>Mac wants the flamethrower
Also The Thing thread, or better yet, The Best Movie made thread.
>Mac wants the flamethrower
Also The Thing thread, or better yet, The Best Movie made thread.
Best 3/4s of a movie. The end is dogshit.
>Mac wants the what?!
The flamethrower, jesus christ dude I said it once.
What the hell happened to Fuchs? If he actually killed himself, why would he burn himself to death? That would be painful as fuck.
It's a movie that's only really interesting for the craft
It doesn't hold up well at all and the characters are all but nonexistant
Like most of Carpenter's shit it's supremely overrated, but pretty okay, but not exactly some sort of masterpiece
Pseuds and fanboys will deny it
I disagree, the concept of the Thing is frightening because it negates what makes humans strong : trusting each other
But there have been literally a thousand other movies about distrusting your comrades
yeah but only one of them had the best practical effects in history, using egg yolk, some plastic, and glaze.
I wouldn't go that far. The ending is pretty good, it's just that the entire movie preceding it is great.
It's hard to wrap up a horror movie, I commend any of em that can do it without completely shitting the bed.
he didn't want to turn into a thing
Yea, but they had shotguns and a revolver. Why not just shoot yourself?
the thing with the things ending is that Childs is the Thing.
>No Breath
>Drinks Moltov
Its so subtle that no one noticed until a decade+ later.
because you would still turn into a thing
Who was cooler though, Mac or Plissken?
Don't try to derail the thread.
I'm not, I just watched EFNY and was wondering what the consensus was.
the genital consensus?
Oh fuck, that's right. Would the imitation process work without a functioning brain or does it go straight to monster-thing?
Thing cant work without a brain. In the movie at least. It needs the head at the least. In the """"""""""canon""""""" game, it can produce offspring from whatever, but the movie it absolutely needs a brain.
I think what it meant in the game at least was that a brain was needed for a human immitation to recall memories.
Otherwise like what happens in the scene with the blood, every seperate part of the thing is alive on its own.
you're killing me with the reddit spacing
That's what I remember from the game, your lil squadmates would freak out and shoot themselves and in the demo they were immortal, so they get stuck playing that animation over and over again, splattering the wall each time.
Carpenter himself btfo you retards
Nah, the what if ending is one of my favorite parts about it. Unless you're referring to the end effect of the combined looks of the Thing. Sure, that's aged, but who cares.
There is no what if ending. You are treating a famous fan theory like it was the author's intent. Classic Reddit behaviour.
What are you talking about? I'm saying in regards to the film, it ends on a cliffhanger. I'm not discussing the book.
Fans of The Thing are some of the most autistic ones I've ever met. It's great
Also, why is this board the only one that's working?
the script tied it all up in the end
the movie left it open because Carpenter is a genius
Some /r9k/ and Sup Forums crossboarder killed himself in a livestream so now Sup Forums, Sup Forums and the afformentioned boards are frozen.
I think it's some legal shit Hiro's tangled up in.
Why Sup Forums though? What the hell do video games have to do with that?
People. When a "thing" takes you over the thing has all the memories of the person it takes over and that includes the memories what things taste like. If Childs was a thing and that was gasoline he would have immediately spit it out. This is all explained in the movie as well as the book.
No idea.
He should have taken the opportunity to freeze Sup Forums if he was concerned about the large boards.
Right. Sup Forums I can understand because it's likely being spammed over there, and same for Sup Forums. Just makes no sense for Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Did they egg him on or was he going to do it anyway? Seems unfair to freeze and punish everyone if he was going to do it anyway.
He was already dead by the time the vid leaked, happened in some discord group.
it would probably just eat your corpse and use it for more dog heads/tentacles
The thing probally could function and grow from a small piece, but it would take much longer to grow. and without the individuals mind it would be more of a blank disk in need of some sort of input. It would litterally be useless as a decoy to fool the others. Like you said it's more or less spare parts at that point.
No, you're wrong. It's literally a plot point how each individual cell has intelligence. There's also the spider head, the corpse that nabs whatshisname in the storeroom. Also to have the eating behaviors the thing has to have an underlying intelligence not just be based on imitating its host intelligence.
>implying I'm supposed to know what you mean by that response
This is true, but this is alien inteligence not human inteligence. What I shold have stated in my earlier post is that the blank vessel of the man is not truly blank as he does contain a brain but it would only contain the memories of the alien since without the intact human brain to absorb and copy from there can be no true human copy. The brain contains everything that makes you you. The way you talk, the way you walk, your personality, Foods you like and don;t like. Without that It can only guess and guess badly at that. And the Thing doesn't deal in such guesses.
It also has memory of other things it has absorbed, it wouldn't just be a blank slate, it would use one of its other forms because it has an underlying cellular intelligence.
I actually watched The Thing for the first time recently and thought it would be cool if they did a movie from the Norwegian POV.
Lo and behold, I looked it up and they actually made one. I thought it was supposed to be a remake or reboot.
Is it any good?
The Thing (2011). It's okay. Nowhere near as good as the 82 film, but it isn't bad either. It uses CGI instead of practical effects, so Sup Forums thinks it's the worst thing ever. Story and stuff is still coo though
pretty bad
>muh no breath
Well, he didn't post so good.
I already fixed my post
for you
You can clearly see his breath though.
This is also true, but still it would not have the memories the one person it's trying to absorb. For instance we don't want Windows walking around as the doc do we. That wouldn't really fool anyone now would it. The whole point of everyone preparing there own meals was not to keep the human cells out of the aliens food but to keep the alien cells out of the humans food. It only takes that one alien cell to enter your body and then anytime at it's leasure it can take you over.