OK what do these faggots have, they are talking about a trip Trump took in 1987 and a behind the scenes Russian agent blackmailing Trump. Cuck Wilson is bringing out the big guns we have to stop them!
OK what do these faggots have, they are talking about a trip Trump took in 1987 and a behind the scenes Russian agent blackmailing Trump. Cuck Wilson is bringing out the big guns we have to stop them!
It's literally nothing
Is this the alled "Trump having an orgy in Russia" video? Even if it's real, I think it would only make him more popular.
wow 1987
They really have nothing on him. Now I know why Flynn picked him.
Also. Wow trump sold an apartment to a Russian. Lel
>Trump having an orgy in Russia
*unzips dick*
How the fuck do you unzip a dick you retard?
Yeah, this is what I'm starting to feel, too.
They're going to try to paint him as a manchurian candidate or as under the threat of blackmail
36 likes, yeah this is gonna be nuclear...
Even Wikileaks said how they have no dirt on him because there is none.
Id fap to this
this is the guy supposedly behind trump, some mob boss?
Trump probably leaked it on purpose to make the left look even more insane.
>was a private citizen at the time
Who fucking cares
>zomg he owned some apartments
How many people own apartments in Trump's buildings?
this jew has a story about it out tomorrow, also check cuck wilson's twitter, this is his big bomb. im sure the media is salivating at another trump scandal, we shouldn't take this lightly
>being THIS new
Literally fucking kill yourself, you revolting smelly fucking nigger subhuman shit.
>falling for the "I don't know this meme" meme
1987. Right.
they mention the alfa bank server connection, which has already been debunked by the nytimes of all places, so they might be stepping on their dicks already
>Kurt Eichenwald
>Rick Wilson
Yeah it's fucking nothing
He's said that like 5 times this election. And every story fell flat. This is just depseration. If they had something it would have been released Monday, not on a Friday news dump.
>pay attention to 30 years ago
>ignore criminal acts that happened this fucking year
I'd go to burgerland as an illegal immigrant just to vote for him, a certain number of times.
Paul Manafort worked for Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., Dole, McCain, etc. All Russian agents...
I hope these NeverTrump/egghead McMuffin guys will be on suicide watch after the election.
You're an Aussie. You fap to spider webs that look like boipucci
We are to busy helping the FBI and CIA nail the pedophile Clintons. Sorry leaf, it has to be another day.
No hard feelings, eh?
ok lol their entire case is built on "russian mob guy owned an apartment in trump's building in russia" and some circumstantial connections besides.
reddit fag said there's the possibility of a orgy tape but that might be held up on legal grounds
I'd have turned 360 and walked away from that post if I were you.
This. Hillary even retweeted one of his stories and it still didn't catch on. His Cuban story was btfo in a matter if hours. My favorite story of his is the one he wrote about pol fucking with him and his kids. Some madman sent him a seizure-inducing video.
that's exactly what he did, idiot
Then I'd be facing the same direction you autist.
It should be turn 180 degrees.
>CTR making threads to hide Hillary leaks
It will be cool when trump publically broadcasts all of your deaths on live television
G-.. G-guys, the media aren't out of ammunition against D-drumpf yet, are they?
More like Hillary BTFO
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
>t. Increasingly Nervous Democrat
Holy fuck...and I was going to post this sarcastically.
Go back to your playpen.
>implying he wasn't in on the "I don't know this meme" meme
Get out
I was in on it don't worry. I even did it again and got 2 more replies.
This thread is just so shitty I had to make it fun for me
don't worry OP, I hear ya loud and clear over here, been following some of those twitters as well. Fuck Sup Forums this is how deep they are up Trump's rectum, they can't even entertain the idea that they might a heavy-hitting oppo piece on him.
Trump is a motherfucking gangster having orgies with Russian models. Welp, wrap it up folks, that's 100% of the black vote.
how is this a big deal but Bernie went there for his honey moon was not
>taking the reverse bait
go back to 9gag
The FBI already said Trump didn't have ties to Russia
It's fucking NOTHING
yeah i don't know why these idiots are chasing down some pedo conspiracy coded in pizza sauce recipes in the 4th dimesion. this will probably turn out to be nothing, but worth knowing about anyway
Where's those 9 hours of Trump tapes CTR? Mr. Noseberg said you had them?
Oh boy...he's going to very VERY angry tomorrow. No pizza party Friday tomorrow and it looks like you're working the weekend too!
>So this sort of started with GOP Strategist Rick Wilson (Who is now advising Evan McMullin) who said in a radio interview that more Trump oppo was being held back.
You obviously haven't seen his dick, user. Some scary shit
So what buzzwords will we hear?
Something like
>anonymous sources
Trump and Russia, sure buddy.
Very much this. It takes a really big story to move an election the Friday before, and it has to come from a non-partisan source.
For example: A pedo sex ring dropped by the FBI. That would be meaningful.
ХA-ХA, text with accents, probably copied from wikipedia or something
Early voting proves that Trump has won Florida and at least two other swing states.
This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that he has won the presidency.
How does this make you feel?
Are you upset?
