explain yourself
You forgot that Carla whatsername. The one with the mannish eyebrows and lack of discernible talent.
But dude ugly girls are obtainable xD
I actually only find 2D girls and the occasional 2D girl (male) attractive
The only patrician choice.
giv any of them
giv any woman
any woman at all
please i don't care what she looks like just that we share some interests so we enjoy sharing one another's company and talking and then we can explore each other's bodies until we know everything about the other and we form a perfect team together and spend our lives in bliss content in the knowledge that we have found not only our greatest friend in the whole world but also our lover
pls giv
Keira a best. Her voice is also lovely
She smiles like the Terminator tho
I'll take one of each
*makes your day cuter*
i didn't know marion cotillard was british
Who do you take? I'll take Selena, Emma and Emma
Why are all those American females disgusting chinlets/jawlets?
is jlaw even human?
Does anyone on Sup Forums like Maisie anymore? We're the first ones to call her a goblin.
is it legal to be this cute?
>Sup Forums
>no Glau
>no ASR
*scares the shit out of you*
looks like keira knightley there.
Where did her breasts go?
leave daisy alone >:(
Every time I see Daisy Ridley....I feel glad my girlfriend isn't that hideous.
your loss.
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting that
Britbongs all look the same.
why is eu all qts but the countries are so fucking shit
us brits have the best lasses.
>no Poots
u fucking donkey