Tomb Raider is not SJW

>not blackwashed
>not fat
>not retroactively made queer
>not fugly like Rose in TLJ
>not a no-name actress, has actual credentials
>is actually athletic
>pretty cute t b h

It's a shit film, but /teevee/ acts like this is SJW tier ghostbusters schlock when it's clearly the most true-to-source material movie adaptation Hollywood has made in a while. I know the 4chinz likes to hate on anything popular, but stop acting like this is the nth Jewish attempt at ruining stuff from our childhoods. They could've picked a transgender black Muslim actress instead, but thankfully we got this

also small titties are the best kind

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how could TR even be SWJ'ed?

According to Sup Forums, by casting

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i need to lick and suck her sexy small boobies and nipels

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I wonder what her labia looks like, I'm guessing it is elegant but this pose makes me think otherwise for some reason

there are ten year old girls with more shapely bodies than hers

No titties, no ticket.

>pretty cute t b h

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>not fugly like Rose in TLJ

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I'm just furious she has no boobs. FURIOUS

yass queen slaaaay those curves :D

>Can i be a star?
>Yes, my boy

Anons, when did you realize you were gay?

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>flat british plank

>so brainwashed by body positivity that you want fat women over lean athletic women
>tumblr has won the social war

She has the body of a brazilian teenage boy prostitute

really confused by this casting. lets recap the new heroins in franchises.

Star Wars = Daisy
Wonder Woman = Gal Gadot
Tomb Raider = Val

I could be forgetting some if so fill me in. They all have little curves and are pretty flat chested. do you think this is a conscious effort by hollywood, if so why?

she is /ourgirl/. you can stop being mean to her now.

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I'm not a retard that thinks that body curves come from fat

I agree with most of your insane ramblings, OP. However there is no other real Laura Croft other than Angelina Jolie on the silver screen. And even the Tomb Raider movies, while popular, really weren't that good and were mearly a way to showcase Jolie.

Is that Ra from Stargate?

daisy is a curvy goddess compared to this whore

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>this is a top Sup Forums waifu

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>when Sup Forums finally gets alicia vikandier in the bed

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both daisy and alicia are /ourgirls/. no need to call her a whore user.

>americans in the 90s thought this was a woman

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>I know the 4chinz likes to hate on anything popular,
Please kill yourself

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Vikander identifies as a feminist, and has denounced gender inequality in film:

I'd just made five films in a row, and [Tulip Fever] was the first one where I had a scene with another woman...There's a change happening, and I want to be part of that. You see something like The Hunger Games or Insurgent proving that a female role can carry a successful blockbuster.[59]

On 10 November 2017, Vikander was one of 584 women who have called for the Swedish film and theatre industries to address what they claim is a culture of sexual misconduct. She added her signature to an open letter published in Swedish paper Svenska Dagbladet. The letter contains numerous accounts of sexual harassment, assault and rape suffered by women in the Swedish industry, all recounted anonymously. According to a translation of the letter published by English-language Swedish publication The Local, the signatories vowed that they will “no longer be silent”. Following the letter's publication, Swedish press is reporting that culture minister Alice Bah Kuhnke called a meeting of the heads of Sweden’s National Theatre Company, the Royal Dramatic Theatre and the Royal Swedish Opera

>pleb complains about tits
>not realising it's THE MOTHERFUCKING FACE

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>So full of soy you want to fuck a broad with the body of a teenage boy

Jolie didn't have Lara's face either

jolie movies were so shit that we don't want to talk about them
at least among TR fans

Nice meme

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Damn Vikander looks like THAT?

Men want a womanly figure not a 13 year old boys skeleton body. Youre so brainwashed that anything remotely beautiful in a feminine way is repulsive and you crave boyish woman like the fag you are


I mean people didn't complain about Jolie's face cause she had the tits. Vikandyke doesn't have either.


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looks like shitty discount low-energy beta-lara .

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>such Rebels

Enjoy sharing your insulin shots with your wives you mutts.

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AoD is underrated. 1st half, with Louvre and that temple is 10/10, just other half with that shitfest in Strahov sucks balls


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I remember seeing that as a kid and I was totally shocked that it was a man.
Now when I watch it it’s so obviously a man, and I know this because I can’t stop masturbating while I watch it.

women want her, men want to be her


>that fucking push up bra
I think I could make my tits look bigger than hers like that

I like dfc girls, but she is not Lara Croft

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>there are people in this thread who think she is ugly
get your eyes checked guys.

