Will he be the first to hold this promise?

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>moves to an even whiter country than the US
>doesn't move to a black or muslim country
What did he mean by this?

Surely he's not full of shit?

You mean..go on the lam?

Those countries are already diverse user.



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If he moves to the western suburbs then that’s basically a black or Muslim country.

Dunno why. Our government seems just as bad at times.

i'm pretty sure it's a tax dodge to maximize income from his shitty chink movie


Hi shills

Wrong board

>Matt Damon's reps are denying reports that he is moving his family to Australia

>muh Australia

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>leaves America to live in the most backward, rural, conservative, cunttery of a nation in the entire anglosphere.

Liberals, ladies and gentleman

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*moves to an even whiter english speaking nation which imprisons illegal immigrants on an island until they kill themselves or agree to go back to where they came from*

Haha take that drumpf that's what you get for oppressing mexicans and muslims

Just runnin' scared each place we go
So afraid that he might show
Yeah, runnin' scared, what would I do?
If he came back and wanted you

Just runnin' scared, feelin' low
Runnin' scared, you love him so
Just runnin' scared, afraid to lose
If he came back which one would you choose

he's close with the hemsworths

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This article is fake. His publicist flat out said that it’s wrong

thats now how yo thyme user
you have to keep a constant beat otherwize it will turn out shit

>his publicist said

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Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

he doesn't have a problem with conservacucks
he has a problem with trump

Take it up with the ghost of Roy Orbisom

>imprisons illegal immigrants on an island until they kill themselves or agree to go back to where they came from

Yeah it's a pretty good system.

because his jew overlords tell him to.

He'll still make american movies. He's a hypocrite.

why is he friends with RACISTS

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>the sheer whiteness of that family.

I have never been so offended in all my life.

>y oeopl say dum stuff online?
Idk man but youre dumb as fucn

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> an even whiter english speaking nation which imprisons illegal immigrants on an island until they kill themselves or agree to go back to where they came from

white genocide when?

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Fleeing the country. Felon.

did you really not get enough (you)s on the same Sup Forums thread?

>I've never been to Australia, nor out of my own state.

Yep. Tom Cruise too.

Probably Clooney too.

It at least seems like an easier to place to go to than Canada.

>not happy holidays

is he a soyboy in disguise?

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We don't say that shit in Australia

I'd rather be around asians in australia than the niggers we have here in america.

>that spanish

>Implying Asians here aren't just as criminal as niggers in the U.S.

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So he just stays in LA or whatever? Sounds like an altruistic way to send your family halfway around the world where you never have to see them, fuckin based Matt

theyre in australia too

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>how long are Sidney to LA flights ?

>ywn be part of the Hemsworth family
why even live

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They're in Melbourne too*
Very rare to see Sudos outside of Melbourne

>Twump wacist
>Moves to most racist white country on Earth (doesn't take much to achieve this these days)
Hope he moves to one of the more northern states so he can experience true aussie hospitality

only the vietkongs that came over. they run a lot of car stealing and heroin trafficking stuff.

Say it with me:






(((Matt Damon)))

I for one welcome our new celebrity overlords. Damon better watch out for Peter Dutton though. Might not even get in.

>can't wait out a 4 year term

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that I'm not part of that family

I wish he went with them and stayed there ugh.

why australia when canada just next door

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australia has kickass insect life while canada has snow and moose and truedeau
its understandable

As an Australian if he think's we're any better he's in for a shock.

everyone wants to live next to Chris Hemsworth apparently

>mom, screenshot this, I replied to EVERYONE in the thread

I live in Aus and its 70% white here

The island's being shut down though

Damon is fleeing the country. He knew, aided and abetted.

Attached: hollywood celebs aid and abet jew predator weinstein, damon, crowe.jpg (726x911, 125K)

The loss of Matt Damon is a national tragedy. How will America ever go on without something as valuable and amazing at Matt Damon? Truly, Trump has brought some dark times.

lmao they couldn't have used a better picture for Crowe?

>not moving to Finland
Come on Matt, return to your native homeland and save the Finnish movie industry

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Were worse than Canada, mate. You’ve fallen for memes.

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if it was the reason we got boats im happy

I wonder what is about to come out about him?

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trump is the biggest jew ass-kisser of them all

you dumb fucking idiot

>moves to a country away from these politics
>probably has to fly back to the usa for work anyway for months at a time
What a fucking retard.

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The real danger is the US doesn't realize that Russia is at warr with you.

>4 year
With Blumpf he'll be lucky to get three to be quite honest familia.

why is he moving to an even whiter country then the USA?
why not africa or mexico?

Australia is pretty rad

by lobbied they meant offered their Boipussys right?

>Sick of your right-wing, racist country leader
>Move to the country that Trump's immigration plan was inspired by

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Australia, why the fuck Australia? There's nothing there, just venomous shit in every bush. Fucking more to Europe at least you get some culture.

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hey they're not that bad man

these threads seem like a psy op to see if they can just make up fake articles and make people believe it

Australia has culture

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As much as I think anti-trumpers are window licking retards at the very least he has the testicles to follow through on his Trump evacuation plan.

Now revoke his citizenship and bar him from every returning to US soils.

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Did trump actually do something very wrong beside being narcissistic? Why do people hate him so?

>Great gun control laws
>Gay marriage was just legalized
>Everyone's got a funny accent
>Everybody drinks beer
>Crocodile Dundee

I see no issues with this.

>at the very least he has the testicles to follow through on his Trump evacuation plan.

matt damon just bought a bazillion dollar apartment in Manhattan.

He's a typical Lefty hypocrite who (unfortunately) ain't going nowhere.

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Damn that is a good looking family.

Well if Matt Damon moves in, they HAD culture ...

Can someone translate that? my 10 years of Spanish can't cover that top tier level

>great gun control laws
>can only buy fudd shit and you have to be a member of a gun club
sure buddy

Why are celebrities such a weak pussies who cant deal with their problems properly?

He won’t last a year here, he’ll go insane from people doing the Team America impression every time he steps outside.

Every board is pol now, not sure if good thing

Imagine having to move to another country, leaving behind everyone and everything you've ever known because your father got butthurt over an election.