
Uncomfortable episodes edition

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Its you I hate the most


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I wrote the original rants and I'm having far more fun now than if I'd just let this go early on.

The next episode I'm going to watch is S5E24, "The Next Phase". I'll give you my review and then you're going to end up fixating on my rants and my opinions about that episode for whole threads at a time, just like you done with the last three consecutive threads.
You can reply "lol calm down" by the hundreds and I'll just take it to mean "yes, we're listening".

I'm a permanent and deeply entrenched fixture now and it's your fault. You can't undo this now.
Worse still, you can't be 100% that this is really me.

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Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.

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Did Trek contribute to the destruction of the family?

>no marriages on TOS
>no marriages on TNG except the shitty O'Brien one
>muh strong independent K'Ehleyr who don't need no man

>You can reply "lol calm down" by the hundreds and I'll just take it to mean "yes, we're listening".
nah I'm just reporting your for announcing to deliberately trying to derail threads. thank you

How long until Hollywood runs out of money and this happens?

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>no marriages on TOS

>shitty O'Brien one
take that back

>derail a star trek thread by talking about star trek in a way which might make other people try to spam me for it
yeah that's a solid rule violation right there

I give it 15 years tops

Go ahead and review episodes but if you're going to be a sperg don't expect any serious responses.

okay, it was decent

exactly. announcing to be a "permanent cause for spam" is as bad as spamming yourself.

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that's a really shitty picture of her

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Say something nice about Rick Berman.

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Its like school when you ask that girl for a pencil or something and she freaks out again, annoying everyone in the class, yet the teacher is telling you to stop it.
Think about it.

None of the main or secondary characters were married, except for maybe Sulu, who at least had a daughter with his last name. Riker and Troi did eventually get married once her Sacred Chalice of Rixx dried up.

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He's a good producer and neckbeards try to shift way too much blame on him, mainly because they didn't have his position and he wasnt wearing ST pajamas

>I'm going to talk about Star Trek like I did before
>we're going to keep spamming you for it
>go ahead
>and then we'll report you because we spammed you
Brilliant, user.

I don't care. I'll make serious posts about episodes when I want to talk about episodes, as I did before, and if the same seething autists who obsess over my posts want to do so, they're free to do so. It just means that people are reading what I'm writing. Angry people turned two of my sincere rants about a shit Star Trek """kino""" episode into three whole threads worth of chaos and shitposting and conspiracy theory. That's incredibly efficient response for a little rant on an anonymous imageboard.

and btw

>it's a 'Riker goes mad playing a psychotropic video game and rapes Wesley in the access tunnels' episode

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I'm trying but I can't.
Every time I open my mouth to do it, my cock stuffs itself in there and gags me.

Last savior of the trek franchise. Nu trek is shit cause he's not involved.

>those palid, mottled old lady legs

>Captain James T. Kirk officiated the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine in the USS Enterprise's chapel, however, the ceremony was interrupted by a confrontation with a Romulan space vessel in which Tomlinson was later killed.

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jesus christ, stop shitting up the thread already. also
>three whole threads
learn to count.

Nana Visitor is only 60. Just wait until she's Gates' age. Gates looked like this at 61. Just 8 years ago.

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Ok, prepare for nothing but lol calm down then.

>still seething
>literally announces that he won't stop
I can almost hear your heartbeat at this point. I'm glad I'm not in your shoes when you have to go to bed tonight, taking all this with you.

>I'm going to continue to proof that I'm a brainlet
Are you also continuing to ignore anyone replying seriously to you?

>I dyed my beard blue, therefore no one can accuse me of being misogynistic, racist, or homophobic because people infer from my fashion choices that I am a progressive and I therefore successfully mask my true feelings about how gross and hilarious trannies are.

he figured it out

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didn't work for landis though

This is probably true. He also made sure that women were suitable attractive and that homos wouldn't kiss on screen, hot lesbians only. He also punished actors for getting fat. By the time VOY came around he just gave up though.

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You didn't contradict my point, although I'm not sure if this guy's premise was "nobody in the 23rd century was married" or just that it de-emphasized it because few married characters were shown.

>because few married characters were shown.
On TOS and TNG maybe because they were basically work enviroments. How many married couples do you see working on navy ships? Not the same thing, but still, they were all part of starfleet and on duty. There were plenty of married people on planets and stories.

