Everybody hates our Democrat governor Dannel Malloy edition
Paul Manafort from the Trump campaign is from Connecticut.
We will go Red for Trump on November 8th.
Everybody hates our Democrat governor Dannel Malloy edition
Paul Manafort from the Trump campaign is from Connecticut.
We will go Red for Trump on November 8th.
We got WWE here. The McMahon's donated $6 million to Trump a few weeks ago.
Voted for her and she lost.
North Haven and Wallingford are the best towns in CT. Anyone who disagrees is a Dan "Dannel" Malloy shill
Wow, 59 posters in the last thread.
When's the last time a Republican won anything in CT?
Nice to see this continued in a new thread.
Connecticut has a lot of repressed anger.
Does Joe Lieberman count?
East Haddam for life, city boy.
Pretty recently.
>Didn't get an absentee ballot
Well friends I'm the cancer and the reason CT won't go red
Traditionally Republican governors do well here, Dan "Special Education until 5th grade" Malloy just broke that tradition.
Jodi Rell just moved to Florida
Litchfield. Wallingford is okay, but the whole state is awful.
They don't like Malloy, but they can't figure out to not vote Dem.
My grandpa helped build this state from the 50's through the 80's and died seeing his hometown turn into a slum and the tool factories his parents worked in shut down forever.
Oh shit, I forgot about Rowland. Probably not the best example of a Republican politician...
Didn't do a very good job then.
Grew up in Guilford and Madison Malloy was the last straw before I left, how bad is new Haven today?
I've been seeing quite a few Trump signs all around CT.
Did CT have early voting yet?
I mean literally built. Construction.
Wherever he's from, I feel for him.
We're not doing early voting.
Feels bad man, name every city in the state and you'll have an example of post industrial shithole America. From Willimantic in the East to Bridgeport in the South. Malloy fucked the corporations that were in CT so bad that the few that were still here left for the south. So glad I moved.
New Britain
These signs are all over New London, Middle Town, New Haven
Gives me hope Hillary's numbers are going to get hammered.
What up fellow Connecticunts?
Malloy is a drooling retard but I don't think the state is going red. During the gov race though, yes.
Yeah some liberal chick tried to pass it because libs don't want to wait in line to vote. We shut it down though.
Baraka? From Mortal Combat? I knew she was badass.
My grandpa worked in one of those tool factories (Bullard) and was literally one of the last guys out the door as he packed up all the production equipment so it could be shipped off shore.
I hate it here. Originally southern.
Slums, arrogance, and liberals as far as the eye can see.
repeat from last thread. i grew up there. here's why connecticut won't go red
>be from greenwich
>go to yale
>work in private equity
>managing directors all donate to hillary
>they get higher yields in election years because they've given bribes
>in turn they donate to dem candidates
>DNC rips off middle class to give to niggers in hartford/bridgeport/new haven
>clinton wins election
>buy anal sex from polish hookers with cut over management fees from profits that exceed benchmark @ your hedge fund/pe shop/IB firm/repe shop
>spit on middle class
>spit on niggers
>buy bigger house
>buy first mercedes for 16 year old son to get handjobs in from other rich white girl
praise kek to go red
Mah niggah. I'll be at Hilltop next Friday.
Dr. William Petit (from the Chesire home invasion) is currently running for the Connecticut house of reps. My bet is he will run for congress or go for Malloy's spot as governor. He's pissed that the death penalty was removed and that the state economy has gone to shit
How long are voting lines usually? For CT. First time voter here.
If they are as serious as I am they can clear their schedule on Tuesday and prove it.
CT might be closer to 50/50 than the polls suggest.
Look at these fine CT citizens.
I moved from New Britain when I was a kid, it's an absolute shithole. My great great grandparents moved there in the late 1800s and the entire family lived there up until the 1990s when it got too bad to stay anymore.
What a howler that ad comparing Petit as a womanizer was.
It was fucking ridiculous. How stupid are those people?
bumping. I see some Trump signs and I live in a fairly blue area
I bet those signs in Middletown are located around Wesleyan kek.
Fuck those jay walking faggots. REEEEE
Go earlier in the day if you can.
kek drove by this yesterday
Where'd you go to?
It seems everyone wants to leave CT.
They haven't even fucking polled since September.
The last one was Hillary +15 three months ago, you know it's been going down and is probably at Hillary +5 now, and it is only getting worse as each day goes on.
Guilford, Branford, Madison, and Killingworth are worse than New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford combined. Prove me wrong.
If CT goes red then RI will too.
Their all shit
>t. Connecticut River Valley
Too many educated types who know exactly who Trump really is. They'll vote blue for the lesser evil.
