Psuedo-Intellectualism within 2049's try hard esque plot

Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049? How much longer will simulation physics rendered as proto bioshock aesthetic be praised as affecting art? (Especially when the only audience responding to 2049 are the neurotic vilenueve sycophants high on neo imdb idoltry?)
Vileneuve vandalises art to peddle pseudo avant garde video game hysteria, it appeals to the emasculated neuroticism of vileneuve sycophants, whilst 'pulling a fast one' on its aesthetic authenticity, result in a garish makeup of style over video game subterfuge.

Attached: blade.jpg (1920x1195, 664K)

Other urls found in this thread: gen/

Is Villeneuve Jeff Koons ?


i want to throat you

He's not wrong, you know.
This board worships soy and then uses it as an insult.

>If grug use big words, grug will appear smart

Attached: 1514116480171.png (485x443, 27K)

it's just a movie
then again, i am a brainlet. thank god i'm not smart enough to care about whatever it is you just said.

When will you people stop giving this retard (you)s?

But I enjoy his threads.

Shit nigger, you're still at this?