Is your country pro-Trump or pro-Hillary?
70% retardation here
Other urls found in this thread:
>scrolls down, studying results
>Sweden is the first blue
thanks internet stranger
>57% Trump
yeah if your up grade is to and idiot a whore and a a woman that has daddy issues cause he had sex with her
>muh English
Stupid nigger!!!
Wait, I thought Trump was going to tarnish our reputation around the world.
Did the media lie?
>Canada is 54% Trump
look at the past 24 hours
Canada is 1% more Trump than USA
nope white raised in a republican state there education system at work
He was the least-worst choice of the 3 who stood a chance.
I didn't vote for him though.
75% Trump
I feel hope in this country desu
This thread was posted here dozens of times. we rigged the poll. we're no better than Clinton in an election.
Hillary confirmed for chinese plant
Shameful cuck.
because only so much of your cucked culture rubs off on us
You just answered your own question
I mean, she is the biggest shill. As we've seen from Hollywood, China is the Mecca of shills. She is a Chinese plant by her very nature.
Nice. Good job BRs.
>Trump: 63%
Why are we so based?
>it's everyone else's fault I didn't pay attention in school
Stupid nigger.
I think my favorite pornstar is from Uruguay. And you like Trump
So now I like Uruguay.
Russia hahahah fucking hell
61% pro Killary, I was expecting it to be worse given that leftists are more technologically literate than the rest.
There's a last 24h vote tracker. And it's many countries. There's not enough of you guys to rig it this much.
Keep digging that hole faggot.
>only 53% for Trump here
>Chinks and Italian cucks vote Clinton
Anyone else not surprised by Sweden?
haha i was on the ab honer roll
>implying hues that have been voting literal ex gommie guerrillas for 15 years straight would suddenly vote for trump
This probably just sampled Brazilian memesters and didn't include the millions of socialist indoctrinated masses.
69% trump
They didn't sample shit.
Your president is also a former communist guerrillero. I seriously doubt the poll is representative.
Wtf the Donald said he would deport Mexicans. Why does Latin america like him so much?
He wants to deport your people. Don't you feel bad?
Just fuck my shit senpai
69% trump
>thinking other latinos sympathize with mexicos
Go to any /lat/ thread, chicanos are the scum of Latin America.
I think this poll is a gay ass power trip for the US.
>a world wide map for other countrys to reflect an opinion on OUR election.
Seriously. How the fuck did we get to this.
The US has gone too far.
I laughed at this, myself.
because they know he is blowing smoke up republicans ass and will never do it
It's made in the Netherlands and it really doesn't mean jackshit.
>70% retardation here
You mean 70% of them would vote?
My country is full blown hillary :/
Latino here. My family and I had to wait in line to immigrate LEGALLY. so it's not fair that Mexicans and Central Americans can come here illegally.
Mexicans are great people, but the illegal ones have to go.
The United States has always had a population of Spanish speaking people who became citizens once their states or territories they lived in became part of the Union. Latin Americans who have lived in the United States since it's inception, and who have been granted citizenship legally, or who are 2nd or 3rd generation citizens... literally give ZERO shits about mexifags trying to jog across the border
everyone hates illegals
haha knowing the way the system works if he did do it your group would be the first to go cause you are easier to find
most latinos are very xenophobic, believe it or not.
64% Clinton, lost all hope.
Latin American countries are xenophobic.
t. Native Dominican
>nope white raised in a republican state there education system at work
>republican state there education system at work
> there education system
It was like 70+% a few days ago.
>Costa Rica
>59% Red
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
>in a public school (I presume)
>not making straight A's
You really are a dumb fucking nigger
You're fucking retarded.
Holy shit Serbia yes!
I thought it would be like 98% Hillary
Still, I'm fucking disgusted.
they know Trump is going to take back manufactories from China
Costa Ricans hate:
* Nicaraguans
* Salvadorians
* Guatemalans
* Hondurans
* Most Colombians
* Mexicans, most of the time
* Haitians
* Immigrants that are a burden to society
* Costa Ricans that are direct descendants of any of the above and haven't integrated
We don't feel bad if they get deported.
What's more, we would like to deport them too from our country.
and your fucking dumb ass must not be able to read i already said i am white and at least i am smarter than you cause i am not voting for someone that will fuck me over as president
These are not accurate at all, but give relativistic indicators
Only 63% for Clinton, thought for sure it would be more.
Nah, we hate illegal Mexicans and sudacas alike
Canada more red... WTF
I think we've learned our lessons with Dilma. Bolsonaro wil be our next president
Wtf is this shit. Behind trump is the american flag. Not even trying to hide this world order shit
56% uncucked
>Trump: 57%
As i expected, same with argentina. We have experience about putting corrupt women in charge. It doesnt work. Follow our advice.
Chicanos are the worst.
that went in a pretty unexpected direction
LOL All those European and South American countries support Trump because they know that he gets elected the USA are going down the drain. Here in Mexico we want Clinton because Trump is gonna destroy our already fucked up economy if he gets elected. It doesn't have anything to do with the immigrant shit at all...
Chile has a republican soul. fuck you democrashits!
>El ChapulĂn Colorado is dead
>61% pro Killary, I was expecting it to be worse given that leftists are more technologically literate than the rest.
>leftists are more technologically literate than the rest.
>leftist more literate
KEK nice meme my mediterranean maaster race friend.
>sweden for Shillary
weeeew m8
>93% Trump
Oy vey
>the hair runs away