Especially hilarious considering that Quinnipiac polling is from fucking CT in the first place.
I have only seen one Hillary sign and it was in Woodbury.
I was amazed, I had never seen one here before then.
I see Trump signs everywhere. There was a Trump billboard on route 8 south during the primaries, used to make me smile every day.
This state is cucked
You love him
I'm a nutmegger and working class. Everyone I work with is voting Trump except our CEO and the vegan dude.
We won't go red though. Too many niggers and yale cucks.
There are a few in my town, they just randomly popped up in front of a few businesses one day.
I think it's just a few shills doing because overnight they started to outnumber trump signs
We might surprise the fuckers at least. Sending a 51/49 signal would be good.
There is literally only 4 polls for Connecticut, with only one recently that gives Hillary double digits. There is no way they can do polling in Connecticut right now. Their running the clock out for hilldog.
She doesn't stand a chance on Nov 8th.
Perhaps we should spread some of those "vote from home via text" memes to our CT friends on kikebook
Tolland County will be red as fuck. I promise.
CT is such a beautiful New England state. We have distinct seasons and picturesque places.
What the fuck happened?
> did this waiting for the school bus as a kid
I wouldn't be surprised if the quiet corner went red. The difference in population between it and the southwest and Hartford is staggering, though.
I'm not sure. Way too many people in Rockville, and they will never vote Trump. I've seen a few of them wearing "Fuck Trump that Puto" shirts.
That is shit
But, Vernon is such a burnt-out mill town.
makes that the best pepe, doesn't it?
dannel ruined progressivism in CT for at least another decade we may still go blue this nov 9th but itll be by much less than in 2008 or 2012
look at the fucking dates
Yup, if they polled the last few weeks I bet she'd be dropping like a rock.
Litchfield fucks get out!
Rockville is the burnt out mill town. Vernon should have no connection to that shit hole.
In my elementary school years ago, there were only 3 black people in the entire school. When I got to middle school and high school, because of Rockville being a part of Vernon, the percentages of minorities went up to around 30-40 percent.
Whenever you hear on the news that some crime has happened in Vernon, they actually mean Rockville.
North Haven is the best haven.
Wallingford is full of junkie degenerates and spics. Go ahead and try to tell me otherwise
CT fag here.
Everyone I know that is voting trump thinks we're going red. Trump thought we would be a serious contender.
I still don't buy it. I'm voting Trump but never has my vote counted before. This state's blue and will always be blue.
Trips of truth
Are Hillary voters gonna stand in line for 3 hours to vote?
I doubt it
Best chance we have is voter apathy. Liberals who won't bother going out to vote because they think Hillary will win anyway while republicans show up in force to vote Trump.
This is highly unlikely though.
but it has
>blue trail
>delta arsenal
I think there'll be a lot of Jill Stein voters. Most of the Bernie supporters here are pissed about Hillary beating him.
The cost of living is retardedly high here. It's 40% more expensive to live in CT than most other states.
>Blue Trail
30/hr on a weekend?
Please you guys, keep going here. It keeps the good public ranges free of idiots. Only decent thing blue trail has going for it is you can bring a large group to the field for shooting skeet. Bring a tent and a bunch of folks and make a day of it.
Bruh if you don't know Stafford and Tolland are going to be 80% Trump you ain't ever been to CT
Central CT here
Used to be a hardcore dem. Voting Trump.
Fuck ct.
I'm voting shilary. My cognitive dissonance is at an all time high.
Same desu senpai I know Trump is nothing to write home about but he sure as fuck woke me up
>implying I don't go for skeet
They did switch the pistol/rifle range to 33 for a day including weekends, no hourly rate. It was never 30 an hour anyways.
Also, based Dana White is from my hometown of Manchester.
Tolland population: 15,052
Stafford population: 12,192
Vernon population: 29,179
Vernon is pretty far left and Rockville is almost entirely minorities.
Unless every person and every cow in Stafford and Tolland vote, there just won't be enough to make a big enough difference.
Obama won it over Romney +18. Trump according to a month ago is + 7 and in the last month he's probably moved the needle even closer. How can we cause chaos in the nigger neighborhood and keep them busy? Doesn't CT have early voting? Early voting is just key word for bussing niggers to the polls to build up a Dem cushion because they don't want to wait in line.
>tfw Dannel Malloy's son got busted for dealing weed & that's why he decrimanalized it in 2011
That shitbag has been arrested more times than I can remember. What a retard, your dad is a gov, enjoy its perks.
Demographics is a bitch guys. As more 3rd world immigrants have swelled our ranks we have became dependable blue.
Im so fucking tired of not be able to use the machines I want at the gym of find a parking space because of wet backs.
Xavier High School class of 2002 checking in.