Why is there no kino about this...

Why is there no kino about this?I mean it is a no brainer when you think of all the shit they get into or even just an average day.

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How are they doing these days?

Stuck on you.

There already was for a while you mong

they are teachers at an elementary school. There's a couple youtube videos about it

Two heads ARE better than one!

>it is a no brainer

Actually is has two brains.

How do they synchronize dancing?

see.just asking that makes my mine explode...how can anyone of us even begin to understand them even doing a basic morning routine.
how do dogs react to them is my main concern.

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They say one head controls one half and the other head the other half but i dont buy it.

>a couple youtube
One for each head?

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Do you think they've ever both sucked a dick at the same time? Both on one dick? Both on a separate dick?


steve martin directed and written also a cameo for an all female remake of the man with two brains?
I would pay to see that friendo.

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There are actually pictures of them sucking dick. I'm sure you can find them. It's funny when I saw them I was oddly heart-warmed, like "hey, you go girls, suck that dick, good job."

H-how do they do with boyfriends

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Why aren’t they in some lab being studied?


If you fucked them do you think both of them will ahegao?

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>1 set of reproductive organs

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>these two-headed qts will never do a tickling fetish video

I wonder which one would laugh, or do certain spots correspond to a different head

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kek, I get the reference

those are shoops

They should learn to duel-wield katana.

what the fuck dude

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Is it even human? I consider it an abomination

looks like the left head is dancing and the right head isn't

talk about a bad deal

there was a pic of them sucking a dude off

>2 stomachs
>1 set of intestines and colon
>tfw both eat taco bell

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who gets to control which limbs?

Source. Now. Faggot

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so which one pushes when they have to shit?

Confirmed shop.


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>they both took individual driving assessments
for what purpose?


>there will never be a series where this girl/girls travel to uncontacted tribes in the amazon and become their living messiah

What happens if one of them gets convicted of a crime and has to go to jail

Imagine if one of them wanted to be fit and the other one wanted to be a fat slob and snack all the time.
Like you try your best to eat healthy and rarely snack and when you're sleeping the other head is eating snacks in the middle of the night.
Before you know it you're having a hard time getting around without knowing the other one has been sneaking food into your system.
How do you deal with that fatass head?

it was your fault anyway Satan

Can one fall asleep while the other takes control of the body?

Do they only get one paycheck?

Eat things that give you constant diarrhea.

How does sexual consent work. Or childhood trauma - if one integrates the experience but the other doesnt, do both of them suffer physiological problems as a result?

I guess they get two since they're two separate identities in the eyes of the law

seriously, why is this concept so unexplored. it's so interesting to me and there hasn't really been any follow up

I have no fucking clue. If the school is paying them double I would be pissed as fuck as a tax payer.

is there a boyfriend in this situation? or two guys? if the latter, do they take turns?
I must know.

>How does sexual consent work
one of them is married, the other isn't.

so he probably fucks them both since they have one vagina


one of them is married and since they only have one pussy i guess the guy gets two bitches for the price of one

i wonder if both can feel the orgasm or only one??? this is so interesting, how did the body form in the zygot stage to fuse their nervous systems

i know they have two stomachs, how did their intestines fuse?? htis is so strange

Seriously? It's not even a significant reduction on the overall collected tax

So they file taxes independently? That doesn't seem fair cause they only need the resources for 1 body (for the most part).

>For tasks such as responding to email, they type and respond as one, anticipating each other's feelings with little verbal communication between them. In such cases as the latter, their choice of grammatical person is to use the first person singular out of habit when they agree, but when their responses do differ, they use their names in the third person singular.

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Just thinking about how it all works freaks me out and makes me glad I'm only one person.

yeah by all accounts they should be dead or one head should be a total vegetable.
I wonder how long they'll live.
I'm even using the word "they" since it's obviously two minds wtf

>one of them is married, the other isn't.
this doesn't make sense
they are doing this on purpose at this point as a gimmick

Why is this so fascinating

does it count as cheating if the other one is into it?

>one of them is married
How does that work?
One just shuts down while they're fucking? Or both of them cums?
But man imagine the bj, you got a free threesome

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How do they walk? Is one brain in control of both legs or do they each have a leg or can they trade off?

It's fascinating to imagine how a neural system works with two inputs.

Does it count as rape if one of them doesn't want to have sex?

>Or childhood trauma
Surely they didn't have any of that.

>each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine, pair of lungs, and spinal cord.

