If theres anything i learned on this diseased messageboard, you can spot em instantly

if theres anything i learned on this diseased messageboard, you can spot em instantly


Well, you at least deserve a reply for those digies

Good taste in headphones at least

ATH M150 are GOAT listening devices

>tfw look like this guy but with no beard and wire-rim glasses
>don't dress much like him though

>tfw not allowed to exist because Sup Forums would call me a "cuck"


>san francisco
In other news the sky is blue

I agree

>Bay Area Rapid Transit
>Bay Area

Of course its a cuck!

It's another neckbeards call people who dress nicely "cucks" episode

I'm not even from here either , Texas native reporting in, this is some shit you'd see in Austin, fuck Austin

Do I look like a nu-male?

I'm pretty sure even SA or Corpus is more conservative than Austin

There's literally nothing wrong with this guy's appearance. It's the posture, the glasses, the beard - the general presentation that says he's a cuck.

Even if you are a shrimpy manlet you can be accepted by other men if you demonstrate core virtues.

I wear a suit to work fgt. While you work as a "barista" at starbucks


you look like you spend a majority of your life inside a server room

>There's literally nothing wrong with this guy's appearance.
>>It's [the appearance] that says he's a cuck


Part of me suspects this whole "label everyone I can a cuck out of my own sexual insecurity" thing is just a continuation of a ploy originally started to make anons increasingly anxious and insecure.

However, I think it's a hilarious conspiracy so I applaud the effort. Don't worry about diluting the word into meaninglessness just keep calling everyone cucks, cuck.

>gif unrelated, similar to how much this thread has to do with politics

Isn't that Seth Rogan?

You look like a serial killer

Seth Rogan is about 100lbs fatter

lol you can see the butthurt showing through your post

its so fucking obviously this faggot was tired of not getting laid so he went on /r/malefasionadvice and decided to start dressing like everyone else

he even grew out a nice little cum catcher beard, so cute



literally everything is wrong with it

op is 100% right, if you dress like this dude stop immediately

>needing nice headphones to listen to lectures
Anything buy piano and classical is degenerate besides learning.

>he has a beard
>he has glasses
>he's leaning back in a chair (that has an angled back)
>all this means h'e's cuck

Like I said, just keep burying that meaning lel.

>inb4 cuck

Don't you mean ctr?

You know why I know he's a cuck?
It's not because of the beard, glasses, general numale look.
He's covering his belly with his backpack.
The belly is the most vulnerable of all animals except turtles.
This is a sign of general fear of the environment and general beta tier behavior.

Are these "nu-male glasses"?

sup bay bro

wanna meet up

Obviously not a long-time rider on a diverse train what a racist.

For rural Sup Forumslacks the reason you don't do what he is doing is because he is near an exit, maintaining a poor grip on his valuable smartphone.

khakis and a long sleeve button up shirt? He looks like ~90% of office workers (but I guess they're all cucks too or something).

Did I accidentally stumble into a "NEETs rage against the employed" thread again?

No. In fact they are the exact opposite.


>He's covering his belly with his backpack.
>The belly is the most vulnerable of all animals except turtles.
>This is a sign of general fear of the environment and general beta tier behavior.
Something I learned about people who have PTSD/hypervigilance is that they sit with their back against the wall for the same reason

so are people with PTSD or who maintain situational awareness "beta cucks"?

M50X are shit at best

>not wanting to listen to extremely high-fidelity classical/piano music

found the pleb

>le trendy casual office look

hahahahaha fucking kill yourself holy shit

put a suit on

fucking god damn seriously just stop posting cuckboy

How does Sup Forums dress?

I'm usually wearing
Button up shirt (not dress shirt)
Hiking boots or tennis shoes (feet are too big to easily find anything else)
Half frame glasses (if no contacts)

I feel like most of Sup Forums dresses like autists or Nu-makes.


