
The aesthetics, music, cinematography, special effects, pacing - All elevate the movies over the books.
>pausing six feet from your VHS library and saying
>Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition
>before commencing with your annual rewatch
Do Americans really do this?
I love the books and I love the movies. I'm glad they didn't include some of the things and sad that they included some things that didn't exist, but they're still both great and I love them deeply.
I know, I gotta step it up
And I love the books and movies, no reason why you can't enjoy both
Lots of pre-production.
No arbitrary cuts/excessive changes from the books.
Content cut would have made the movies boring if they filmed that as well. Do you know how many years it took them just to get to Rivendell?
It was so that they woud have their tax transcripts ready
Every time, it's an american tradition to loudly announce the name of the movie youre about to watch. Alongside clapping when its over
The books didn't age well.
Yea, they made the pacing so much better then what it could have been. I love the books but I can't deny that alot of the stuff in there would be horrible in movie form
>annual re-watch
Is there like a specific month, like how do you decide when to re-watch it?
I laughed
I mainly just watch them around my birthday, so like a week period in March
I reread the books every few years. Just halfway through. Might go give films another go later. Haven't seen them in a while. What's considered the best? Extended editions, theatrical cut, any blue rays, etc...
>annual re-wartch
Because Jackson put all his love and passion into it.
No black people
because Peter Jackson cared and put effort into making the movie. Can't say the same for the Hobbit films.
How did Peter go from making a timeless kino trilogy to... the Hobbit?
He was pushed into it last minute as a replacement when Del Toro dropped out. The studio gave him only 3 months of pre-production for the Hobbit, unlike the 3 YEARS he got for the LOTR trilogy. So he basically had to wing it for the most part since he never got the time to prepare. There's a documentary floating somewhere on youtube about it.
hobbit is also good user only hobbit 3 is shit
I read the books and I think the films are fantastic. They're faithful when it's important but take liberties when needed, for brevity or character development and the like. I also read a lot of fantasy and rate Tolkien pretty highly.
I wish more films were like this, where they respect the source material, but not enough to where they're afraid to make minor changes. 1:1 adaptations are usually dreadfully dull, and divergent adaptations defeat the purpose of a source material.
no niggers
>it has to follow the books to be a good movie
If it takes some liberties but is still a good film, which it is, then it's fine
no they are objectively good.
they are some of the best movies let alone trilogies ever.
Everyone involved legitimately gave a shit about making the best movie they could.
Jackson shopped the movie around for years until he found a studio that would give him the budget and freedom he wanted, production contributed a noticeable percentage to the GDP of new zealand.
its autism not to understand the amount of time he was travelling and that doing that is exactly what normal people do.
on planes, cross country trips, camping etc.
The extended edition box sets on DVD are my favorite. Blu ray has everything color corrected blue for no reason.
>the only book you could pay attention to was one made for literal children
lmfao i bet you're a fucking amerimutt too
Only Fellowship has the blue filter
the hobbit is good too.
still, the dvd box sets look so much better on a shelf
>how the fuck did this trilogy turn out so perfectly?
All white cast.
whoooooa there
there were orcs
>the hobbit is good too.
This is true, they really went all out with the design of the case. I love it.
I just got the extended edition Blu Ray recently and honestly can't see the filter. The CGI however is much more noticeably aged
They took shortcuts from the books where it was absolutely understandable. That being said, from the score to the cinematography, and every in between, Jackson and crew absolutely nailed it.
>not made by amerisharts
>written by women
desu LOTR book trilogy ruined me. I can't read most modern stuff because it lacks basically any description. I tried reading A Game of Thrones and it was just like reading a play, it's all dialogue, too fast paced, and if the characters aren't in the show I have no reference to go on seeing as GRRM doesn't describe them at all.
try reading something actually good lol
like 100 Years of Solitude
Sad life if you cant enjoy a movie like the hobbit.
> (You)
>Sad life if you cant enjoy a movie like the hobbit.
he was literally telling pippin you dumb fuck
he did this a hundred other times during the LOTR and Hobbit. To people who knew full well where the fuck they were traveling to for a month.
>My eyes darken.
"I'm going to save you!"
>You already did.
>Mmmn, that's a Star Wars reference, Eowyn. Pretty good... right?
>But, ahh... My body is broken, Eowyn.
>Just like Star Wars.
