Now that the dust has settled we can all agree this was fucking awful right?
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree this was fucking awful right?
I loved this movie. Especially snoke. I saw it 30 times. Get wrecked OT fans
I finally watched it last weekend and it was as bad as everyone said. I tried to give it a fighting chance. Flat face uggo was the shittiest character in a bevy of shitty characters. The plot dragged. Luke, like his father before him in the prequels, was fucking ruined. Leia turned into Superman and it was stupid. The most interesting part was still Kylo Ren--and that's not saying much--plus the Reylo shipping while injected for the dippy broads to salivate over, was the only thing I cared about a little bit.
BUT, it being the worst SW movie doesn't retroactively make the prequels any less fucking garbage (that includes ROTS, you cretins).
>Saw it 30 times
>Snoke was the best part
Overall the movie was decent. I didn’t care for the Rose/Finn scenes but Benicio was good. Reylo scenes were pure kino tho.
The only good thing in this movie was red sand, hyperspace ramming and reylo.
>rey/kylo/luke arc
>plot black holes
>everyone is an idiot
>finn/fat arc
>stupid forced jokes
I'm still buying the Bluray
>t. alt-right nazis
Revenge of the Sith is constructed better and is more entertaining than The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. It is the best of the three and practically the only relevant one (1 and 2 provide important context for Revenge of the Sith, but Revenge of the Sith is basically all you need to supplement 4/5/6).
>Skywalker: Character ruined, wasted, killed off.
>Leia: Wasted, couldn't even kill her off right.
>Leia & Han: Shitty parents, yay.
>Force: reduced to a token.
>Rey: greatest convergence in the force in the entire saga apparently, wooden as fuck.
>KeyloRainOrWhatever: Fucking goofy bastard, not menacing, not intimidating, just pouty and emotional
>Snoke: Completely unnecessary, also where was this ancient dark lord of the sith like 25 years ago when it was all emperor this and vader that
>BB8: B B 8, yeah I get it, it's two round things.
>Edgar Allen Poe: The only one with a brain, but it's still a 12yo one.
>Finn: This space for rent
>12 other characters not worth mentioning: why was I supposed to care about any of them again? Any reason?
>Stupid casino planet: Gay, one-feature planets are retarded.
>Lukes Island: it's a tiny island, much easier to find him on that than on a giant landmass.
>the map to Lukes Island Planet: How fucking many planets do you have to go to to reach that fucking planet exactly? With a spaceship? Dumb.
>Salt: It's salt!
>Millenium Falcon: Should not be able to be instantly customized and understood by some teenager the first time she sets eyes on it, after a lifetime of Han & Chewy customizing it for speed.
>Good & Evil: Black & White worldview, ok fine, but ffs referring to good as "light" all the fucking time as in "there's still some light in him" wat.. that is some honestly cringey shit. Knock it off.
>Force Telecommunication Act of Long Time Ago: You're pushing it.
>Force projecting from a galaxy away: No.
>Force projecting from the dead affecting physical objects in reality: Niggawat
>Rian Johnson: Enjoy no one ever letting you direct their shit ever again and spending the rest of your worthless life trying to defend what you did to Star Wars you fat stupid cunt.
It's a fucking trainwreck.
This is like the Pickle Rick of bait
Saw TFA, twas shite. Not bothering with Star Wars movies again.
yikes: the movie
Everything just happens : The movie
It wasn't really good but it was still better than the prequels.
Well, it's not as if it was particularly good, is it...
>Buying a Bluray for any movie, let alone fucking TLJ
Super hyped after TFA, Kylo taking off his mask was a fucking joke, no continuity with TFA, stupid character decisions, post-structuralism deconstructing the white male hero trash. Don’t care about star wars anymore after this movie
The Force Awakens wounded, and The Last Jedi outright killed any and all excitement I have for Star Wars as a thing anymore. Daisy Ridley can't act, and, Rey is a poorly written character. Adam Driver's performance as, Kylo is the only thing I liked about the new films. The entirety of the new cast are awful. Finn, Rose, etc. They shit all over the memory of the original cast and wrote characters like, Luke so out of character, they aren't even the same people in my mind.
The only thing from any of the upcoming projects that looked interesting is, Glover as, Lando. I'm not going to watch that film though, because the guy cast as, Han is a fucking charisma vacuum. I would have just preferred a film about, Lando at this point.
As long as, Kathleen Kennedy and Disney are in charge of anything related to Star Wars, I'm out.
You forgot your image Mr. Wonderful
No idea what that means.
>rey/kylo/luke arc
What arc?
You get dubs, but you don't get the reference.
For that reason, I'm out.
I can't quite express yo you just how much I've never cared about that, friendo.
I still haven't seen it. Is it worst at least one viewing?
I watched a stream of it for the first time a few days ago and it was easily the worst star wars movie out of all of them. There was nothing iconic or good about it
Whenever people say Daisy Ridley can't act, it sort of takes me out of their argument. I don't know why you guys have to tact something like that on when you have a perfectly solid foundation for an argument with "Rey is a poorly written character," which is an objective fact.
A Sith falls in love with a Jedi.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by The Force with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange pertubance in the Force, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this canon at all. She is the girl's alternate canon counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of MIDICHLORIANS.
Old OT fags are the ones who love it
Keit-Ai has been made into:
>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film
Meme magic is amazing.
and stay there.
Oh wait.
I liked Attack of the Clones more than it. Thought it was more memorable and entertaining.
what's wrong with giving back to the filmmaking community for giving us a good/decent movie? Are you that fucking poor/cheap?
