Why the fuck was I laughing at this scene?

Why the fuck was I laughing at this scene?

Attached: spoopy bear.jpg (696x366, 11K)

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Wasn't scary at all

Because you're retarded.

Or maybe you found it funny that a fucked up bear face is sniffing around screaming help me.

But mostly you're just retarded.

la creatura....

it was pretty intense. there was a lady next to me who walked out of the theater during it and didn't come back

Because you're a pleb who wasn't able to immerse yourself in the film because your retarded mind needs jump scares

wtf were they thinking

It's just so fucking absurd. I hate jump scares btw.

I wish its introduction was done better. I wanted to see more of the left side, specifically where the human skull connects with the left eye of the bear. You bearly get a good shot when it's in-front of the chairs.


>Reddit spacing
>You're a pleb, you're a retard

go play your marios


Neck yourself, spastic.

I enjoyed it, but then again, I'm not a 14 year old contrarian.

Idiot suicided on a stream.

>More Reddit spacing

really? Does anyone have a video or webm up? screenshots?


Uncanny valley. It was an unnerving scene, while I didn't find it funny I could see why some would

Autistic people tend to struggle at properly expressing emotions.

can someone just post the damn webm scene of the sex

ehh... nevermind. I really don't wanna watch or see it. My life is already fucked up enough.

I thought the bear was spooky but the scene was dumb. The bear picks off one of them in the dark in a field, but does nothing when they're just sitting on chairs?

Why didn't it attack them?

Attracted to movwment, that's why she said don't react

Isn’t one of the tactics against bears irl just to play dead? They kinda did that

because you have a wicked sense of humor ;^)

Playing dead stupid. Staying still doesn't trigger the prey drive.

it's literally a few seconds of a close up of Natalie Portman's spine while she gyrates. Its fucking nothing but of course since in context it's with a black dude Sup Forums made a huge deal about it.

>*whispers in your ear*

Ain't this on Netflix now?

it's just a bear lol just shoot it

Who cares? Sup Forums murdered a woman only a few years ago and fuck all happened.

Because the nostril looks like an eye and i think that's fucking ridiculous

A mutant undead bear. A zombear.
>just shoot it
well yeah they did

It's pretty horrific actually, his whole head explodes.


Yes idk why so many boards are down because of this, but that's "the word" on why those boards are frozen.

Spurdo edit when?


And yet no one can explain why 4 boards are down and what it has to do with that fag

Real answer: hiro stopped paying bills and will collect adbux and passbux until the site goes 404.

Yes they can and have, go on the chat if you want to talk to admins directly about this current shitshow.

only if you don't live in the best country in the world

Because its bad. It's movements were terrible and they clearly didn't have the budget to pull off the altered animals. Annihilation is terrible and seeing all these marketers on Sup Forums is amusing.

It's on torrent sites.

spoonfeed me

bear kino

>1 go on Rizon
>2 go to #Sup Forums
>3 find a user with an @ before their name
>4 call them a faggot
>5 ???

nah i'm not doing all that.

just post a screen or give me the official boilerplate. you can't trust mods anyway. they're all in hiro's pocket.


Wait, they seriously froze the boards because of the suicide?

Are we being infiltrated?

Attached: 1343005078484.jpg (192x279, 34K)

do you actually see the woman the bear ate, fused with the bear?



No, the bear did not eat any one. The woman's screams some how got grafted into the bear through the shimmer.

>the bear did not eat any one

Attached: 1241223.gif (628x432, 102K)

Looked like the bear bit into her vocal chords and got her voice that way somehow

It didn't fuckwit. Nothing eats inside the shimmer.

Wasn't that deer goat thing eating?

You're not emotionally developed enough to deal with things that make you uncomfortable so you resort to a default emotion/expression which is to laugh.

did they fuck?

Idk. Does anyone have the webm?

Of course the animals and shit still earth. But since they're ingesting living tissue the shimmer probably melds their DNA with whatever they're eating. Hence the deer with plants growing out of them and stuff.

good thing it's not a jumpscare then

The bear took and killed the first girl. Padime found her body with her throat ripped out, but the girl wasn't consumed her body was otherwise intact.

The bear then gained the ability to scream. Then it attacked the crazy girl, sniffed the other three and finally mauled the crazy girl and ripped her throat and jaw out, killing her.

Then the bear attacked Padime and Syf finally got the gun and killed the bear.

The bear screaming Help me was kino
The bear was shitty cgi
The movie is pretty
The movie is bland and dull
The movie pacing is shit
The ending was shit
The cuck scene is just jew agenda

There, close thread

what a waste of a post

Was the bear particularly smart or something? Why would a presumably well-prepared expedition like this let themselves get repeatedly fucked up by an animal? Even a low level of training can mitigate the danger of animal attacks if the team has appropriate weapons.

I don’t think they were prepared for a stealth bear that could mimic human voices

>she said she doesn't -remember- eating in the shimmer
>they have a whole scene where they talk about rations
>scene with deer creatures grazing
>being this bad at reading context clues

I don't think a bear would have enough intellect to take advantage of those magic powers in a way that would make it significantly more dangerous than a normal bear.

When you think about the scene later it comes off as silly. But in a viewing it's crazy. The nice thing was is that it acted like a bear, instead of some zombie or something. It wasn't trying to be creepy or malevolent, it was just doing bear things but it had this creepy gene stuff going on where its voice sounded like a screaming woman. I think they played it just right, it could have been really cringy.

Well it’s full of refracted randomness so apparently some of that made it smarter

I thought the scene was interesting and beary refreshing.

i just want to discuss monster hunter on /vg/ why the fuck did they freeze that too.
was it on twitch or what?

I think it was on youtube, idk why v got hit, b makes sense but v? Idk man.

>being this new

is that daisy ridley?

None of that stupid theory makes sense, fuck off.

>I don't think a bear would have enough intellect to take advantage of those magic powers in a way that would make it significantly more dangerous than a normal bear.
Couldn't it also be getting messed up by the Shimmer? Like how the humans were losing their minds perhaps it was messing with the bear's instincts and it acts one way and then another.

The bear introduction scene was done like ass. It was dark, the characters were fairly stupid and set up like stage props. So no point of reference on the bear-creature before attacking the woman.

It could've mutated with the woman's DNA after already being some form of heavily genetically modified hybrid like the alligator. Another possibility is the womanbearpig being a doppleganger created like the deer in the time period they all got tied up.

Mimic-bear is also a possibility, but then there's the human skull growing on the side of its head. It does retain the standard bear sounds though.

Probably more like the alligator-shark hybrid. I think the hybridization with human DNA is where it starts shooting into unrealized fantasy more due to the complexity of human genetics.