What would happen if all non-whites permanently vanished from earth?
What would happen if all non-whites permanently vanished from earth?
Brown people, just happens to fucking shit. You know, a few of you about the rigging and set on fire.
Please do some of your faces her husbands. White men will have to speak pantshitter talk from day one.
Complete end of western civilisation as we know it china would continue, take over america enslave niggers or kill them
Muslims and Asians the two most organised demographics after whites and Jews, who also dislike the jews, would convince Blacks and Hispanics that they might be next, now that whitey is gone.
They'd point out how jews perpetuated "anti-white" sentiments, and now the whites are gone.
They'd point out Jewish roles in slavery and racism. Jews owned most of the slave ships, for example.
Each race might think "we're next".
In short, the only thing stopping the world uniting and killing all the Jews, is white people.
And Jewish people don't realise that yet.
But if they succeed in their white genocide, they'll realise too late.
Blackzis will be a thing, and they'll do sumfin for once.
Paradise :^)
Re read the fucking thread
Most likely the Chinese would take up the fight against International Jewry. Once America burns up into flames after being entirely brown, the niggers and spics will try to leach off of the Chinese.
Maybe a month or two of everyone going "where the fuck did everyone go"
and then the world is launched into a new golden age as we realize we didnt need them in the first place
What is it in non-white that you do not understand, 60%?
Marion needs to get blacked 2bh
Her politics is just an overly elaborate way of begging for the BBC
manufacturing and resource extraction would take a huge hit, but after that temporary slump things would generally be an improvement
This. A new golden age emerges.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys, dont you even read
Whites continue to suck the globalist cock because all the (((international bankers))) are ethnically white.
You were the problem all along.
working at the hospital would get suddenly more boring
Alien life will finally make first contact and invite us into the galactic federation of planetary life.
We become a level 7 civilization.
>mfw we are gifted the knowledge of FTL travel by super cool aliens and can finally understand the mysteries of consciousness and a greater understanding of quantum physics
The Chinese won't allow Israel to be as strong. They will fight the zionists.
Hispanics take over North America
Arabs take over north africa, middle east, Europe
Asia is taken over mostly by asians
Africa is still in the hand of africans.
A world war would start.
>african dindus would chimp out and kill each other in Africa
>Muslims would fight the chinks.
>>Not sure if they would ally the mexicans or not.
>world peace
>cured Aids
>cured Ebola
>no more rape
>international Iq would be raised.
We'd fine someone else to be the niggers.
You can't win that way. That's the fucked up part about racism. It's real, but exterminating those you don't get along with is never a permanent solution. The world requires niggers, so that others can learn by their example. This became clear to me when even black people started saying "don't be a nigger about it," while simultaneously wiggers began embracing their culture.
What you ideally want is a community partially walled off from the rest of the world, but not so far that it becomes xenophobia. So they can look at all the degenerate zombies outside the gate, and say "See? This is why you don't do what they do. Is this what you want to become?" You can exterminate all the black people in the world, but there's always going to be niggers.
Skin color doesn't actually have much to do with that.
Marion and all other non white brown eyed people would be gone, the world would be better for it
China would allow the diversity zones to starve to death as chaos ensues once the power grids go down. Followed by most EZ-mode WWIII ever, followed by global Chinese rule.
Kek, at this point I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forumstards are school dropouts because they didn't read correctly the questions during their exam.
They can't even tell friend from foe anymore. Sad.
Whoops I'm retarded. Read question in the opposite.
Id go start a colony in Saudi Arabia or some shit
would be fun
Wollah, wa ga je eraan doen eh.
A lot of my friends would die
I think you misunderstood the premise of the thread...
It would be extremely painful.
for you
Youre a big island
>A turd dick going into that beauty
Kill yourself betafag
Someone would have to kill billions of people, msximum a war killed was a couple million.
If youre strong go abead and try conquest.
For you.
lmao a canadian calls someone beta
white women would die from sexual dissatisfaction
Don't make me get the spray.
Nice trips brother
Why do you come here? Roach.
You huffed the whole can anyway so I'm not scared
Whites would just fight among themselves like they did before and still do.