For me, she isn't a good actress. She's never given a performance I've liked. I recently watched Murder On The Orient Express and her acting was mediocre there as well. Then again, people swear to me that, Kristen Stewart is a brilliant actress as well. So what do I know.
>kill your mysterious alien emperor off because why the fuck not
>b plot that no one cares about
>using Force Skype apparently kills you
>women can't drive starships
What the hell is Episode 9 going to be?
Kylo/Luke/Rey was good.
Kylo is kino, Reylo was great too.
That's it.
>Kristen Stewart
Daisy is doesn't really have anything to work with in star wars. I'd say she is still better, because Kristen Stewart was outright terrible in everything I saw her in.
lol youre so GAY
She has two expressions and bugs her eyes out like they’re fucking pufferfish whenever she speaks. I’ve seen student actors with more grace and nuance.
2.5 hours of steamy uncensored Reylo sex
How they ruined Luke is logically indisputable. They fucked up hardcore, nothing makes sense, I hate them so much for what they did to Star Wars.
The pandering is insane, this sums up my feelings pretty well.
part of me wishes Abrams made 8 since he's doing 9 anyways
he probably had less retarded plans for Luke and the movie wouldn't have been a car chase
>Character with literally no backstory or established motivation besides" I'm evil" is the biggest face on the poster
The visuals are the only part of the movie that doesn't get worse the more you think about it.
>3 movies into Disney Star Wars
>Only 2 licensed games, both of which are multiplayer only and don't build hype or backstory for the main movie plots at all
Really weird when thinking back to all the games they made for the prequel trilogy, and that video games are even more profitable now than they were then.
I sense some light in this post.
I really tried to convince myself in order to like it but when superleia appeared I just stopped
It's shit. Also I bet they destroy the falcon in episode 9. Screenshot me.
>Hans cis white supremacist falcon is gone and here's why that's a good thing
they already killed everyone from the OT (don't know what they'll do with Leia)
Chewie is dying next
Is this some kind of weird reverse shilling tactic to keep this film in the public image?
I see the same thread maybe 9 or 10 times a day. Its definitely not a coincidence.
It's op being payed by the mouse?
He struck me down and everything got a shit-ton worse. It was all a waste of time. I'm so ashamed.
Hold me.
Disney needs to be destroyed
no, in here its normie/fag tier to hate on this movie.
Take off the tinfoil, shills aren't going to call the thing they are shilling awful
Stop making this fucking thread every day, m8.
All publicity is good publicity. There is a reason these threads started popping back up once the digital release came out.
I like it because all the women are stronk, and independent and competent at everything. I think it's empowering for little girls all over the world, especially in the wake of the metoo movement. Girls need to know they can do anything and don't have to be scared if a fat kike drag them to their hotel to make them read a script because if he dares grabbing them by the pussy they can kick his ass easily. Great lesson to be learned.
Besides the obvious Disney pays off critics
Why did they like this flick ???
It's pretty to look at, might be good as background noise while you're doing something actually entertaining
The prequels had a meaningful story line, interesting characters & excellent music & worldbuilding. Those alone makes the prequels x10000 better.
>Snoke is the best part
Snoke honestly is. Snoke dying with no indication of who he is and what his purpose is drives the downfall of Star Wars and I honestly can’t wait for this franchise to finally crash and burn and end.
No just Star Wars identity fags whose egos are too sensitive to face the truth.
>im gonna kill you for reasons; oh no you woke up and i have nolonger reasons
Why did they make Hux such a laughing stock worthless character? Was it because a competent Imperial general type guy would be the only character the audience would be rooting for?
I enjoyed her performance in TFA in that she had on-screen charisma and likability (if you cut out the cunty scenes with Finn). But yeah, I have not observed anything much in the way of acting beyond that.
why? TFA was shit. Why suck JJs cock? The only reason Rians work sucked is because he obviously doesnt know or care about SW and Disney let him do whatever he wanted
What if it's revealed in ep9 that snoke is actually plagueis for real and kylo wasn't the first who "killed" him.
That would justify his death being so stupid because dying doesn't mean anything to him anyways
There is literally nothing you can do to save this trainwreck now. This trilogy has no real purpose for anything but cash in on the remaining SW retards
At least we would have gotten a coherent trilogy out of it. Right now we basically have two different movies that fuck each others plot in different ways and a third one coming that will attempt to make sense of rians shitfest through some half assed explanations and retcons
>At least we would have gotten a coherent trilogy out of it
That shit went out of the window when they decided to remake New Hope. They should have stuck with Lucas Outline and remove the crap
All I want is some closure now. I feel like JJ at least cares about star wars enough that he could bring my feelings for this trilogy from hate to indifference.
I'm hoping for another RotS basically
>What the hell is Episode 9 going to be?
Return of the Mary Sue
I agree with this post and I'll consider it correct until someone refutes it
>send a force ghost copy of yourself to fight instead of yourself
>die anyway
what was point?
>All I want is some closure now
Impossible the events of TFA/TLJ are like week inuniverse time and completely wrecked everything about Star Wars
More like who did beside Kathleen Kennedy and her story group made of old feminist cunts?
Get this man off my bridge
This is a summary I can get behind. Thanks for putting it down.
>JJ caring
If you think its fucked now just wait until rians whole new trilogy comes around.
In relation to rian, yes
He wont get it they missed out on too much money because of his bullshit.
>implying all the women in the movie didn't suck dick for their roles
i bet daisy uses her teeth
You have to be braindead to think they are going to gib him a trilogy after TLJ doing less than fucking black panther
no way around that
rian is a fucking moron, even shyamalamadingdong is tasteful enough to only have one twist in his movies