Really, Peter?
you, my friend. my decent hobgoblin. you. are autistic
>driving cross country in Americas
>stop at every state line, pull over, turn car off and read the sign aloud to myself
>start car and drive continue driving ahead
I'm not saying that this was bad, it was obviously done for cinematic effect.
But don't try to fucking pretend it makes sense outside of this one instance.
It sounds to me, user, like reading the books has warped YOUR perception.
Reading the books should have no affect on how good the movies are
And the Haradrim.
i take snapchats of every border i cross and put them on my story and insta. gets hella likes, people like to see what's up
>not a single nigger in sight
middle earth (ever the shitty parts like breen) must smell really nice desu
So was Gandalf, the White Wizard sent to aid the free peoples of Middle Earth.
>ahh... Erebor, the great land of the Wood Elves of Elendil, who are literally right next to me and we've been travelling for ten days to reach this location.
How does this massive citadel exist in the middle of nowhere? Where are the markets, villages, farm fields, etc. What do the citizens eat?
He was an ancient being that had lived for thousands of years. Of course he's gonna be a bit weird. Plus, he likes being grandiose about shit.
Real reason, the audience needs to know. And fuck his voice is awesome.
"The dark fire shall not avail you, Flame of Udun!"
dude just turn ur taxes off lmao
This has made LOTR unwatchable for me. Someone please clear this up so I can finally enjoy this trilogy.
who else here remember watching FOTR in theaters when it came out
me and my friend were literally SHOOK
I dabbed at the end
i was shook when the third ending scene started.
oops wrong movie, I'm retarded
Now you know our secret power. It's how we rule the world.
Same man, same. Fall is also a great Lotr time
lol its not saying the name out loud.
its the sigh of relief.
>Finally there
its natural. every time i go on holiday i basically go
>Aaah finally here at the, outside tourist season, shitty country.
>how the fuck did this trilogy turn out so perfectly?
No niggers...
The movie shows ruins of old cities literally everywhere. Middle of some random ass forest, oh wait here's a statue of an old King for some reason. It is an old Empire fallen but some structures of state still thrive, so the core city still has an income.
Think post-Roman Europe, using the old Roman roads and trade routes, but a bit lackluster
Have you ever seen it, Sup Forums? The White Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?
War time?
Limited mind you have.
>11 hour New Zealand tourism commercial is the most acclaimed film series of all time
Last to first;
Strider, Sam, Boromir, pippin/merrin, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo, Gandalf.
eh.. it was ok, not my thing really.
Now the Prancing Pony, that was a good one. They even had cozy Hobbit sized rooms available even though no Hobbit ever goes beyond the Shire.
Thanks. Didn't mention Bill though.
there are farms all around the fields outside
the films don't really do a good job of showing them, but in the books theres another wall miles out from the bottom of minas tirith that stretches around pelennor fields
if LOTR was filmed today only Gandalf and Gimli would be white
not gandalf, I meant the evil magician, the other one
And the women.
And my axe
Saruman aint evil
just watched them last week too and decided to buy the books pretty excited even though im like semi retarded and can hardly read
is a mistake i consistently make cause i used to think it was merrin and pippin.
ive the same thing with tigers and lions and that shit stems from when i was 5.
>i thought female lions were called tigers.
so some times it pops out for no reason making me look retarded.
The good ideas were from Tolkien.
The shit ideas were from Jackson.
The only reason the movies were not made 40 years earlier was that special effects had to progress to a point that they could be seamlessly integrated with the live action.
Tolkien's innovation in LOTR was to merge myth and legend with the psychological complexity of the modern novel, so both special effects and live action with real actors were necessary.
what did Gollum mean by this
Very little CGI
I do enjoy my annual rewatches around christmas time but the three hour long scene on progressive and regressive taxes in Rohan is starting to become a bit of a drag, especially as it comes right after sarumans income after tax vs cost of living argument with the urak hai. I think it would've been better suited towards the scene where gandalf talks about Hobbiton being a tax haven.
The films are unironically better than the books. The prose is beautiful and the worldbuilding is world-class, but that's all you can say for them.
i thought tolkien just wanted it to be left to the imagination of the reader?
Unexpected Journey and Desolation of Smaug until Legolas shows up is decent.
I think the existence of a Hobbit trilogy can mostly be blamed on executive hubris, Jackson was shoehorned in at the last minute.