Im going to miss the Trump/Clinton era of Sup Forums when it finally ends. Its been a good ride anons.
Im going to miss the Trump/Clinton era of Sup Forums when it finally ends. Its been a good ride anons
Tyler Hall
Kayden Lee
See ya in 4 years lad.
Benjamin Gonzalez
>implying there won't be post-election insanity
Ryan Allen
next week is going to be great
Christopher Russell
Won't be over until January 20th. Don't worry user.
Owen Perry
What is wrong with her face....
Jesus what a fucking psycho
Robert Gonzalez
i never want this election to end
Nathan Richardson
The world won't stop being fucking nuts after the election ends. It only gets crazier from here.
Joshua Cooper
3 1 2 prove me wrong lads
Bentley Torres
I miss the bush dynasty.
We were too busy making fun of jeb to give it a proper send off