Marvel movies sell. Diversity doesn't make a movie better or worse.
Anthony Rogers
compare a movie of equal quality dipshit
Ayden Moore
Black panther was a decent movie, that's gave it a decent box office, what pushed it over the edge is being a marvel movie and the huge marketing around it that it was some kind of movement. Diversity doesn't make a movie any better or worse unless your characters are empty shells, but marketing is everything
Henry Gray
I just did faggot
Jace Reed
he did
Jace Fisher
I really mean does having a movie feature non-whites automatically equal more box office revenue?
Ryder Turner
SeeIt's a Marvel movie, it was always gonna be successful. The combination of that and the large "cultural" impact this movie has on black communties led to it skyrocketing in box office. It's breaking records in America but also doing extremely well overseas, it passed Homecoming and Ragnarok internationally today. Hell, it's made $81 million in China already, despite lukewarm reactions. I'd say it's the black actors actually being attractive for the most part that led to its big success in Asia. Compare Chadwick or Michael B Jordan to John Boyega, it's pretty telling.
Logan Morgan
No, there are plenty of movies made by black people and have majority black casts and they can make absolutely fuck all, Black Panther had the hype of a marvel movie ontop of its marketing
Gabriel Peterson
Obviously that is where other studios went wrong. If you notice they always cast really average ugly looking actors instead of good looking ones. Which I noticed Black Panther for the most part avoided.
Still mediocre though.
Jaxon White
just watched this movie for the first time an hour or so ago. huge pile of garbage. if I was black I would feel insulted if this was supposed to be some sort of cultural watershed moment
but to answer your question, it's a Marvel flick so yeah it'll sell just like they all do
Daniel Wood
Nobody said better.
Diversity sells right now apparently. Why else would this capeshit movie make as much as it has?
This will usher in a new age of blacksploitation.
Lucas Diaz
>marvel shits out movie >it makes billions like clockwork
Colton Thomas
I don't know whats going on here. Do you think Black Panther is total dog shit or do you think A wrinkle in time is mediocre?
Ryan Perry
Jaxson Bell
Not television and film
Asher Taylor
>Does Diversity (aka Non-white) movies actually sell?
Yeah if you're not race swapping or deliberately trying to piss people off
Eli Perez
It's a good movie. Diversity alone does not sell. Great diversity does like Get Out and Black Panther.
David Evans
>a wrinkle in time is mediocre
well you have really bad taste, that movie is total dog shit.
Cooper Martinez
Didn't Blade and Spawn come out like 20 years ago? What's with this first black superhero meme?
Brody Thomas
it's so boring
Samuel Hall
People trying to give the MCU undeserved credit. It's baffling to me since as you said Black superhero films came out 20 years ago, also the fact that it took Marvel 18 films to have a star that wasn't a white man and they're still getting massive amounts of praise
Easton King
>Does Diversity (aka Non-white) movies actually sell? No, not really. A good example is A Wrinkle in Time, which nobody cares about and won't be breaking any records. It's both a Disney movie and a """""""diverse"""""" film. There are many other examples. BP did well because it's a decent capeshit and Marvel stuff is always hot. I would not be even remotely surprised if the new Avengers tops it in box office.
Samuel Flores
Marvel movies sell, it just got a diversity bonus because Disney is really good at stoking that fire and selling this stupid superhero movie as some kind of cultural movement That's all there is to it, as evidenced by the fact that A Wrinkle In Time is a horrible failure and all the other movies with diversity casts get next to no attention
Brayden Rodriguez
>Why else would this capeshit movie make as much as it has? Because is the most shilled MCU movie ever
Isaiah Parker
>Does Diversity (aka Non-white) movies actually sell?
Black Panther at least felt different aesthetically than generic blockbuster trash we've recieved in the past. Plus it was the first major black movie in a while not about slavery, civil rights, gangbanging, etc so people liked it.
Luke Kelly
>Does Diversity (aka Non-white) movies actually sell?
No, it doesn't. The number 1 reason why BP did so well is because it came out RIGHT BEFORE Infinity War and leads right into it. People went to go see it to fill in that final gap.
The other is because it was shilled to death for black people. The black community is a hive mind and some blacks interpreted this as the next Civil Rights Movement. A lot of them on twitter and FB admitted that they bought MULTIPLE TICKETS and never were planning on seeing it. Black churches, schools, and urban youth (((organizations))) bought multiple tickets so the black chillens would see it. A lot of black celebrities bought bundles of tickets as well.
There is a huge possibility that Disney is cooking the books and even buying their own tickets back even at a loss so as to make the shareholders happy and not sell Disney stock after the disaster that was TLJ. You might think that is self-defeating but in the long run they will convince the shareholders that diversity does work. It was also so they could keep their jobs because a lot of people were getting fired from some of these failing movies just like people are going to get fired for A Nigger in Time.
Asher James
what makes you think it sold? because the Jews are telling you it did?
Hunter Lewis
BP (capeshit) is dog shit.
Thomas Smith
>stockholders will be happy if Disney spends hundred of millions of dollars buying tickets to movie that cost them 300+ million to make
Who should I believe, official articles or some anonymous poster on a Taiwanese stitching forum
Nathan Bailey
>stockholders will be happy
Who said they would know? People cooking their books all the time to give off the APPEARANCE of success so as to keep others investing in them. A good example is Jay Z and Beyonce who have been alleged to have bought their own tickets during concerts because they were not selling to keep up the appearance of demand in them.
Mason Murphy
it's because it's a Marvel movie, which is the reason people went to see it
meanwhile if you made, say, a big CGI disaster movie set in Africa with an all black cast, it would probably do worse than normal
Landon Lopez
It was super right wing though. I don't see why liberals like it at all.
Christian Powell
thing is, if you were a nigger you wouldn't have that level of thought.
James Edwards
Fuck out of here racist. Niggers have a chance to be good people. Stop being racial in 2018, we have a continent of trash floating in the Ocean, and people are still starving to death around the World. Start actually being about equality, and worry about the real issues with the Earth; it won't be around forever. I hope the little black kids liked the fucking movie, but adults politicizing this whole movie is childish and wreckless. GROW THE FUCK UP
Owen Evans
fuck off nigger lover
Blake Cooper
No sorry I don't feel safe around them. They should stay with their own kind.
>being this assmad someone doesnt like your shitty nigger film stay mad nigger
James Rivera
Shit bait
Luis Lewis
nigger bait
Nolan Collins
If you are gonna waste my time with a reply would you at least put some effort into it? I'm whiter than you, and I don't care about niggers. I just wanna watch the fucking movie, and not be told by co workers to go see it because they have taken their kids 3 times.
Avengers will make everyone forget about BP. Only reason BP was so successful is A. it became a 'movement' for black people. and B. its a Marvel film.
Jose Davis
go away nigger
Camden Taylor
It’s a Marvel movie, so it automatically gets all the soyboys. It’s also a “we wuz kangz” fantasy for niggers. 99% of black people under the age of 60 have probably seen this movie. It’s obvious it was going to do well.