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It’s been reported in studies that men who are “attracted” to overly voluptuous female bodies are typically latently homosexual, They overcompensate for their true feelings by publicly signaling their attraction to those cartoonish forms.

She was picked because she has dark skin and brown eyes and could pass for a muslim, hispanic or jew

the movie is based on the last two games, which used a good looking white woman as the motion capture/character model

they should have used her, or another attractive white woman, not this goblin

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she is cute, just below average body

How come I've never even heard of Harvey Weinstein before The Weinsteining? Am I a pleb or is he just not famous at all?

13 year old boy don't have sexy pusy

Go to bed Jason

Cheating with pasties.

some have roasties

youre a pleb

Based blind poster

only played the beginning , personally IMO 2 is where its at

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What the fuck is she anyways? Ethniccelebs claims she's swedish but I know well enough to believe any of those cucks lies. I only ask because she doesn't look like your typical swedish woman.

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Notice how her left flank is completely straight and narrow while her right has a tiny curve to it? Thats her trying her absolute hardest to have a feminine figure + heavy photoshop, perfect lighting and angles and she yet still looks like a 13 year old boy flaring his hip to one side.
Face it man you're a faggot

female adventurer
>scrawny waif archaeologist
>indiana jones imitation

>mold breaking, non-scrawny, non-waifish gun toting bad ass, specifically not like indiana jones

>generic female scrawny waif archaeologist indiana jones imitation

"distant german"

i.e. she's a jew

jews infiltrated sweden centuries ago

having parents from a region doesn't necessarily mean they are purely that ethnicity. Probably has Mediterranean in her.

They couldn't have picked someone with less charisma to star in their movie, Jesus. She doesn't have boobs, which is bad, but she has nothing anyone would root for.

True to source would be big titty bimbo raiding tombs for treasure.
The reboot of the game wasnt true to source either.
The movie isnt true to source.

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She's cute but too small to be lara. lara is supposed to be a physically imposing 5'10 alpha female.

>big titty
>reboot of the game wasnt true to source either

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Massive pleb

Jurassic World = Bryce Dallas Howard

i actually love small tits/dfc, but that face is just aesthetically unpleasant
would do her irl, of course, but she's not up to par for represinting the ideal of female beauty

>if so why?

all part of their big-picture "there is no gender" propaganda agenda

She is mommy tier tho

Not him but there's no amount of sperging I can read on /tv that will make me think she's not attractive. Why even argue about such a thing? If it makes me gay then so be it, I still jerk off thinking about tits and vagine, so if that counts as gay then I guess we need a new word for people that actually like dicks on the people they fantasize about.

Whether or not you find her attractive does matter, her body type doesn't match Lara and hence she is unsuitable for the role.

>big tits make a woman beautiful

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ITT:Big tits make Lara Lara



I have to agree here and I feel it's a pretty objective assessment as I much prefer petite and small chested girls, call me what you will. I don't really care for the cartoon sized boobs and "thiccc" girls. But, the role is what the role is. Like having a skinny superman. Doesn't make a guy unattractive. Just isn't the role.

like a post-op tranny

I unironically think it depresses this woman that she is being ridiculed for her breast size, it's one of the most self consicious things for a woman

she's a nice looking lass. people are being meanies.

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holy fuck, i finally get your point. think of this as a reboot/alternate universe with a twink superman

What? She is ridiculed for playing a busty role when she is not. If some twink played Superman, people would have the same opinions.

I like her and her body. Saying she's wrong for the role isn't always saying she's unattractive. I get that she is to some people but I think she's cute af.

So does she fuck the asian guy in this movie or what? I would go see it for that.

she made enough from that movie to get a new set of the best fake titties out there if she wants

this. only women and faggots care for breast size: real men would fuck every attractive female no matter how flat or titcow she is

I hope she never does this. It never looks right and honestly what she has looks right on her and looks sexy to me at least.

>purposefully cast an actress with no tits or ass when that's the central defining feature of her character in the games and the only reason most people played her

seriously fuck off back to Sup Forumsmblr you fag

It's based on the reboot you faggot

>t.flat chested skank

>attractive female

>It's based on the reboot you faggot
Correct, you retard. And?

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Fuck off retard. Did you play the reboot? Probably not. Just saw a chance to shitpost so you came in to post your MUH reboot forgetting that the reboot Lara was still considered busty.

tremendous pleb really

She was picked because she had just won an Oscar and they thought it would bring more people you stupid american cuck

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