What would you do if president of the USA?

What would you do if president of the USA?

Invest all the effort in manned space exploration. Who fucking cares about personal life scandals that surrounded JFK, he put Americans on the Moon damn it.

Shitpost on pol & get sick as fuck dubz

it was cool how they invented a method of surviving the Van Allen radiation belt, then immediately uninvented it.

there isn't any shit interesting in the moon, it's just a fucking rock that's exactly why nobody get there again stop making it such a big deal

deport all the brown people and liberals

pizza party

invest all time and effort into making america fit again, the less depressed fat slobs the better. no one would give a single fuck about some polygenderedwaterspiritkin who identifies as whatever faggot when they have six pack abs

cede the presidency to Trump


best answer, honestly

Finally put an end to our enemies to the north.

I would also focus on education, since our public schools are an absolute joke

Change those ugly couches out

Reverse the carpet.

Throw out those couches.

Replace those garish couches. They look like candy canes.

This. I would also focus on rebuilding infrastructure, since our highway network is an absolute joke.

Jizz in the oval office.

>end all taxes, government programs or state interference that not absolutely necessary for the defense of territory, enforcement of law and protection of citizens and citizen rights
>reppeal any unconstitutional act ever since the introduction of the 14th ammendment
>restaure states rights to secede
>fully restore the 2nd ammendment and reppeal all gun related legislation
>international isolation
>restaure gold standard

Not have ugly ass couches in my office. They look bad enough without blowjob stains on them.

Nuke Russia because of all the hacks and shit.

There's Helium 3 on the moon.

steal the furniture

Nuke India, Invest money in space exploration, legalize loli, and drop a mixtape that features other world leaders.

Round the ARYANS up.

Remove Kebab

Nuke everyone and hope to God that someone was smart enough to understand what was happening.

Obviously the first thing ANY president should do. I'D go as far to leave a stain on the carpet.

Earth's 'atmosphere' extends farther than most people think and goes a little past the moon. Mars and other planets are a different story though

Absolutely friggin nothing, just like the constitution says you should.

Its useless until we build fusion reactor and this is 70-100 years from now.

Make Trump my VP and then resign

I'd wonder how the fuck I got elected to the office of POTUS when I'm a reclusive introvert who despises attention and large crowds.

mass genocide
>no libtards, niggers, kikes, chinks, or spicks. Can't think of a better place to live

I would eat so much pizza, my pasta would dry.

Become allies with you guys, fuck the boomers

Enforce industry to not outsource and encourage younger generations to become better workers

Refresh Congress, revive Justice Scalia

Death penalty for Clintons

Fund genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership

Close US Borders until illegal immigration is actually fixed, walls, more security etc. create more jobs defending the country and it's borders

also this peace out America

I would be the most corrupt piece of shit on the planet honestly.

>Sell enemies weapons and secrets even though they have no chance of winning
>Rape whoever I want and have them silenced

I would be the world's first super villain. I would rape all the pretty women I wanted and make as much money as I could.

I would also aggravate niggers and whites to the point of civil war. I'd love to see niggers abolished from the Earth.

Invade Russia.

Annex Mexico. Sell it to China. Charge gooks to let US military come in to kill off cartels.

Hillary go home

The Van Allen belts are around the Earth's equator. Apollo launched into an inclined orbit and crossed the belts where they are weak.

Also Van Allen radiation is mostly beta radiation, which is easily stopped by thin metal. They're only dangerous if you're only wearing a spacesuit or less and are outside the spaceship and are outside the spaceship for an extended period.

Literal non issue.

the method was and still is - cross it very fast. Only now we care a little more about cosmonaut's lives than 40 years ago so we want to prepare for worst case scenarios.

America is a lot closer than 70 years from cold fusion than you think.

Repeal Obama care, flat tax, build a while + export illegal immigrants, reduce govt. paychecks (including mine), increase military pay, school vouchers, increase teacher salaries, set term limits, bring jobs home (sick of talking to help line with India), Hire Dave Ramsey for my economic advisor, and I would allow Christmas and God and prayer back in schools.