Well, no shit. Once you get to MacArthur station, all the hipster cucks in Oakland get on to dick around when you hit Montgomery. They're the epitome of never working and wasting tax dollars on safe spaces while lugging in a fixie bike onto the train.

I took the gnostic pill so I pretty much always leave the house as if I'm going to the gym considering this life is a simulation and meme magic literally proves it at this point so nothing matters anymore

>white shirt
>track pants/gym shorts
>hoodie if it's cold
>boots (with jeans) if I'm gonna see sluts, otherwise usually nike plimsoll sneakers

>not listening to a real piano
found the pleb

>triggered by someone not wearing a suit

lel, neck yourself fashion stasi.

You look like a fellow white man

Oh right I'm sorry. Scum (minorities) never swipe phones held in a faggy manner by an exit when the doors are about to close.

>wearing shitty walmart jeans

Nobody gives a shit about the brand as long as they fit/look good on you. I've been wearing the same pair of jeans from kohl's for the past 5 years

No. The proper way to wear glasses is to have a pair that frame your face, usually your eye socket height, but at the same time not really look like you're even wearing any at all. Nu-males deliberately try to look like an artist.

fucking homo, who sits like that?
a faggot nigger, that's who

Levi's always wear out on me within a year.

Are round lens glasses Nu-male? They're the only ones I've found I look good in. Multiple people told me I look like aryan Harry Potter...

You look like a generic normie NPC. You're just there.

Butthurt cuck detected. Stop posting here and go take your wife's lover's black son to the park.

I dress Calvin Klein Ralph Lauren Polo from the thrift store, black leather generic vans and a casual jacket. No glasses because I'm not a subhuman.

See which glasses are right for your face shape

Hate to break it to you, but Gnosticism is very false. If this life is simply a simulation, then it has no meaning, so whatever power you achieve through gnosticism, you have actually achieved nothing. There's a reason early christians stomped it out. It's the the best case scenario nihilism, and it's still suicide. Plus, it's very easy to get lost inside your head, and there are many dangers.

I dont even where a suit, I dress casual

but we both know there is a difference between OPs image and normal casual dress, I assume you dress like OP's image and now are probably triggered because you have been outed as a cuck

yeah but wranglers don't look good. they look cheap and low class

You look like Mossad.

I don't buy into the whole "oh btw you can be your own god if you try this magick" aspect of gnosticism

I just believe that this life is a simulation

Some /fa/ggots say the same about nautica jeans. Still don't have any problems getting laid in them

no fuck this get wireframe glasses
they don't make you look hip, they dont make you look cool, they make you look like a cold killer


Why would you spend a lot of money on jeans. Wouldn't you be constant worried about getting grease and paint on them? Or getting torn on a nail or briar?


He has a wedding ring on. He probably has infinitely more children than you do and is doing more for the white race than your shitposting on a japanese image board. Kill yourself.

Cats like him probably couldn't tell the difference between gear oil and motor oil


Black Communist revolutionary.

Those sacred 7's tell the truth.

You can spot a numale from a mile away.

Hmmm. Thanks for posting that picture, OP. You made me realize something.

Maybe it's wrong for us to judge people by their outward appearance (e.g. skin color, sexual organs). It can be really hurtful to the people marginalized by these sorts of judgments.

I've always considered myself "one of the good guys", so I'm going to avoid pre-judging people (or groups of people) to avoid hurting others.

No. I can't really explain why, but you don't.

Not just the nicely dressed ones

where is your head wrap, akbar?

>tfw I would look like a cuck if I dressed and acted like a cuck

Well, you don't.

Wire frame glasses? Is it still 2006 where you are? Look, I hate the numale thick rimmed glasses as much as you do. I fell for the trend myself and am still wearing them until I figure out what to do next. Point being, we need a new style, something appropriately masculine, that isn't overtly fashionable, yet doesn't look like we don't care about our appearance at all. Wear your wire frames all you want, it just looks like you either don't give a single thought to your appearance, or don't have money to buy new frames.

