Why'd they cast a flat-cheated stick insect as Lara Croft?
Why'd they cast a flat-cheated stick insect as Lara Croft?
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Because that's what athletes look like
Just got home from this. I loved it. True enough to the original game with some concessions. Lots of fan service
>Why'd they cast a flat-cheated stick insect as Lara Croft?
Because virgins don't go to the movies
(((they))). you just answered your own question
Why do Jews hate women with large breasts?
Attractive women trigger fat feminists. Also to thwart the male gaze cuz fuck men.
Why does she look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome?
Literally worse than cosplay.
Because big jugs were never what Lara was about and thank god they're moving away from that. It's about a sheltered, overconfident heiress with a self-destructive passion for archaeology and a disdain for friendship and her competition. Instead, they muddied her motivations and made her a survivalist which brushes away the palace intrigue of her wealth.
They don't want the goyum to become aroused or else they may try to reproduce
Go back to Sup Forums you misogynist creep.
she's a jew
This is Sup Forums jr. tho.
Because it's sexist for women to be attractive or something.
>Why do Jews hate women with large breasts?
Self hatred? Ashkenazim Jews typically got big titty genetics. Womanlets with big titties.
go to bed fatbender
Lara raiding tombs, not McDonalds.
women with large breasts aren't athletic.
go watch titcow porn if you want titcows.
yes i like this
milk truck just arrive
can someone give a good reason why she should big tits, other than muh game? I hate SJW bullshit as much as the next guy, but most athletic women are flat chested
What does creep mean?
>You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I’m an easy target. Yeah, you’re right, I have a small chest. I also work out too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you… but I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I’m not changing. I like… I like me. My friends like me. My fans like me. ‘Cause I’m the real article. What you see is what you get
>Lots of fan service
I don't care if she doesn't have her jugs. Nu Raider laura didn t have huge jugs but it worked. My problem is they hired a tiny little girl with a middle school boys body. And trying to play the "omg shes such a badass and could totally fight a group of mercenaries" nu raider worked because it showed Laura as vulnerable. The movie will make her look like a mega Mary sue.
No one cares Sup Forums
stop making these threads
>can someone give a good reason why she should big tits
Fuck you shill
Am I the only one who thinks Jolie was kinda mannish?
Shes a woman. Give her a month and she 'll have fake breasts and talk about how empowered she is now.
There's athletic and then there's this tranny looking shrimp with a 4/10 face . Cm,on lets be real here.
Because the entire point of Lara Croft is that she's a sexy sex symbol. Nobody would give a shit about her otherwise.
If i wanted to watch an action hero I'm not sexually attracted to, I'd watch a male.
Her face is meh, but her body is a miracle.
>women should only be cast if they're sexually attractive
why does it matter? sexuality isn't part of her persona. Black Widow needs to be sexy because she uses her tits and ass to seduce men. but an action hero doesn't need that
Yes it fucking is. The hype for Tomb Raider was that you explored stages while playing a chick with big tits. Boob Raider was the first mod I ever heard of.
Yes acclaim from pansy video game critics, those games are fucking BORING. So boring that it went free on PSN Plus (which they only do for games that aren't blockbuster hits) and the sequel TANKED despite getting critical acclaim.
>original game
>fan service
I hope you enjoy getting paid by a bunch of gook kikes you shill.
>women should only be cast if they're sexually attractive
If you're supposed to be playing a character known for being sexually attractive, I would say it's definitely a factor in this situation.
>other than muh game
Oh you mean the fucking thing it's based on?
Who would you have casted instead? For me, it's Charli.
Emily Blunt.
If casting for chest size, Hayley Atwell.
This is correct. The reboots aren't as good as the old ones and her character isn't as hot. In the new ones she looks like a dirty dyke, and there is way too many combat elements. Plus the new games are too easy. Everyone involved with Tomb Raider has made it less sexy and fucked the whole point of it up.
both are too old
She wasn't my first choice for Tomb Raider, but she worked it. They gave her a padded bra at least. Even though Jolie had great tits, she knew what she had to do to make the movie.
Christ they’re trying to pass this beanpole as a fucking action hero? I’d be afraid this chick a high five for fear of breaking her arm.
Maybe I'm too old for this site, but I don't think they're too old.
Reminds them too much of their overbearing khazar milkers mothers
more like womb raider lol
That padding looked awful and blatantly obvious on close shots and when the bitch would bend over.
>Lots of fan service
Did they let her dual wield her pistol. The only thing more ironic than her breast?
Saying sexuality isn't part of her persona is like saying masculinity isn't part of duke nukem's persona.
At the end with a cock tease like they did in the first game after the credits.
So what fan service did they give again?
A woman's only quality that matters is whether she's sexy or not
This is unironically a fact. Nobody ever goes "Oh God she's so SMART!"
They had a nigger spunk in her mouth like at the end of Womb Raider 2: Revengeance
I cant remember what that person was dubbed. I keep wanting to say Trigglypuff, but that's not right. That's the one screaming about hate speech on campus.
Why do you guys hate Alicia? She's a qt
>She's a qt
She's not right for, Laura Croft at all, and not because of breast size. It's get overall look in general. Having said that, I think she's sexy as hell. I like women built like, Bryce Dallas Howard, all the way to women like, Maggie Q. This one type or the other is for the birds.
>tfw she's a cutey in Ex Machina until she actually covers up with skin
felt pretty cheated 2bh
Noone gives a shit about Tomb Raider lore, story or characters. The new ones that tried to reboot and expand on that ended up being one of the worst video game stories I ever seen. Seriously, they are horrible. The only thing they have going for it is Lara looking like Lara, because she's an icon, nearly Mario-tier I'd say. If they won't cast someone that looks like her, this movie has literally nothing going for it.