Islamic Gommunism :DDDDD
T.Enber Hoaxah

Are you Karl Pilkington?

abolish private property
abolish currency
abolish the state

So basically be Bill Clinton.

How does this benefit anyone except blacks?

>cold fusion
I hope you don' actually belive in this shit.

Operation Wetback Mk I


>What would you do if president of the USA?
Make America great again.

>become president
>send astronauts to Mars
>lander has a shotgun onboard
>Musk and his cult of leftists BTFO

I research "this shit", Boris.
My lab won two grants last year based upon "this shit".

Stop funding Israel, scale down our military, build a wall, protective tarrifs, socialized health care, lower benefits, drain the swamp, get two wives, extend presidential terms to five years after my term(s) and do the anti corruption stuff that Trump proposed.

I would also get a pet giraffe or something extravagant. I'd purge a lot of knobs from the government.

>drain the swamp
>deport all the brown / black people
>start investing into space tech and colonization
>retire on Moon

>stop pic related
>remove restrictions on full autos and silencers
>allow people to refuse to bake fagcakes without being sued
>repeal Obamaramacare
>ally with Russia to remove kebab
>commission an official portrait from Ben Garrison
>jail Shrillary
>shitpost on Sup Forums

> I'm a reclusive introvert who despises attention and large crowds.
Just like me. I vote you.
>this is how blacks actually vote

Invite the Spice Girls to the Oval Office

Order a cleaning crew to get all the black people smell out of the white house.

Nuke Canada. Probably use conventional forces to run the fucking Chinks out of Vancouver area.

Spare Nova Scotia entirely. The rest? Freedom NUKED.

everything is bad with USA if they give grants to obvious pseudo-science. This is why you have huge debt problem - leaches like you suck the blood of the economy and produce nothing other than false data, and demanding more money, promising great results, giving false data, more promises and lies, and more money wasted on this shit.

>ban all registered democrats from ever holding public office
>ban all registered republicans from ever holding public office
>watch as the nation becomes a utopia

After I got over the shock then I'd probably spend my days jerking off onto the portraits of past Presidents that I don't like and relegating most of my official duties to other people who are much more qualified than I am.

Use all the nukes on Norway

USA #1

>pissing off shrek
Refugees will be the least of your concern

Fumigate to get the nigger stink out.

>repeal NFA
>legalize weed
>build the wall
>give israel/ME money to mexico, invade if necessary, until they become a good country, but still build the wall
>form north american union with mexico, canada
>canada leaves commonwealth
>fortify panama
>cut military spending, invest in missle defense, although still use spec ops and worldwide military bases to meddle and stay on world stage
>reinforce the constitution
>exile the NSA
>rescue australia from commonwealth, one of the few nigger british colonies that doesnt have an independence day
>militarize australia, give them bill of rights, america 2.0
>spec ops kill literally everyone in north korea that has any crumb of power
>stop all foreign aid except to key production allies and mexico
>remove the jewish banks and jewish media
>redirect government to spend only on : healthcare, education, infrastructure, and military. no more spending on foreigners, SJW shit, dumb shit. Government gives roads, schools, defense, and fuck off
>fix the education system to produce skilled tradesmen and craftsman, only true intellectuals go to university
>pay off debt with our dank american made exports, export tons of arms, sell off nukes to pay off debt
>invest in space, superweapons, and orbital defense
>due to isolationism, demilitarization, reinforcement of constitution, better education and health, american culture and economy booms and stops being shit
>ein tausand jahriges north american union

shitpost half the day, learn to play golf, go fishin at camp david all the time, travel the world, use my platform to spread eco-fascism, imprison elon musk and neil degrasse tyson for spreading scientism, nuke all of the middle east, nuke the stupid gay moon, tell everyone that aliens exist even if they don't, build a wall at the northern border, attend every single WWE and NASCAR event, stuff like that, i'd just try to have much fun as possible

do you think any presidents have fucked in there?

