His Dark Materials starring Dafne Keen

Are you ready, Sup Forums?


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Books weren't even that good, particularly with that retarded downer ending.
Compared to Narnia, which even has significantly darker ending, it's a fucking joke.

yeah but i liked the buffalo with wheels

[screams in spanish]

I've never seen any series drop off in quality as badly as HDM.
>dude everything the kids did was meaningless lmao
>dude don't question this angel with godlike powers even though I harp on for 3 books about how divine authority is bad lmao

How old is she now.
It would've been good had she started when she was her age in Logan.

Oh ill show her my dark material alright

the idiot couldn't even do atheism properly

2 old 4 tv now

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>tfw she will never call you "papi"

>i completely forgot about this cunt

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>tfw she will never scream "papi!"*
Fixed it for you

Why can't they stay young Sup Forums?
Another one falls ;_;

I thought The Golden Compass was alright, got me interested enough for the sequel which then got canceled.
Hoping BBC has no part other than financing the project and leaving New Line Cinema to handle it.



hell yeah, I love her

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Read the book, it has a god tier ending which was partially filmed and cut from the film.
But be sure to stop there and pretend that that's the actual ending because the other 2 books are hot garbage

I like it, cant wait for all her slutty pics in the future and the hairy pussy. Children arent fuckable.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=butter face

she's a hottie in all aspects. YOU ARE GAY

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A good atheist ending would involve them telling the angel to fuck off. But no, they have to follow her orders blindly with zero proof that what she's saying is true because she's apparently good and the other angels are evil though they do literally the exact same shit.
Sorry I'm still fucking mad at that absolute shitshow.

I like her, she just looks horrible in which appears to be a much more recent pic compared to yours

Wow she's going through puberty Sup Forums is going to drop her!

>Dark Materials
>little girl

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>Not expecting exactly this

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why is this on deviantart?
