/who/ - Doctor Who General

Twissy General

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Doctor Who is dead.

Romantic interpretations of 12 and Missy's relationship are pleb tier. Change my mind.

this thread betteer be good.

It won't be. What are you going to do about it?

I ship it because what the hell.

Funny way of spelling canon.

Which ep was he in?

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

Next thread better be a 13/Yasmin Thread.

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Is anyone actually doing this? I'd love to but don't really have the time.

Pretend you have an opinion you don't actually have. I'll start:

The show lost all its emotional intelligence under Moffat. There is nothing in his era for normal people to relate to, this is why UK viewers deserted the show in droves and why Chibnall is the perfect person to bring them back. Doctor Who is only popular if it provides people with an emotional thrill ride, audiences back in the classic days might have settled for a half baked monster of the week plot and some quips but modern audiences expect more. With some good old-fashioned down-to-earth working class companions and a sense of family drama, the show will finally be back to how it ought to be.

Yes. The last one was rather successful and quite large.

What's their ship name?

I was planning to, and even planned out a story, but I have so much work to do, so I think it can wait til Shit Trips 3.

By the way, when should I expect shit trips 3? I'm fairly new here

People have already sent in some submissions, user.

Who in Loo

I really like NuWho. I'll fuck off back to gallifreybase or planet Mondays now

Thasmin, according to tumblr. Similar logic to 'Twissy'. I think tumblr decides every ship name

Moffat has created a great standard of quality for the show

underrated post

Has anyone made an edit of Capaldo's S8 outfit to look like pic related?

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I loved the Series 10 finale so much, and how it handled the Master, that I unironically wouldn't mind if this was the end of the character.

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Part of me is hoping Chibnall does something to get shit from the tumblr crowd just so we can see someone other than Moffat getting it for once. The idea of him forcing a heterosexual relationship between Yasmin and Ryan is pretty entertaining, for example.

Found this on the Twissy tag.

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I suspect Shit Trips 3 will start after 13's series is finished airing. I look forward to the inevitable Thirteen stories in ST3's anthology.

And remember, a short little fic in ST2.5 would be fine, user.

Same. I hope any other Masters past this are more heroic, or not quite so evil.

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>yfw the Master's daughter shows up soon
Kind of wish Moff hadn't opened up that little lorehole.

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If the master had a daughter i'm pretty sure he would've killed it already

Crying crackles and mussels
Me malone

>the Master's daughter
I must have missed that bit. Was it in the finale?

I completely forgot about that. Maybe the Master lies.

Explain yourself

It was a throwaway line in The Witch's Familiar. Missy pulls out the dark star alloy pin to shank the Dalek, and says "the Doctor gave it to me when my daughter--" then she conveniently cuts off.

Ah. I missed that one then.

Maybe leave the ending of TDF as the Master's final ending, but have the Master's daughter stir up shit in the future. A different character entirely, but the daughter would never know her parent had chosen to 'stand with' the doctor in the end

what's the 10x10 shipname?

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It would be an easy route for the next showrunner who wants to bring in a Master-esque recurring character without actually undoing Missy's death too early, though.

Yeah this.

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>yfw they just traced pic related

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Do you call it chromakey or colour separation overlay (CSO)?

>Master's Daughter

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CSO if it's Classic Who, just for authenticity.

>wikipedia says CSO is a term used primarily only by the BBC
why don't the BBC call it chroma keying? It's the proper term, and the most useful since there are other types of keying as well

I've always known it as CSO because that's what it was always called in DWM.

hue cutout

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When will Mr Brightside be played in a Doctor Who episode?

The day it leaves the british charts. 2063, the 100th anniversary special

i-it's still in the british charts?

Been missing the ninth doctor lately, since those memes about Eccleston returning in Series 11 (pic related).
Are there any good Ninth Doctor comics? I've heard Titan have made some for that doctor

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If you've ever been out clubbing in the UK there is a good chance they played it at some point.

since 2004.
Source: thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/3613568/the-killers-mr-brightside-uk-singles-chart-14-years/

(I know the sun is a shit source, but it was right there on google. It's a fun fact I always think of when I hear that song)

The Cruel Sea is an old one by Rob Shearman, it's great.

>Are there any good Ninth Doctor comics

I'm not sure The Cruel Sea is good per se, but it is infamous.

Never. I hate that fucking song.

C u c k


I'll definitely give that a chance. I'm gonna watch Aliens of London and World War 3 rn. I haven't seen them in years, put off by the fart jokes, but I wanna watch an story where I don't remember the whole plot

Get fucking cancer.

Don't respond to Judy

I'll respond to whomever I fucking well please, you cunt.

>Which ep was he in?
Thin Ice

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Which comic is this?

it's fan art created by Rachael Stott, who is an artist for Titan Comics

When will Mr Blue Sky be played in a Doctor Who episode?

>officially licensed comic artists drawing porn of characters they use
Completely unheard of!

That episode never happened.

have there been other instances?

Bruce Timm of Batman: The Animated Series drew porn of The Joker and Harley.

Georgie baker is Irish kek kek

With any artist, there's a good chance they've drawn porn of their characters. I think many of the Disney artists did, as did some Cartoon Network artists, as well as anime and manga artists.

"hey /who/ does he know?"

So I hadn't seen Aliens of London since 2005, and I got in to classic who after that. I'm only just now realising there's a bit of a reference to the TV movie. In the morgue there's a banging sound similar to in the Telemovie.

Bruce Timm and Dick Sprang are the most infamous examples off the top of my head.

>Dick Sprang

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>The Master's daughter
>Regenerates the next time we see her into a man

Sounds like something Moffat would do for shits n giggles. Doubt we're gonna have the same Moffat-era humour under Chibnall but oh well. I feel like Moffat would name The Master's daughter Dom since it works for men and women and would be short for Dominatrix without actually being short for Dominatrix. How do I miss the Moffat-era so much already goddamn

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who are you quoting?

Completely forgot Andrew Marr was in Aliens of London / World War 3. Holy shit

Also Jackie Tyler is a very underrated character. I love her.

I liked her and Mickey more than Rose and the Dr.

I can't believe I'm saying this...

But I miss clala...

I remember thinking Boom Tow was pretty great, so this is surprising

That's not surprising. Clara was a cute companion with a good dynamic with Twelfth Doctor.

Do you think you'd like the Dr if you met him/her in real life? Tbh I don't think I would.

I miss Capaldi

jackie was an essential part of RTD who being comfy
why did she miss out on coming back in S4?

I miss Jenna

>why did she miss out on coming back in S4?
What do you mean? She was in the finale.

>BBC employee
Black Box [rec] [deployed]
Two fat ladies and a goat
This is a Black Box [rec] [deployed]
[pic inc]

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There's going to be a third series of Victoria. Forget Dr Who, Victoria is the true Jenna kino.

>google image search "robot cat"
>first page
Nice to see the effort 451 goes to

Am i the only that thinks 451 is just Judy being creepy again?

That doesn't even make sense. K9 is a play on canine. What the fuck is Kat9 supposed to mean?

Judy is not intellectually capable of executing something like 451 across multiple boards over a period of years. Judy is actually less literate in English than 451. 451 could only ever be the product of a truly insane mind.
You will understand this if you actually catch up on 451 lore.

Is the user that keeps calling 451 an insane genius also 451?

I genuinely believe 451 is schizophrenic