Admittedly a "don't give a fuck" attitude can send a message in its own right, but that seems like some commie shit to me. No coincidence that the SS had beautiful aesthetic uniforms while the Soviets looked like utter shit

I always wonder about the mental stability of someone who takes stealth pictures of people minding their own business.

Thanks for the cake. U wan sum fuk?

Wait a minute, isnt that the girl that is associated with Haiti and with Hillary?

I always wonder about the mental stability of someone who judges other peoples mental stability based on their posts to Hungarian pottery forums.

I'll stick with my round wire frames until I inherit my great grandpa's glasses from my dad.

How dare you, leaf. She's a good Christian girl, wears a crucifix around her neck and everything.

Nice digits but I'm pretty sure the "new masculine style" for guys like us who have vision problems (and want to distance ourselves from the left) is just wearing contacts or getting the laser surgery

masculine facial bone structure prevents you from looking like one

I've always wondered about the mental stability of namefags on imageboards who wonder the mental stability of an user who wonders about the mental stability of people who take pictures of people that they wonder the mental stability of.

>mexican intellectuals trying again

Nah, I'm still in uni and they don't really give a fuck about dress codes where I work (as long as you're wearing something). But since we're reading into things and making up shit:

I imagine you feel somehow threatened by this random fuck's take on "business casual" and derive satisfaction by spamming "cuck" at him and everyone who disagrees with you on an indonesian basketweaving board. It's adorable.

Also I can't wait to see "wear" this goes lel.

Only cucks get triggered by usage of the word "cuck".

>derive satisfaction by spamming "cuck" at him and everyone who disagrees with you

damn thats a really cute scenario you just made up in your head

Contact lenses do seem like the move. Laser surgery, I must admit I'm skeptical about kikes shooting lasers into my eyes. So contacts or round frame glasses desu. Or, we go full 80s future fash aesthetic and get a pair of these

>those fucking toes

>implying criticism is only a result of being triggered

This makes as much sense as saying "only cucks get triggered by people complaining about the usage of cuck"

Are you triggered yet, cuck?

>But since we're reading into things and making up shit:

Wow, it's like we're back at square one. Congrats.

My correction is only -.75 and -1.00 so I'm optimistic about the laser surgery. I have a HS friend who got it done and he said it's the best decision he's ever made

>spend all day hard at work
>finally get on train to go home, public transport saves money for wife and family
>lean back and put some tunes on to unwind, hold bag in lap so some nigger doesn't grab it and run off
>shitpost on phone to pass the time
>some insecure faggot kid takes a picture of you so he can receive validation from a bunch of strangers online

Missing something, cuckboi?

>Wow, it's like we're back at square one. Congrats.

its like poetry

If he lives in SF...

How do you know that his wedding band means he's in a hetero marriage?

I think it's more the combination of the shitty haircut, numale glasses, and gross beard.

Plus khakis are pretty shit tier. I don't even own a pair of khakis. Lazy man's dress.

I have a beard to hide my retracted chin actually

your whiney bitch ass post makes you a cuck, cuck.

That's a better assessment, imo.

Are you going to whine about the numale in OP's pic not wearing a suit (even though you don't yourself) in iambic pentameter now?

His headphones aren't even connected.
>inb4 wireless
They're wired headphones.
>muh bass


I got laser surgery 2 years ago. It was 5000 dollars and insurance doesn't cover it, although that might be changing, not sure. It's very safe. I was sedated, felt a little pain, some nurses had to hold me down but it was very quick, a couple minutes. That, or I fainted, I can't really remember. Anyway you can't see for a couple days so you need someone to take care of you. But after the ordeal, I haven't had to worry about glasses at all, and I won't need to until I'm 40, that's when most people start developing cataracts, and almost everyone does. If you live in jew york and end up paying a shit ton for frames or checkups anyway, surgery is the way to go. So much relief, don't have to worry about damage glasses or scratching shit and I don't have to clean a lens all the time from smudges. Let the jew doctor work his laser magic my man.

dem tities. 10/10