> snowpiercer
> train to busan
why are films about trains so kino?
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Why do webms like that depress me so much. Ive never once had someone look at me like that
Probably because you don't go out too often.
Yeah you're probably right
get the fuck outta here
Pretty girl
It's not the trains, it's the South Koreans that are kino
>haha we wrecked the entire train and doomed ourselves but at least we're in control now
I have had 2 women look at me light I can sort their entire problems and life out.
it's a different look to the sexy playful look in OPs webm, but \i tell you it made me feel uncomfortable as fuck. Like they are putting you on a pedestal.
It's a metaphor
They kind of made it a point that it's a flawed revolution with a fairly shitty person leading it (murdering Tilda Swinton and choosing to let Jamie Bell die)
>You know, there is something about a tangle of strangers pressed together for days with nothing in common but the need to go from one place to another and never see each other again.
what a cute lady
What about if they take snaps of you and start laughing?
Unstoppable my man
5 years ago a girl looked at me like that. i was 18
so many opportunities wasted
im just waiting to die
Where was snowpiercer going?
does butch cassidy and the sundance kid count as train kino
>most retarded movie ever
>the fate of the human race resides in a teenage chink and a nigglet because fuck white people amirite?
>they will have to wait 5-6 years before they can reproduce yet they know nothing of life on the surface
>oh look! an animal is staring at us! maybe we can actually survive in this environment
>tfw when you're a polar bear and fresh meat is waving at you just 200 yards away
it's literally a metaphor for why leftist revolutions shouldn't ever succeed at all costs
That's the fucking point you absolute brainlet.
None of the "villains" did a single thing wrong, and the audience as well as the characters both see it at the end but by then it's too late and everything is fucked.
I've had that look like 5 different times, and never had the balls to do something about it. I definitely understood in the abstract they were into me, but in the moment I was just a scared little kid.
>waiting to die
The bad times haven't even begun.
Holy shit you're an idiot.
The whole point of the ending is that they're going to die while the polar bear, unbound by human ideology and selflessness, will feed on them and live on.
looking forward to your inevitable school shooting
how to react so i can get the gf if this happens to me!
it's pretty easy, all you gotta do is say you too
well you know something is really wrong
What do you call this look?
>it's another thread where /r9k/tards whine about a male/female interaction
we're talking about train movies though
one time a grill looked at me like that. car crash 2 weeks later. why must we suffer such pain in the world?
i'm on that exact train everyday.
manhattanfags will recognize it
>it's a roastie tries to be "nice" to the fat ugly guy, episode
wew nothing better than giving them a digusted contempt face until they quickly look away and try look back at you a few seconds later but youre still holding that face.
Where is it? I want to reenact that webm with that girl
>I like you
It sucks when they look at you like that but arent attracted to you at all and you want tindate them so you can do all kinds if nice things for them without it being inappropriate
Me after eating pussy.
it was a brexit metaphor
Tfw me and girl i know made eye contact for what felt like ages and i was overwhelmed by this warm feeling.
Too bad i was to pusy and let her leave my life
>forgetting Polar Express
28 here and can confirm, it will get worse
It was a good and charming movie, whoever disagrees is an underage contrarian redditor.
cgi jeff foxworthy is 2uncanny4me
Polar Express is awesome, some warm coco and under a blanket during the holiday season with PE is max comfy
post more train movies faggots
just b urself bro
Being yourself is what you do alone in the comfort of your own home. If only /r9k/ understood this.
Last Crusade intro
You're the only one "reee"ing here, faggot. Lay off the salt.
Exactly. If you ever see a girl giving you attention, just whip your cock out and start fapping in front of her.
Why are they getting desert already when they haven't even touched their steak?
trains are cool
Metaphor for the Commie scum trying to tear down the walls of Western society
context? what's going on here?
best train movie right here
it's adapted from a french comicbook, clearly a metaphor for the french revolution
Why did you answer your own question
knives, how do they work?
my mom looks at me like that
That's a big steak.
How does this one make you feel user?
>taking the film literally
I did not know there where such brainlets
Shut up cuck
she's having flashbacks of her buttfucking. chocosauce is her churned out turd, cream is mancream and further in is the red pulp of her innards. knife is my benis
What the fuck? She went from trying to make a stupid point about "manspreading" to masturbating. Feminists are fucking retarded.
>why are films about trains so kino?
Kino train movies? We can't have that!
*blocks your path to Kino Heaven with the new Murder on the Orient Shitpress*
Yeah nothing wrong with having wasteful degenerate drug parties all day.
Coming from a family of 3 brothers that film always hits a comfy soft spot for me.
>also unrelated but I have a thing for indian girls
>comparing being .01% of the world to getting the smallest bit of positive attention from a female
this is what normtards actually believe
>gawping at all those shitty carbs
>completely ignoring the plate in front of her
fug I haven't had steak in a year
maam pls
close vagene pls
Shanghai Express (1932)
>Marlene Dietrich
>Anna May Wong
>my dick
She's on drugs, she's not making a point about feminism
Well if you'd do something about it things would get better
>David Suchet's murder on the orient express
Maximum comfy.
whenever i realise a girl is in to me or asks for my number it's annoying because theirs suddenly this pressure to ask them on a date or something
doesn't help i'm in love, severely freindzoned and cant fkn get over it
Imagine being stuck on a train your whole life and outside is just death. There is nothing better to do. It’s not like the starving children can survive on recreational drugs either so it’s not wasteful
is that taylor hill?
shes really pretty
was it autism?
>The Train That Couldn't Stop, But Then It Did
I watch this movie every time it's on TV, Denzel is my man
Is that movie any good?
It's Anderson's best film, if that means anything to you
aside from Life Aquatic
38 here, just haven't decided on the method yet
don't be a kid, sort your fucking life out user.
Was he nominated for a oscar for this too?
learn to cook, fag.
why the fuck does she care, she'll go to the beach like that
Some fatty eyefucked me yesterday at work and told her actually hot friend to look at me. I caught them right while they were miring. I hate only attracting fat pieces of shit, I need to lift more
you mean the look of hers when the girl realized she is been film.
that is just a nature reaction user.
don't think too much into it.
but eye contact is still eye contact, it could be a chance for you to talk to her....instead of "coming out of no where, taping her on the shoulder from behind " kind of shit.
>and antidote to chads
That one time where a woman is actually based
she/s not a whore??
was it rape?