>Hillary committed several illegal if not treasonous acts
>Trump took a vacation
there is no video, just enough innuendo to try an backup claims that Trump is being controlled / blackmailed.
He probably did stay at that hotel when he was in Russia. It proves nothing.
Cuck Wilson said we'd get our October Surprise about Trump in the first week, didn't happen.
He then said it'd happen in the last 3 days, never came.
Now he's changing it again because he's the biggest faggot ever. Nobody believes his shit any longer, and with good reason. Anyone who thinks they are going to launch some mystical Trump/Putin connection based on a trip he may or may not have taken 30 years ago is delusional as fuck.
I want Trump to win, that's why I posted this, for awareness. I had to post HABENNING !!!! DRUMPFG BTOF!!! to get attention because this board is engaged in a retarded wild goose chase about pedos signalling each in pizza recipes
They have a point, I remember another former liberal turned republican populist that went to Russia.
>pic related
Im literally for Hillary now! OMG! Bill Clinton Don Corleoned the Attorney General 3 months ago in broad daylight and you think this matters? Such desperation.
>Trump owns a building for residents to purchase apartments if they can afford it
>Guy purchases apartments from Trump
>Trump and him probably didn't even meet or knows who he is
This is getting sad. What's next? Trump is a Russian plant because he bought his son a gameboy with Tetris?
The big deal would be if whatever he did in his room was taped and Russian state officials have been blackmailing Trump.
You can't really hit Bernie for touring the Soviet Union when he's literally a socialist. Unless there was a video of him murdering people in a gulag, of course.
S-Surely this will end Trump's campaign.
The VBI has cleared Trump of any illegal involvment with Russians
mere;y having been around people accused of being criminals doesn't make one a criminal..
Trump can literally survive anything at this point
I had to take a visit to r/politics and watch their discussion on this, holy fuck guys, it's so entertaining to watch blue pilled conspiracy theorists at work, my sides were hurting for a good 15 minutes.
>Trump visited soviet in 1987
>BTFO this must mean he is a russian puppet in 2016!!!
You realize how retarded you sound, right?
I say this as a diehard Hillary supporter, anything released by either side is "literally nothing" at this point. The email scandals aren't the reason Trump is catching up, it's the natural order of elections, they always get neck and neck in the last month.
Trump will still lose, but it's not because of this video. Still it can't hurt I guess.
is it illegal in america to go to russia and have a good time?
USSR =/= Russia
Anything worth dropping would have dropped today or yesterday. Nothing new is coming out unless it's from something found on Wikileaks.
More of the same - the Clintons' entire strategy this campaign has been "accuse Trump of things similar to what we're actually guilty of" and every single fucking time it's blown up in their faces.
It is if you have to sway the public and justify using jihadists in Syria to fight the Russians and topple Assad, which Hillary is all for. Gotta make sure the public doesn't know the truth so you can fight your dirty proxy wars and spread muh Russia is the bad guy meme.
i dont believe this is incriminating
here is the article written by a philly newspaper in 1987
For those too lazy:
Developer Donald Trump said yesterday that he had met with Soviet officials who want to interest the mega-capitalist in building luxury hotels in Moscow and Leningrad.
>^he didnt approach them, they approached him
"Can something be done? Who knows? It is really too soon to tell," Trump, 41, said in an interview at the hotel where he was staying.
He said that Soviet regulations on joint ventures, which require that the Soviets hold a controlling 51 percent interest, could prove daunting.
"A 51-49 split could cause people such as me a lot of problems, psychological and otherwise," he said. "They may not have the flexibility necessary to get this done.
>^he was resistant to even the notion of it due to the state controlled nature of businesses in USSR
"It's a totally interesting place. I think the Soviet Union is really making an effort to cooperate in the sense of dealing openly with other nations and in opening up the country."
>^says he basically went for diplomatic shits and giggles so he could entertain their offer and saw an opportunity to not stoke the fires of the cold war
they like dropping shit on friday because college football and pro football are saturday and sunday so it keeps people off the news. With the vote on tuesday, that will only leave monday for any counter points to be raised
Trump is without a doubt the coolest Presidential nominee in history
It makes me sad there literally cannot be someone more fascinating than him ever running again in my lifetime
What ever happened to the 9 women accusing Trump of rape? Apparently it was so important that it completely vanished off the news cycle once the FBI case sprang up again.
ok here's the scoop on (((eichenwald's))) newsweek story tomorrow. it's literally nothing. concern trolling about eu spook agencies "investigating" trump. as if they didn't do that with every pres. meanwhile we're tapping merkel's phone lol. what a load of nothing.
lmao, so it's fucking nothing. Just like their misogyny "bombshells" from 4 days ago. They're back to the tired issue of the russians?
Even the lügenpresse is out of ammo for christ's sake.
GET THIS SHIT TALKED ABOUT, people will think media is rigged/trying so hard to get hillary elected
That whole alfa bank ping think is so schizophrenic I can't take anyone that cites it seriously
Kek confirms
Drumfys are crying right now that Trump is being proven to be supported by Russia.
Rule #1
Everything posted on r/politics is a lie