To feel better about myself by looking at canadians
Peace + Love
Three months of a massive outcry of sorrow from the MSM and social media.
Then after that, with cities like Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore becoming great again, everyone will realize that it was actually a good thing.
it's just bants, bro!
dude we would have SO many wars, liberals are fine with wars against white countries
That's it here comes the shoe.
I've fucked my way through what feels like half this shitty country
kys cumskin, your civilization is our bitch now
It would be a lot better because then I'd no longer be here.
I'll wait until you can afford em abbo
>it's just a prank, bro!
The Kingdom of God would be manifest. Or it would be just like now, but with no shitskins.
No more Russians
No more le pen(she's a Jew)
No more Hollywood kikes
Aka heaven
I'l steal them
Scramble for all that new territory.
The USA can finally just annex everything south of the Rio Grande putting and end to all the "America is a continent not a country" bitching.
Everywhere has stupid people brother Ukraine
Usa couldnt conquer farmers in vietnam, no clue how anyone thinks they can conquer the world.
She's a Jew
Non-whites fucking non-whites is just disgusting
well good luck finding me in the desert *scuttles away*
Do shitskins actually say this or is this always someone just trying to be le epic troll man?
You know what, it's kind of a fitting name.
Cum can at least create something you subhuman.
>Usa couldnt conquer chinks in vietnam
Ftfy filthy pinko
Everyone on this board would themselves because they'd become the lowest tier of human being.
niggers would have to settle for asian pussy
why are aussie shitposters so creative and funny and calm while canadian ones are insecure and defensive and lame?
The welfare money would get squandered on something else; nothing would change.
See: Haiti
White people would still find a way to cuck themselves into extinction.
This is the curse.
The OP asked what happened if whites vanished from the earth. I gave OP my answer.
earth would be called heaven
and it would be a perfect place
>muh creativity
whatever you create we'll just take you dumb white fuckboy
Timestamp your dirty skin right fucking now you fag.
We'd wish ... for a coke.
(Boondock Saints reference there.)
Africans would be wiped out by the Chinese, and Arabs would settle into Europe
Most of the western economy would collapse after the sudden disappearance of east-asian child labor
t. nerd virgin
>implying it wont happen eventually like in Elysium where all the white people live on a space station and the only ones still on earth kill P.O.C. as their jobs
>She's a Jew
>All these retards who can't read
Most of Sup Forums is 13
When Hitler exiled jews from power in Germany in 1933, in 3 years the unemployment rate went from 33% to 0.35%. This is the lowest unemployment number ever achieved in human history.
And the greatest level of society created.
They are doing it on purpose. That or they are subliminal cucks.
The end of anime.
How you not? I understand it. Browns will found it, and shot on sight. The whites will the song eventually.
Indeed, their economic system was absolute genius.
t. financial economics major here
How do we know that isn't nazi propaganda?
they'd force low-T whites like you out of your basements so you do all the menial jobs for people that score over 7 in the beauty scale
Because it's documented by ally historians as well.
We would still have the Jews and sjws
All humans need to be cleansed from the earth. Give it back to the animals
There are plenty of outside sources that visited Nazi Germany in it's height and were marveled with their achievements.
The whites would nuke each other over control of the vast resources that would be for the taking.
Correct. Skin color has nothing to do with it. The brain has something to do with it.
My god the racism on this board is off limits.
Try living a day without Indians
>Sup Forums in charge of reading
Not surprising this board falls for every LARP 2bh
Yeah, because they borrowed heavily to rearm, creating millions of industrial jobs, and the rest of the guys went into the army.
The trouble was this resulted in a huge standing army and an economy propped up by industry that produced weapons. Great for solving unemployment but not great for producing consumer goods that can be sold for profit.
The net result? They painted themselves into a corner. They faced national bankruptcy, the return of massive hyperinflation and social unrest. Soldiers are not going to stay in the army and do nothing if they are not getting paid and their families are starving.
You cant export massive amount of weapons and munitions if there are no major wars going on. The Spanish civil war kept them going for a bit longer but even then the writing was on the wall for the inevitable total economic failure of Hitler's rule.
So they did the only thing they could. They exported war.