Could you name a better casting than this?
Could you name a better casting than this?
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how do you explain asuka and rei being 13 years old? it seems like you are a-sucka lmao
My David would be a better Shinji desu
shia lebouff as shiniji
put some cutie as rei and not that ugly mixed shit
Snyder would be a perfect director for his pointless symbolism.
Maybe, but I could certainly name a better director
he'd probably tone it way back because he's actually directing something where it's appropriate.
Also zack snyder's robocop would be 75% more buff.
Stop trying to force this stupid shit already, glad I'll never watch it.
not the worst casting
>casting anime characters white
cmon, I can understand the other characters, but shinji is the most asian one there
The casting of adults is actually not that bad. Though I think there's a better choice out there for Akagi.
This is the worst thing I've ever seen.
fucking whitewassssssssssssssshed
Holy Shit Snyder reall would be the best Director for the movie.
i literally cannot
Finn Wolfhard is too chad to play beta boy Shinji
Imagine wasting talent on such a shit series
Fuck, rice is a 10/10 casting choice desu
you know you want it
terrible choices for rei, and kaworu
this is also a better choice for world's greatest dad
Snyder's Robocop would unironically be kino.
>I will never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything
What if art house film?
>Snyder's Robocop
That would be pretty cool film to watch
>not just getting Hideaki Anno himself to direct
>hes always Ryan Gosling
Will watch this later.
>implying this wouldn't be fun to watch.
>implying anno would actually deliver on time
anno would probably shoot 60% of green screen shit, disappear for 3 years, come back with a toho deal to do another 4 gojira movies, and then he'd still barely be finishing 4.0 while the live action movie gets shelved until guillermo del toro takes over and they reshoot the whole thing and america finally booty blasts anno into oblivion
>whitewashed cast
not the worst casting choices. moner for rei is particularly inspired. although honestly a live action movie would just suck, pacific rim 1 was close enough.
>Boyega as Shinji
He is too fat desu
What do you think? I tried to stay somehow honest to the source material.
>La luz extinguido as Rei
Netflix would unironically pick this up if you sent this to them.
I find your peoples infatuation with that creature disturbing.
It's because there was never before and never again such a wild mix of metaphysical, psychological and genre stereotype / genre deconstruction. It's a melting pots of half baked ideas, associations and normally it would turn out to be nonsensical but instead of that it somehow all fits together and has a pretty good flow.
I meant the ugly kid from IT
Not Evangelion
It’s just the same pedo who keeps making the same threads about her, he always makes it at the hour when mod isn’t around so he could samefag it for a few hours before it got deleted
Oh OK, yeah I really tried hard to find a somehow experienced german speaking teen actress who might fit but I wasn't really able to find one. I am not really a faanboy of her but I think are acting was pretty solid.
There would be nothing wrong with it if they just change the location and the names of the characters.
Honestly Snyder's hack filmmaking would perfectly match Anno's hack writing.
Wouldn't be Aronofsky a much better choice then?
Rei is supposed to look frail and gentle, not like a fucking thottie
Ella Lee my mans
You know, I think you're right on that one. That'd make more sense with all the gratuitous sexuality and violence.
If NGE is the peak for anime, that just goes to show how low the bar you retarded weebs have it.
Well yeah, not a bad idea. She has some experience and already did a production which deals with darker themes, so yeah I should addher to the chart.
NGE isn't remotely close peak anime. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is.
yeah what's happening?
would pay real american dollars to see
Terrible casting, so I guess you work at Hollywood?
This. NGE is pure overrated shonen shit
Peak anime would be stuff like LoGH, Mushishi, and Serial Experiments Lain imo
When does LotGH get good? I can never make it past the first few episodes.
>NGE is the peak for anime
Kemono Friends is the peak of anime.
Got perfect Rei right here
wh*Te washing
>kaji is not ryan gosling