What is the best Netflix Original Series to watch?

What is the best Netflix Original Series to watch?

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people shit on it, but i really liked marco polo too. it had problems but there was potential in it


>best Netflix Original Series to watch?

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your mother


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The only thing worth watching on netflix is endless episodes of Star Trek.


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seasons 1 and 2 of House of Cards

wrong person

unironically, the foreign crime dramas produced by Netflix are absolute kino.

I like Atypical


I unironically use Netflix for this purpose.

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t. netflix ceo

Fucking this. Criminally overlooked

Anything and everything u have on Plex

Mind Hunter or bust

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Too bad they cancelled Marco Polo season three with Templars showing up would've been fun to watch. At least the guy who played Kublai is apart of Dr. Strange. Also loved the Cricket Minister in season one such a great villain.

Every scene with Ed Kemper was fucking excellent.

you have to dig deep to find something good but somtime you find something decent like the oxark

Wait what? They cancelled Marco Polo?

Samurai Gourmet.

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That fucking Italian crime one set in Rome and the Vatican, with the Gypsies and the Mob and the Priests, what the fucks it called....

God damn that's good. I gotta find that again & catch up.

Marco Polo was pretty good but it was meant to compete with game of thrones. I'm still waiting for a good tv show covering the romance of the three kingdoms. Now that is good show material.

Shot in rhe Dark


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That film, & show are both fucking brutal and primo kino.

As if you needed a reminder that the Italians INVENTED opera:

Yeah they were spending something like 7 million an episode.

Unironically American Vandal

Wasn't there that Japanese one that's on YouTube?

The crime docs are pretty great especially dirty money and drug lords.
>only Canadians would think to steal $5 million+ in maple syrup


This is the issue I have with these series that go on infinite hiatus. You get involved in a show and they cancel it with no chance to wrap it up. Honestly though what they needed to do was make them reign the fucking budget in. They could tell the story without wasting so much money. That's an insane cost per episode for no sci-fi or fantasy requiring massive fx.


Daredevil s1. You can ignore the rest of the marvel shit though.

Love is a good show

Oh how I wish they'd kept it a standalone and not given him that suit and all the other dumb stuff. The brilliance of the first season was him being solo, fighting tons of normal mooks, just through determination and taking his share of injuries. It was believable for the genre. To me there's only Season 1 and none of the other Marvel shows Netflix made.

F is for Family

luke cage was great too.

It was good. Definitely good. Not as good as Daredevil S1 though. But I'd put Luke Cage S1 as the next best to it. Honestly none of the rest of the shit though. And Luke Cage and Daredevil shouldn't be connected shows. They're stronger when the characters exist in an apparently otherwise normal universe.

Season 2 was still good. People were just soured over Punisher not being the focus of the entire season, plus The Hand making it feel less grounded than it did before.
After watching stuff like Iron Fist and the first few episodes ofJessica Jones S2, I'll take back DDS2 with wide open arms.
I'll never get tired of these two fights in particular.

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it really wasn't though. It wasn't awful either. Just bland, boring and generic

I'll agree you can find good parts of other seasons and series, but you just can't top the rawness and grounded feel of the season as a whole.


His name is Daredevil.


most of their docs are pretty great

You also should watch the original "Gomorrha"