When it's all over do you think she will ever realize why she lost?
When it's all over do you think she will ever realize why she lost?
Do you think Drumpf will even realize he's lost?
Do you think you will ever realize you're lost?
That "Drumpf" guy you speak of is gonna win.
Do you think Donald J. Trump will even realize why he won the popular vote and electoral college vote and why he was elected POTUS and why he will be inaugurated next year?
My guess is that she'll be stunned, and in denial. Even behind bars, she would be squawking about how it was all some Russian conspiracy working against her.
Nah, she's a sociopath m8
Disgusting nasty corrupt old woman.
She needs to go home before she gets hung from a lamppost.
Sociopaths don't learn, they just keep going.
She will have ample time to ponder that in the cell
She's a high functioning psychopath, so no.
She will blame men, sexism, homophobia, pedophobia, racism, a basket of deplorables, and most of all TRUMP.
She will never once think it was because she is a creepy old pedo pimp with a creepy granny grin and crazy hyena laugh.
I imagine it'll be like when Saban kicked the shit out of Urban Myth.
She'll accept the defeat, everything will seem fine.
>BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton found unconscious inside Clinton Manor; rushed to hospital
>pants of shit
Also the boundless rage she will try and fail to hide when conceding the presidency will be glorious.
Sorry, but HRC is going to win, get impeached and become the fall guy for the rest of the elite. Tim Kaine is going to take her place and everything goes on as usual.
You mean when she's in the Oval Office? Probably not.
Honestly, I'm a little pissed that Hilldog, Slick Willie, and the rest of the gang are going to go to jail for treason, sex trafficking, etc. It makes it too easy for leftists and the lapdog media to blame their failure on that instead of the real reasons everyone hates them. Hilldog really needed to be beaten by Trump in a straight matchup and her underage Russian chickens coming home to roost deprives us of that satisfaction.
If she had not run for pres. She &Bill could have lived well on 150mil
No. She's already completely detached from reality. She still thinks "Trump supporters" are some tiny gaggle of drunk inbred rednecks.
Doesn't matter. The traction we'll get from ridiculing leftists as stupid enough to vote for child sex slavers will have lefty cucks apologizing for generations to come.
They are...
>I can imagine her screaming POUTINE!!!! on a daily basis.
But user, leftists are r-strategists. They don't see anything wrong with child sex. This is all just going to be a platform for them to legalize pedophilia, just another manufactured Clinton scandal.
There's a non-trivially large amount of trump supporters.
You either haven't been paying attention or you're a shill.
For Christ's sake, buy a fucking car.
It's not good to be trapped in a liberal prison city 24/7.
>encouraging leftists to acquire a means of escape from future rape hives during the inevitable economic and social collapse
It's almost like you want xim to not die slowly and painfully as xe slowly realizes why xis entire worldview is diametrically opposed to the well-being of human civilization.
This is really the only way her presidency could realistically go. What could she even do if she got elected? She'd have no political capital, and her approval rating would probably be her hardened support only, which, considering the entire population of the US, would probably put her at about a 20 or 30% approval rating at best which would continue to drop.
I don't think she'll win, but I don't lose any sleep over it anymore considering how tough of a time she's guaranteed to have if she took office.
No, her neurosyphilis will continue making her think she lost because of a cartoon frog but really it will be because Trump played multidimensional chess while she barely played 1d Chutes and Ladders
No, she will blame others as always
Never, she is so out of touch with reality. She has been shielded from it for over 30 years.
no, Gore still believes that he was president.
Any help is appreciated, anons.
Indeed. It's going to "all be making sense now" for the rest of her life.
>I spent triple what he spent
>I had the media shilling for me
>I had the president using his own private to jet to fly around the country and campaign for me
>I had every celebrity in Hollywood promote me and say they'll move if trump wins
>I had media in a million diff countries shilling for me even though they don't vote
>I had brits almost ban trump from entering the country
>I spent so much on tv ads I could have booked the entire Super Bowl
>I had people trump hi5'd 10yrs ago come forward and claim he raped them
>I tied the man to Russian spies and kkk members
>I made him seem crazy for wanting a border
>I had all the polls rigged
>I had the debate questions fed to me beforehand so I could come up with the perfect politically correct answers against this buffoon who didn't even prepare
>I paid off the debate moderators so they silenced the trump crowd and let mine cheer
>hell I paid them so much I had them throwing question after question at the man about his private financial affairs
>I splattered it all over the media that he used a legal loophole my husband signed to avoid paying taxes
>I took over half a billion dollars in donations from corporates and the wealthy and somehow still painted him as the candidate who will look after his rich friends
I can't wait until he crushes your kind beneath his heel. I'm going to support all of it and mock you for years.
I seriously think she'll have a major mental breakdown
Suicide by cops is my wet dream. Can you imagine this dry cunt shooting at the FBI in her doorsteps in front of all the cameras?
Im already with a boner.
I hope we get to see it live on TV.
>pls God
>pls God
>pls God
>pls God
There's one reason why she lost. She really pissed kek off.
Even if Trump wins, he'll never become president. Just look at how the UK got out of brexit. Our congress and/or supreme court will figure something out to stop him from being inaugurated.
She will know that she underestimated the American people
would you say it really made her think?
That would be casus belli to violently overthrow the government and hang every politician who supported defying the will of the people in the streets
Yeah, but face it, americans are lazy fucks who couldn't be bothered to get off the couch to do anything about it.
>hillary realizing anything
she's been in a haze of her own powerlust for 50 years. she doesn't even realize that other people have feelings. the world is just a chessboard to her.
That would literally cause the day of the rope.
If congress actually did that they would wake up to pitch forks, and torches outside their house
Oh My Kek
She already knows. Russian hackers.
I hope she figures out that people just don't like her lying, screeching ass. And I hope she winds up in tears.
She called us deplorables, she already knows we are why she's losing.
As the founders always believed, Democracy is only as strong as the people who are willing to stand up for it.
Even if it means putting someone you may not have voted for in power. You have to stand up for democracy over whatever stunt might get pulled.
brb investing in rope stocks
>I spent triple what he spent
Didn't she spend a fuckton more than that?
Praise Our Lord
Whats really fucked up is that not one of the >50k of emails out there do those fuckers discuss how to make the US better for the people. The few good deeds I heard only happened because bragged about doing good.
I see NOTHING redeeming about their actions when no one is looking!
If anything, the greatest possibility will be another massive leak that keeps Hillary voters home and the rest of Trump supporters to vote en masse. OR she wins, gets indicted then I have no clue what the flying fuck happens. However if this post is dubs Trump wins electorate but not majority.
Top kek.
Because that's what yo mammy does, right?
i'm a spic :^)
We're gonna have to tweet her like a month after the election all at once to remind her that a anime masturbation frog worship cabal took out her life's work
and that short, bright burn on her twitter will put Sup Forums in the headlines as the rightful victors of this election
You're completely right. They are just cold calculating and power hungry. Not public servants at all.
I haven't heard anyone else bring this up and I hadn't even thought of it myself over all the crazy allegations. I like you.
Does she realize she can't play moral high horsey anymore?
she will be a lame duck as soon as she steps into office.
Popular vote, yes, but I think the EC might just screw him over. Faithless voters have done so in the past, though they've never changed an election.
No, she's too brain damaged now to have any ability to figure out why she was never likeable in the first place to anyone except females looking to vote the muh vagina route.
what is going on in this I dont even
Wow wee this is funy, mind if i save this image?