What went so goddamn right?
What went so goddamn right?
Great script, great director, great cast
It's a KINO
Purple pill w/ redpill innuendos
The scenes showing the crew ruined it. They should have saved that for the end only
What red pills did I miss thru out?
none at all
the user you replied to is just autistic and can't not show off his false sense of power level
like a fucking vegan
interested in why you think this. i think developing the creator in particular through the movie was kind of necessary. i don't think his character would have had the same presence if he didn't appear until the end.
>A movie about a thought almost ever human had in their lifes
It's kino
If they treated the whole "it's all a show" angle like a plot twist, it'd be a cheaper, less interesting film
my life is so boring my show would've been cancelled ages ago
Only good Carrey film.
The others are decent at best.
Man on the Moon is pretty solid. I liked the Cable guy as a kid but I'm guessing it doesn't remotely hold up now.
How are you gonna call The Mask decent?
That movie is superb.
The directors force shit to happen in your life.
How do you guys actually deal with this paranoia though, I can’t be the only one
Every so often I put on the Philip Glass tracks from the soundtrack.
>not liking Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
creative premise with a good ending is all you need
Any of you ever been so high and paranoid that you thought you were living in your own Truman show?
I watched this movie on some strong ass edibles once and now I'm actually half-convinced that my life is either a show like the movie or at least a simulation.
I've always had this kind of paranoia about being watched that fades in and out but I never thought of it as being on a TV show, just a single vague person
so I kind of naturally assumed that if it was a single person going out of their way to watch me it would be out of interest like if it was a girl or something since I would spy on girls if I had the means to do it effortlessly and without limitations
I guess I'm probably just fantasizing but maybe you can try to force it into something positive like that? It makes jerking off more fun at least
As if people would watch a man in his mid twenties sit at his computer for twelve hours a day every day
Eternal Sunshine is the ultimate Carreykino.
Simulation theory gives me the most paranoid thoughts.
Why does my director have to be a complete hack then?
>watching trailer for new animated grinch movie
>comments saying they should've gotten Carrey to voice him so it'd be like the "original" and to make it "more og"
>20 years