"We'll give you more attention, that'll fuck you up"

I'm actually going to bed now, it's the only reason I'm not going to give you my The Next Phase rant (assuming it's as shit as I, Borg, but it probably won't be because that was fucking shit) right now. I may be thinking about this but you'll also be thinking about it. The fact that you've voluntarily brought up the concept of thinking about 'this' as you go to sleep means that you physically won't be able to not think about this too, the idea came from your own mind lmao.
You'll be thinking about me as you go to sleep. That's pretty faggy.

Link to literally just one of the "serious" replies that I didn't reply to. Did I overlook yours inbetween all the spam and now you're mad about it or something? It's not my fault that angry autists spammed the thread (and the following thread) into oblivion. All I wanted in the first case was serious replies but it's not my fault that didn't happen, so I'll happily take all of the "lol calm down"s I can get now.

>shitposting stops
>thread dies
the state of this general

I'm the hero /trek/ needs.

The latter.

Technically sure, but in real life people also leave the military and settle down afterwards. Not that that was intentional but they certainly milked the alien-fling-a-week trope for all it was worth.

He did it so you will underestimate him

>Link to literally just one of the "serious" replies that I didn't reply to
How about the one showing how your fixation on Hugh using the first person as no example of free will was completely retarded when in the same episode he literally stated he wouldn't hurt Geordi and that he collective will try to get him back.
Not to mention that the free will was literally the reason for the episode and the title should have been hint enough.

I wish to engage in sexual relations with that granny, please giv

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>We'll give you more attention, that'll fuck you up"
It seems to work well enough

>lol calm down
Why did Solbor get so angry at him for saying that?

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That literally was not me, though. That genuinely was another person who shared a vaguely similar opinion about the episode. I don't care about that angle. I visibly went out of my way to respond to everyone who responded seriously to me. I even said that I didn't mind the core concept of the episode, just the execution. You've got the wrong person m8

Keep telling yourself that

>Dukat dumps his wife and 8 children for a half-jew daughter that wants to jump the bones of his worst enemy, who himself had an abusive relationship with his father
>Worf is a terrible father that neglects his son
>Jadzia literally dies moments after a conversation with Dr.Bashir about getting pregnant
>Picard's strained relationship with his brother, who eventually dies along with his wife and son. Picard marries barren Crusher and the Picard line dies.
>Kirk's son raised by a single mother
>Sisko abandons his son and unborn child to be with the prophets

I guess there's Rom and Leeta.

lol calm down

What? Roddenberry stated that sexuality, and your orientation don't matter in the 24th century Trek. He then mentioned that 2 people sitting, and having a drink ten-forward could be married, gay, bi-sexual, etc. We don't know, and it's not relevant what-so-ever. We, as a Federation, are so far above embarrassing identity politics.

Roddenberry is exact opposite of what you are implying, and would hate modern day identity politics with a passion.

I was worried that you'd stop doing that. I'm glad you're not. I'm glad this meme has longevity.

Do you mean this shit?

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Roddenberry foresaw a future in which no one does anything except pursuits of pure autism eg mapping gaseous anomalies.

lol calm down

How does this have anything to do with what I said? "Identity politics" is a completely different topic.

calm down lol

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I literally can't believe this guy turned out to be a rapist.

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>Did Trek contribute to the destruction of the family?
>What? Roddenberry stated that sexuality, and your orientation don't matter in the 24th century Trek.

way to literally prove his point

>guaranteed replies
>guaranteed audience
Yeah I'll definitely give you my next rants. thanks for the support, friends

Huh. That's interesting because it was the only part of the rant that actually was a real argument. So you had nothing huh?

I wonder if she ever fucks young fit trek fanbois just because she can

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your campaign to keep posting intentionally bad "reviews" to trigger reactions from this thread are very transparent. you're upset you were criticized so heavily, now you want revenge, so you hope to do this by continually posting things you think will provoke responses, while stating your win position to be anyone replying to you, as if this is somehow an accomplishment on a site where replying to people being dumb is literally all we do all day. it just smells of a victimized fixation on the people who bullied you and a need to "out-dumb" them to show them what they did to you

you're literally the frank grimes of /trek/

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>keeps arguing with people on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing forum even after saying he was going to bed
So... This is... The face of autism.

