What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
The only meaningful interactions he had with his father was through watching football games on TV, so he tries to frame everything in terms of football.
Essentially, he has a learning disability.
Throat cancer.
Sup Forums wouldn't take the initiative
Bunch of fucking pussies
>I guess I'm just lucky
>tfw the enemy controls the flow of battle and dictates the tempo of your movements
He was literally just following orders. It couldnt be more clear throughout the whole fucking show.
white male
He was given objectives he came up with orders.
Godfather isn't happy to hear that
Objectives are essentially orders.
Except no. He spends the entire show trying to get tough missions putting his men in danger, so general Mattis will finally let him suck his dick
The Germans would disagree.
Then again, they lost and were raped to death, so fuck 'em.
Lets hear your solid 100% safe strategy for invading Iraq then.
Not really. Orders are not vague like objectives. 'Win the war' is an objective, but that's not an order. It gets broken down into more objectives until you get to a point where there are a series of steps you can take to achieve those objectives. Then you have orders. Orders are used to achieve objectives.
ban the media, cut off all communications with the outside world
Declare it a FFZ and send in the marines with 6k ammo each
>ban the media
You already lose.
The First Amendment exists.
tell that to the kids the smartbombs kill every now and then
Die for Isreal.
Iceman was the best, "we're just operating expensive killing machines, we're not soldiers"
Banning the media and people just not giving a fuck aren't the same.
Somebody stepped on his dads dick or something
Iceman is literally Jewish
Adopted though
He was a career officer trying to make a name for himself. That itself is a recipe for disaster.
Not in the fucking least. Please don't talk about shit you don't know about.
Just lucky.
Adopted into a Jewish family. He isn't religious.