Just marathoned this, what did I think of it?

Just marathoned this, what did I think of it?

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what does it mean to marathon a single movie

Means you sat down and watched two hours of the movie jew.

it wasn't bad, was mildly entertaining. Probably worth a watch again at some point

don't you mean you put it on n the background while shitposting about other movies on Sup Forums

means op is retarted

mediocre with nothing new and no great performances or visuals
a waste of resources and time to be frank
alex garland shouldn't direct at all and natalie portman should retire
oscar isaac was sleepy and tessa thompson is the same in everything (not very good)
mexican girl played her part well and JJL was disappointing

Marathoning one movie

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So you're one of those niggers who doesn't pay attention to a movie but still talks about it
Please, end your life, you miserable cunt

Congrats, dude. You got the joke. Did you also catch that he asked "what did I think of it" instead of "what did you think of it"?

All these newfags trying to point out you can't marathon a movie. Go back.

Why is there so much new itt?

Daily reminder: There is literally no explanation for why parking an aircraft carrier or huge boat on the edge of the shimmer with only half of it inside (while the people onboard remain with the controls on the outside) wouldn't work

Daily reminder: There is no reason a harpoon with a steel cable and winch wouldn't work

Daily reminder: There is no reason why a blimp + rope wouldn't work

Daily reminder: There is no reason why a long stick wouldn't work

Daily reminder: There is no reason for them not to be anchored to ropes when they go in so they retrace their steps and leave the shimmer

Daily reminder: These are plot holes that cannot be explained away as the movie itself is self-contained and provides us with ample evidence of what the Shimmer can and can't do.

when you watch the whole movie without pausing

it's not easy

>These are plot holes that cannot be explained away as the movie itself is self-contained and provides us with ample evidence of what the Shimmer can and can't do

The agency that sent those people into the shimmer were some shitty seedy agency, not any kind of normal government.

You also missed the point if you keep talking about tethers; the people that entered the shimmer aren't the ones that left. We don't even understand what left the shimmer. Remember the 'real' Kane, (or was that the real Kane?) who killed himself with a phosphorus grenade.

>the people that entered the shimmer aren't the ones that left
so if the line suddenly goes limp and they disappear, the other side can still pull the rope back and examine it you brainlet. THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT DESPITE AUTISTS ON A CHINESE CARTOON WEBSITE COMING UP WITH METHODS THAT WOULD YIELD RESULTS

Sounds like a great movie, do you take pictures of trains?

Daily reminder: You have autism.


what with the shitty dubsteb at the end??

lots of cute shots of neta-lees bum!

What happens in it?
Are men savage pigs and some 90lb jewish princess gets a gun and becomes a badass and shows those filthy men that women can be even more filthy and more savage and more piggish?


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stop being a meanie you piece of shit, i'll fucking kill your whole family.

I marathoned the first 15 minutes but decided to do something else

The shimmer is a pretty big place, remember when they said it took them 6 days of walking to get to that army base?

2 hrs of flashy visuals and everything is up for interpretation
very deep movie

rule34 WHEN

>hop in

fuck off tacoman

What would you have done in her stead?

The sex scenes were pure Kino.

I love a true depiction of military wives.

would have been better as all men starring Kurt Russell as the lead

the women are completely incompetent fuck up constantly and succeed due to blind luck

Was she getting railed by a room full of dudes with their cocks through their BDUs while she lay passed out from cheap box wine in a back room of some shit base housing?

Cause I've seen that play out a few times, and it's never sexy after you cum in the puddle in her back.

The aircraft carrier would eventually melt/rust/change just like every structure in the shimmer, given time.

Second any kind of tethers would not work on humans, they would unite or otherwise detach themselves from them as their minds begin to break down.

Any of those attempts at jewing the shimmer are not logical from a containment standpoint. For all they know the border is the only thing containing whatever it's inside, inside. A tether, link or something like that might spread it further or faster.

Only you people see it that way though

I have a serious question: How do you think a dumbing down of this movie would have looked like? Paramount requested it and Alex Garland refused it.

it was kino and deserves 4 oscars and a grammy

For me what says the most about Garland as a director is him refusing to suck Paramount's dick. He didn't change a thing for them and the film was released with his vision.

yeah actually I always pause and go to the bathroom or something at least once. I guess I am just a pleb who can't even marathon movies

Wut muvvy is this


why couldnt they use cars or bikes to travel faster?

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Would you fuck it?

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they would have just ruined the ending I bet.
Paramount thought the whole 11 minute no-dialog segment with the doppelganger and it's inexplicable mirroring + destructive burning behavior was too weird. They probably also wanted Garland to reveal exactly what was causing the shimmer and to change the part where Lena's eyes turn yellow like clone Kane's.

IMO this is one of the few movies that really nailed the ending, which is usually the hardest part to get right. It's intentionally ambiguous so viewers can make sense of it in many different ways and choose to believe what makes the most sense to them personally. The only people who can't make sense of it in any way are those who weren't paying attention