Been meaning to watch this show but never got around to it. Might try it tonight. What am I in for?
Been meaning to watch this show but never got around to it. Might try it tonight. What am I in for?
Cold war spy kino between 2 mirror universes. Pretty much zero sci-fi. Minimal interracial relationships.
And by cold war I don't mean that it takes place during The Cold War.
So it's pretty good? I like JK Simmons.
it's literally a top tier show
I've enjoyed it thus far. The only reason I started was JK and it's turned out great.
Yep and JK is doing his classic overly sarcastic/cynical thing as well.
Alright, I'll watch an episode or two tonight. I haven't heard it talked about much besides Ron Bennington mentioning it once in a while on the radio complaining about how he's the only one who's watching it.
once you start you wont be able to just watch only one or two
Absolute spy kino that Sup Forums isn't watching but will jump on it when the season finishes and act like we've been talking about it the whole time. Seriously, those last two episodes were fucking top tier.
it's a hot bag of dog shit. just a platform for all the usual starz leftist kike agendas.
OK, I'll definitely watch. Another small reason I was hesitating is that the only other Starz show I've ever watched was American Gods, and I hated it. Tried to stick with it, but I couldn't finish the first season. But I'll watch Counterpart with an open mind.
There's only two "diverse" elements; the tomboy lesbian assassin and the interracial relationship, but the interracial relationship takes place in the dystopian universe, so really makes you think...
>contrarian retard r/the_donald refugee who lives in poverty because his parents didn't love him enough to wait to have kids
counterpart is starz attempt at trying to be more like hbo rather than the typical shit they create. i was actually surprised this show was on starz.
it's the best new series of the year so far.
It's in no way pretentious like American Gods was.
>but the interracial relationship takes place in the dystopian universe, so really makes you think...
You really did just make me think.
it's terrible because it has lesbians and racemixing. Almost had a heart attack seeing that shit.
Alright. The shitty attempts at satire in American Gods really turned me off, and Emily Browning felt really miscast. I hated that whole show.
OK, I'm looking forward to checking it out.
>I hated that whole show.
I only watched for Ian McShane desu.
Yeah, he was pretty good.
You poor virgin eyes!
the Lord will judge you accordingly, sinner, and you will chase bugs in Hell.
I know you can work your shift key, so why are you having such a hard time capitalizing the first word of the sentence, Cletus?
in Hell!
You're a funny kid.
quayle is a piece of shit and i hope howard buttfucks his hot wife
Quayle was my favourite character. I really wish he wasn't retarded in the most recent episode. He should've just said FUCK YOU to his evil wife, and gone to the security guy if he wanted any chance of making things right.
it is current year user. Don't disregard the most kino show of this year because it has a little bit of fagginess
whelp I messed up that post's spoiler tags. time to abandon thread
>actively removing spoiler tags from a spoiler
shame this man
Hopefully the other you isn't as much of a fuck up.
quayle thinks with his dick, this entire arc was 100% predictable
I literally laughed out loud.
>a little bit of fagginess
one drop rule.
this show made me want to meet my based counterpart so he can teach me the ways of being based
>implying your plague hardened counterpart isn't waiting to call you a beta faggot
I would have dirty sex all day with him. Kinda scared he would kill me or something though, cause I'm a twisted fucking psychopath!
he probably would
I watched all 8 episodes on Sunday
Slow as fuck.
World creates a copy of itself but no one cares why or how.
Only way across is a tunnel but people come and go seemingly at will.
It's awful.
>Slow as fuck
Reminds me of the Americans. Minus half the show being a beer ad.
only reason the show is watchable is due to JK simmons. otherwise the writing is terrible. any scene that jk is not in falls flat.
>One episode is basically them sitting around talking
>Not slow
>Slow as fuck.
it's slow but engaging, i can't think of many shows that do it this well.
>World creates a copy of itself but no one cares why or how.
not what the show is about, that is sci fi tech shit. do you really want one of those 5 minute hacky scenes where they explain the retard science behind it?
>Only way across is a tunnel but people come and go seemingly at will.
they need travelling papers to cross...
>It's awful.
stick to stranger things
not really my tempo
scarfu puffy nipples
>durr I need killing and gunshots and explosions to keep my attention or nothing is happening!!!!!!!
if you didn't like the howard vs based howard scene in the last episode there is just no hope for you.