So could one of them die and the other continue to live?

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>Threesome for the price of twosome.

Wouldn't school/college be a breeze for them? They could just each study half the material and they have two brains to remember/retrieve information twice as fast.

Two girls, two driving tests.

Abigail Loraine "Abby" Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990) are American dicephalic parapagus twins; in other words, they are conjoined twins, each of whom has a separate head, but whose bodies are joined.

They are highly symmetric for conjoined twins, giving the appearance of having a single body without marked variation from normal proportions. In fact, several vital organs are doubled; each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine, pair of lungs, and spinal cord.

Each twin controls her half of their body, operating one arm and one leg. As infants, the initial learning of physical processes that required bodily coordination, such as clapping, crawling, and walking, required the cooperation of both twins.

While they can eat and write separately and simultaneously, activities such as running and swimming require them to coordinate and alternate their actions symmetrically. Other activities as diverse as brushing hair and driving a car require each twin to perform separate actions that coordinate with the other's.

What if one of them is hungry but the other isn't? Can one sleep while the other is awake? Doesn't the left side's neck hurt from being craned like that? Do they have a boyfriend, would it be one or two dudes? Do you think they practiced kissing? How rare is it that they're relatively normal?

What would you call this body type?

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Each one only controls her half of the body, so they'd have to work together to commit most crimes.

matt damon and george kinnear

theoretically but i believe only for a few hours

They each get an arm and a leg to control though. If one passes it the other one obviously can because she helped in the first one.

>At birth, they had a rudimentary arm between the bases of their necks attached to a shoulder blade at the back, being combined parts of Abby's left arm and Brittany's right arm. It was removed, leaving the shoulder blade.

so they had a third arm

Imagine if you were a deviant who liked to look at cunnies and your other head was a moralfag.

i feel sick

the chloe moretz specialty

I think it was a pretty small school district, so they probably don't have a lot of cash floating around. You are correct though in the grand scheme of things it's not that much extra money, but they are essentially one teacher. The extra head doesn't mean they are twice as efficient or anything. plus it's not like they have two rents to pay, or have two cars, or have to eat for two people or anything.

The Chloe Moretz

I wouldn't mind. They're technically two people.


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imagine being the non married head
your sister is a freak of nature, but still got a husband
but that means you will never have one, because the body is now married your brother in law, and you can't use it to marry some other guy, if would ever find anyone interested in being with you
not only that, out of the two headed monster, you're the one who couldn't get anyone
and you'll be reminded of that everyday, as your sister uses your body to fuck her husband, and you just have to be there and watch closely as they enjoy their happy wedding with you as the eternal third wheel

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doubt it
sorry mate don't save those types of pics

I would straddle myself between the heads like riding a motorcycle. So the one I wasn’t married to had her face in my ass.

You can tell Abigail is the Stacy

Is it legal to be married to two separate people?

They almost certainly share blood so no. If one dies the other heart would be overloaded with work and poisoned from necrotic tissue fairly quickly.

>this is so interesting, how did the body form in the zygot stage to fuse their nervous systems
>i know they have two stomachs, how did their intestines fuse??
They don't really "fuse". Identical twins happen when the fertilized egg splits apart. Conjoined twins are when the egg doesn't fully separate.

That's two teachers in a class room. Think about it, one is giving a lesson the other keeps a watchful eye on the class. She's or they're literally the scariest teachers you could have as a child.
Also hell of a life experience for kids growing up and going to that school, not even just the kids in her class.

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>The twins both successfully passed their driver's license exams, both the written and driving tests. They had to take the tests twice, once for each twin. Abby controls the devices on the right of the driver's seat; Brittany, those on the left. Together they control the steering wheel.


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The Beeblebrox

You fools.
It's a fucking fraud.
Special effects, setup.
They aren't real.
They serve the desires of the US government and will be used in due time.
Serving the disgusting, dictatorial aims of easing society of further subverting the righteous purity of traditional norms.
They are only the beginning.
More of "them" will come. Eventually, polygamy.
Do not fall into elusivity of their unequalled, false existence.
Every plot hole you discover is another leak to be patched.

I can't picture how this works unless they have some sort of hive mind or shared consciousness.

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>or have to eat for two people or anything.
wellllllllllllllllllllllllll they have two stomachs so technically they kind've do

No which is retarded. Polygamy is officially outlawed because the Mormons were taking mini-harems.

they pretty much do

except there is?

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