I wanna fucking die...

i wanna fucking die. saw this trailer last night and i genuinely think it might be the worst thing that's come out in a long time. and now i see this? there's no way that this fucking shit can be good.

Attached: i want to kermit.png (386x171, 47K)

>Hasn't seen film
>Wants to die when it gets a 6.8 average rating
Yes please kill yourself!

i want you to watch john cena butt chug beer. and tell me you don't feel empty after.

maybe it's a good movie

Hahaha. Butt chugging. How relatable and hilarious.

saw somewhere that someone with involved with the pitch perfect movies made this. makes sense.

literally American Pie with girls and completely focusing on the parents

Am i the only one that thinks this age of "parent comedies" is getting older and more cringy by the day?

Rooster Blockers? I don't get it

>he thinks critics can ever be trusted
What a fucking moron

Attached: buttchug.png (167x166, 39K)

White Cock Blockers
They cuck their sons.

>19 reviews
>6.8 score

You have to wonder what tortured fucking math the RLM staff use to arrive at this.

Which is why the audience score is always more trustworthy.

the idea that more than 50% of living breathing humans thought that this was any sort of good is what makes me lose hope in humanity.

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How do these movies sell? Are they actually selling? Is this some kind of scam at this point?

When has anybody ever thought this kind of humor was funny?

If they give it above a 5 it's considered a good review, if it's 5 or below it's considered a bad review.
The percentage is just the ratio of good to bad reviews, while the number is just the average rating. Means pretty much all the critics gave it about a 7

This movie looks comfy and like an easy laugh. Stop being tight asses

So you've seen it?

didnt the guy that wrote the "negative review" about black panther give it above that? i dont think ive ever heard movie news that made me as pissed as that.

glad to know you wanna see a john cena sex comedy about his daughter wanting to fuck

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>If they give it above a 5 it's considered a good review, if it's 5 or below it's considered a bad review.
Not every critic uses a 10-point scale. Some use 5, a lot of them don't use a scale at all. I've seen 3/5 get both rotten and fresh. We're just trusting the editors of RLM to honestly evaluate a review that may be highly complex. It ultimately comes down to reading comprehension, and in my experience most people's reading comprehension is pathetically low.