>Rodenberry dies
>Berman takes over
>writers suddenly allowed to cut the bullshit and explore new ideas such as the Borg
>franchise is saved
We owe our existence to this man.

lol calm down

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Doing that would create so many stories and rumors about her.

>creepy autist amateur psychoanalyst from the last thread who repeatedly attacked the wrong people is still larping as a psychoanalyst in the new thread
damn man that's not good. It's nice that I've got my own personal fat internet Freud at my beck and call though

>that wasn't me

It's nice that the (you)'s are rolling in again but I was serious about having to go so you'll have to keep this shit up when I'm gone

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lol calm down

you guys need to haha chill out

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Too late for that. You won't win arguing with the mentally ill.

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>Loses battle due to space jew magic bullshit
>Daughter killed by best friend
>Chooses to die to the federation rather than go back home a disgrace
He literally did nothing wrong in this situation.

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Maybe she makes them sign NDAs
Please don't shatter this for me, I want to believe I have a chance

This guy had the same voice and speaking pattern as Patrick Bateman

I hate that people never notice the background shit I spent like five minutes putting into this version.

oh come on

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Marriage is fine in the future. Making it a "political issue" is not. You would be laughed at by people from the future.

He was the replacement for Steve Guttenberg in the 5th and 6th Police Academy movies. If you told me he had a collection of people's faces I wouldn't be surprised.

People from the future don't exist you fucking retard

serenity now
serenity now

Oh please Beverly, like you never noticed Picard catching glances at you. Don't try to act like this is all one big surprise to you. The signs were there for years.

>keeps replying to everyone
>no its YOU who are mad here lol
Just saying. Maybe its time to stop?

Great performance by Majel there.

I hope you feel a bit better when I say that I saved it solely because of the background shit you spent like five minutes on.
And I posted it because the background shit is as accurate as it has ever been right now.

Star Trek characters are in the future. They would laugh at you for trying to make marriage a political issue. It's a personal decision between two individuals, and nothing more. Asking about marriage politics in the TNG is like asking Picard how much gasoline the Enterprise uses.

>They would laugh at you for trying to make marriage a political issue
That's a rather idiotic thing to say. There were MANY episodes that dealt with marriage as a political issue. How dumb do you have to be to not even watch Star Trek, yet you get so upset as a liberal that people are talking about the decline of marriage you let your cognitive dissonance guide you into posting anyway?

Yeah it was great.

Which is especially sad because I posted it almost a month ago

Welp, when I first authored the infamous "Picard, Odo, and Worf screenplay" post in the previous thread, I never imagined that the "calm down" meme I introduced to /trek/ would spiral out of control in this fashion, but as the inventor of several memes I've grown used to the fact that one just cannot control memes one creates.

It's very strange to read the descendants of ideas one explicitly originated, though. Frisson never fails to occur, even twelve years in to the four chan game.

It was an OP as well though, so there's that

No, it's not sad because it doesn't get attention, it's sad that this place changes so little that a month old parody of it is still applicable a month later.

Considering the last couple of hours, I'd say it even got worse. And I'm already dreading the moment that user wakes up again.

>That's a rather idiotic thing to say. There were MANY episodes that dealt with marriage as a political issue.

That's mostly after Roddenberry left the show, and the staff disobeyed his wishes. He wanted a space adventure series, and absolutely no character/political episodes (or very little). It's been very well-documented. There's a clear shift before, and after Roddenberry left as show-runner. Like him or not, he is the creator of Star Trek. Better respect the man.

>tfw you know a guy in Klingontown that can get you a good deal on gagh flavored gum.

Gates McFadden wasn't actually a mother when TNG started but she already had the mom stare down.

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>Better respect the man.
considering how TOS is quality wise. ehhhh no thank you. TNG and DS9 blow TOS out of the water and the less influence Rottenberry had the better they got. Everything he actually did was to run around and say "but what is it about?" and "in the future things will be better!". two pointers that the showrunners still took adhered to after he left/died.

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>Like him or not, he is the creator of Star Trek. Better respect the man.
And George Lucas created Star Wars which he also ran into the ground,just as Kirkman is doing with TWD. What makes you think creating something does keep a person from shitting it up/holding it back?