oh also
>low key use CDC labs to bring down world population
>only fight wars and sanctions on countries like China that are fucking up earth
>make earth healthy again without being hippies

close the borders to outsiders, citizens may still travel
turn off all satellite outputs to other countries
remove all consular offices from around the world
withdraw from every treaty we ever had with anyone ever
encrypt all forms of communication and media signals
bring back all troops and equipment and reposition along border
gradually shut down trade
remove corporate taxes
remove minimum wage
tax the shit out of capital gains
subsidize research in everything.
prioritize construction of space elevator
build first inter-galactic gunboat
blow any other countries space equipment out of the sky
colonize space alone
subjugate rest of planet
rename space The Ameriverse
laser etch my face on the moon

surrender to Canada before they burn down my White House again

>kill all niggers, spics and kikes
>enslave all women

problem solved.

Give ststes their rights back.

Hold puerto rico referendum.

Hold Virgin islands referendum.

Give Guam and Samoa voting rights.

Allow the Japanese to increase their military.

Sanction Saudi Arabia.

Attwmpt to form a anti wahabbi coalition with Russia, Syria, Iran and Egypt.

Launching all nukes while pissed on cheapest beer possible.
I'd just want to see if anyone would try to stop me.

Children, Probably destabilize some countries and create a massive refugee crisis.

oh nvm, it's already been done before.... I guess I'd probably just stick cigars in my mistresses pussy then.

what it like being a leftie cuck?

Came here to post this.

Ban the (((fed))), and call nation to implement 2nd amendment to kill it with fire, as I myself will be shot shortly after.

I would buy A LOT of tendies.

Free cotton candy for everyones

Maybe I would organise the biggest Bunga Bunga party the world has ever seen, in the White House, and invite Based Silvio as an honorary guest.

Of course they have. Hell, I bet one of the first things Donald Trump will do when he takes office is bend Melania over that Presidential desk and fuck her brains out.

Why? That would be a great opportunity to pop the debt bubble and hyperinflate dollar.

Try to open milsurp and arms trade with Russia. I want more Moist Nuggets.

I`d vote for that.


nuke the USA

Take control of the media. Use part of the Whitehouse as a harem.

Don't forget to bring in a lot of those delicious SVD's as well.

The federal reserve wasn't established until 1913. Another dumb conspiracy theory for gullible rubes.

>Arrest every current and former financial scammer, restore money creation to the treasury.
>Ban private credit, credit will only be issued by government at low interest rates, the profit made will be used for the country.
>Motivate non whites to voluntarily leave, free passes to Mexico and Africa, or wherever you want who cares, Canada if you want.
>Open immigration to white Europeans, restricted immigration for some east asians, no chinese though.
>Ban outsourcing completely, if you want to sell in the US, you better BE in the US.
>Skullfuck feminism through pro-family policies, end no fault divorce.

>Anyone who tries anything is will bear the full force of the US military. Germany wasnt strong enough to beat all the jew armies but the US is.

Hop on a plane with my good buddy Epstein and enjoy some of the finer things in life. #LivingLikeBJClinton

Get dental work done with government health care then resign.

1. Fire congress and hire only straight white males
2. Announce supreme dictatorship
3. Announce a nationwide coup on homosexuals, lobbyists, and feminists.
4. Impose a law that states any woman that disrespects a man is to strip naked and be raped 5 times for each infraction or be hit over the head with a blunt object.
5. Initiate a military regime to actively hunt down and execute homosexuals, sjws, feminists, liberals and any symphathisers.
6. Devote millions to scientific research towards a true fat-eating pill to help americans attain healthy weight within days.
7. Devote Billions to scientific research towards creating floating cities, to avoid the upcoming global warming catastrophe
8. Remove job outsourcing
9. Declare war with Canada and Mexico in attempt to claim both territories as the new United States Republic of America or U.S.R.A
10. Enforce the new laws upheld by the new USRA, including a military coup of homosexuals

> pseudo-science
It seems you have some illusions right here, Yaropolk.

>I would be the world's first super villain.

you mean second. Clintons may have you beat.