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Just shows how bad college education is
yea ok drumpet
>among brainwashed voters
Oh look it's this ecological fallacy again.
you make that yourself in your basement, my boy?
>Everyone says college is too expensive
>leftists love poor people and the working class.
>Poor and working class can't afford to go because of the left
>leftists call them stupid and uneducated
HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks.
The 14% who are "not sure" are really just closeted Trump supporters.
I know because I'm one of them. I'm voting for Trump but I work at a liberal arts college so publicly supporting him would be risking my job and my safety.
It should say college indoctrinated. Non-Stem curricula are intellectual slaughterhouses.
Yes, hillary will win. this goy gets it.
>i-i-i-i-ii-t doesn't have the MSNBC logo so there's no way that's real
nice theory drumpet, not an arguement though kiddo
As did MSNBC
Probably the split between liberal arts and real majors also
theyre all scientists nd shit. trust me, goy.
Nice MS Paint skills.
>100% of North Koreans love Kim Jong-Un
>the remaining 5% have been sent to re-education camps
>the final 1% tragically died after falling into a meat grinder five miles away while attempting to express their love for our leader
>go tens of thousands of dollars into debt
>can't get a job
>government pls gibsmedat
ah yes, college intellecutals
first post best post
The only thing that is the kind words about the possibility to be able and I am a bit more than one person who has the best way for you and I will get the impression of the time I am a little more about your experience and education and training for a couple samples and the other day and time for a few weeks ago and I will be a good idea to have a great day.
>mfw trump blows hillary away with kamehamha nov 8
Did you know that if you have a Fat Studies degree you qualify as college educated?
>"College Educated"
Yeah, that gender studies degree is really going to get you a better paycheck while you waste away in that coffee shop you work at.
>my sisters come home
>all 3 put their ballots in the mailbox
>all 3 voting for trumo
>i lowkey hightail it out there and throw their ballots in the trash
>i replace it with my own ballot (for hillary of course)
Take that drumpets.
So what's your plan for employment after the election ends and CTR lets you go?
I love it when they make a big deal out of "college-educated voters" picking Clinton over Trump.
> Implying that most of your university students aren't a bunch of brain dead fucktards doing 'gender studies' to qualify for this category.
H1B Visas are going to help your fair-skinned STEM friends by ordering coffee from them when they get off work.
You, know... the fair-skinned STEM friends who are serving the coffee.
it is proven that collage students are more likely to vote democrat that's why so many republican states are refusing to set up voting in or near collages. After all when you have a higher education you come to understand how fucking retarded republican politics are
Shekelstein got somthin' real nice setup for me. Dont you worry, my boy.
>July 7-10
Pretty low energy for the eve of the election.
>No more Jeb jokes after Nov. 9
They were the best part of this entire shitshow.
theres less than a week left how the fuck are they still not sure
oh look,, its' BLOOMBERG and NBC,gasping for air again............
>Liberal Arts
How's that degree in Gender Studies working out?
can u give the poll source?
You have to show the poll data that favors your narrative I guess.
It's survey USA you sperg.
And many similar polls conducted show Trump leads in the 50-100k bracket over people who make under 50k. Guess what the difference in income is between us in STEM and you faggots with your liberal arts degrees? The same shit.
But of course, you have to omit that part because it goes against your whole "Drumpft appeals too STOOPID people tee-hee SMURT people like ME who have EYUCASHUN vote for Hillary!".
No. You are not educated. You are a faggot with a worthless libshit degree that doesn't know jack shit and doesn't earn jack shit. So then when your gender studies crap turns out to not pay anything you blame the rich for your own failures.
The only reason Trump polls higher in the overall numbers is because libarts indoctrination degrees outnumber those of us who went to college for something useful.
Get in here!!!
yea his basement. Drumpets...when will they learn
>Higher education
how rood
this, since the majority of college degrees these days are liberal arts / english based (or simply aren't for good job fields) a lot of those "college voters" are less educated than Highschoolers for thinking a degree in Gender Studies would get them anywhere.
also, checked.
i would not know i was not dumb enough to spend my money on a useless collage education and went to work making for 30k a year and when i stooped working was making 40k and non of that includes all the over time
College educated here, I tried to get on the Trump train and the anti-globalism sentiment.
> my computer comes from China
> this forum is composed of thousands of people of different nationalities
> free trade leads to more prosperity than protectionism
> we are all globalists
Check my digits, poorfag.
Is this what you do to entertain yourself, shitpost?
(((College Educated)))
Gotta vote Hilldawg because she's the only one who will save you from your own terrible life choices and forgive all the debt you took in exchange for your Liberal Arts degree.
>the US has been churning out meaningless liberal arts and humanities grads for decades producing nothing but poor and loyal democrats
Yes, we know.
poor i have everything i need food a house 2 cars and a shit ton of free time
heh heh...whatya talking about, goy?
>sweats nervously
How about out of college educated voters who have paid off their student loans?
Yet you still type like an ESL retard.
sorry you do not like my spelling you seam to be able to understand what i am saying so it must mean i am right you are wrong and the only comeback you have is on my spelling and typing
Cry more poorfag.
>I don't like Republicans
Neither do I. That's why I like trump.
And it sure would be swell if free trade were one of the available options, but it isnt.
Muh muh anecdotes about red california and muh trumpedo campuses
new thread
It's commonly known as a "Class War".
if you sliced off liberal arts degrees this would be a whole different story
your computer doesn't have to come from china, foreigners here suck, including you, free trade leads to less prosperity for middle and working class of the first world countries
devil juden!!!
given the current student debt, I would say those suckers would fall for anything
>ITT CTR and Liberal arts/Womens studies majors claim they are "educated"
The left attracts support from pseudo intellectual asshats whose ideology have done more harm to nations identities and population in the modern world than war has and ever will. Your dumbass polls are nothing more than a circle jerk of this group of people.
Trump has the popular vote and for good reason. I hope you CTR faggots get executed for failing your Dictator.
great song OP, especially for a faggot like yourself
Actually, people who believe they are intelligent are much easier swindled. A working class guy knows if he makes less money, his quality of life went down. An intelligent cuck could be explained why him being a cuck is good for him with logic and slides. The intelligent cucks rely on abstract thinking more, and once they are convinced that white is black and black is white, they will defend their position against all odds. The cops have easier time cornering them to admin to crimes under overwhelming evidence too. Those people are trained to believe reason over what they observe. The problem is the reasons given are sometimes manufactured. Then it's an epic fail.