What Chinese people thought of Black Panther
There is no difference between blacks and other race.
Women are retarded.
I love how you get a little pat on the back, a little dose of endorphins whenever you say something like this because you know you're doing the right thing and other people are watching.
I like Chinese people. My work is filled with them and they're really nice. I like their laughs.
Pic related is two different breeds of dog. They are superfically very different, but they are the same species: Canis lupus familiaris
The same applies to Homo sapiens:
If negroes act different from the mongoloids and the caucasoid, that is due to other factors including environment, breeding and the like.
>le dog breeds are jud lig human race
the most brainlet of brainlet arguments.
>being this retarded
holy shit
What journal will publish the full thesis user?
>I rike their raughs.
Chinks are still based
>interviewer is a naked african man just holding a blanket over himself
Chinese have slurs for all people, it's a different type of "racism" (if you even want to call it that). There's like 50 different types of profanities for white people over there.
Chinks love black men.
stfu gwei lo
not to mention they hate each other too. People who live in the bigger cities hate the country folk and so on
kao kao gwai lo
>why yes i hate niggers, please broadcast this to everyone along with my face so the chinese government can execute me for hurting its image
m8 theres a billion people with that face
Do all chong men look like creatura or did they just find the ugliest? The women are qt though.
Can we just nuke all of humanity? Europe, America, Asia, all of it. Just reboot and start all over again because we've obviously all fucked up somewhere along the way.
Why are North Americans so infatuated with Negroes?
He does a lot of damage
My favorite is Baizuo
>all these couples
How much of a cuck you have to be to bring your gf/wife to watch BLACKED Panther
How much of a manlet do you have to be to feel threatened by a Marvel movie?
one is objectively superior to the other though you fucking brainlet, holy shit.
People, for some reason, still feel like they owe niggers for what their grandparents said and did over 60 years ago.
The Chinese are a diverse and tolerant society that don't get triggered into cuckold fantasies when they see a black guy.
>all these chinese women loving the BBC
I would love too see a world where all the men are Black and all the women are white/asian/latina. Black men shooting theit wombs with fertile black seed. If its male the baby comes out black. If female the baby takes the race of the mother.
It seems like everyone is prejudiced towards someone. Are you people really going to pretend that their aren't plenty of chinks who are racist towards blacks/whites/other Asians etc.?
How can i get a fugly chink gf?
Eddie is smarter, more handsome, and has a bigger dick than that chink. He's just jealous.
>whitoid males still trying to make a narrative out of this
fuck off pol
The one on the left is the Hong Kong poster not the China poster.
>tfw Native
Honestly pisses me off when slavery is used to guilt people
Come over to singapore. You get laid very easily if you're a white man.
Don't you have a wife to beat, Sitting Crow?
Why do white people feel bad about slavery when those slaves were going to be sold to other blacks anyway and white people actually gave them a better life than they would otherwise have gotten?
Damn you salty af, leftypol.
>If its male the baby comes out black. If female the baby takes the race of the mother.
>60 years ago
>implying you aren't lync- murdering nonwhites on a drop of a hat en masse using police
>implying you don't get your opportunities halved if you don't have an anglo name
>implying whites don't try to exclude you because of your skin color
whitoids are lying snakes as usual
I'm lucky enough to have grown up off the rez, faggot.
>b-but pol
you go! Yes, (You), user. Or leave Sup Forums.
>white loser has to predatorily go to third world country to find some spineless self hating asian woman who doesn't know better
no wonder these relationships implode and have demented kids
>Transport them from continent to continent and end killing the majority of them in the process
They could've just saved the trouble and kept them in Africa
>election newfag acting like he belongs here
lmao fuck off you edgy tourist. go back to r/TD
So you're the Native version of an Uncle Tom
Because American education regarding our history completely leaves that out. People unironically think we started slavery in the "modern" world
Rez kids were awful. Basically more entitled niggers.
Dad's a beaner so there's so there's honestly a little bit of everything
Do they call us any pale food items?
how much of a fucking moron do you have to be to think this shit, do the world a favour and jump of a cliff please
>amazing special effects
Asian women are natural slaves to BBC
you fucking retarded cunt
it's china, the movie is miles ahead of whatever they can accomplish
What criteria make something superior?
IQ, number of achievements in art, philosophy, science, architecture, engineering, rates of crime, the fact that one legally owned another for centuries before willingly giving that up
mia li?
Not that, but maybe being able to perform a task more efficiently? I don't know.
Not that guy*
>Cherrypicked interviews prove that China is Uber anti racist
Just how desperate are liberals on this board to shill for the Chinese?
>literally the least attractive black person in the entire marvel universe
>"he's so handsome"
Asian women, not even once.
>capeshit and Hollywood are becoming more influential in China
HOORAY , now they can be like modern American audiences where they pretend to know what they're talking about because they saw a movie or TV show once!
Welcome to the modern world, brethren of mankind!
Mackie is based though
Honestly who can blame them? Fucker looks like a shogun
Let's not pretend here, they all hated it
How are physical and behavior differences superficial?
>You see, this I'll bred pug that can barely breathe due to horrible breeding selectiveness and this Weiner Dog are completely the same as this Golden Retriever and this Germsn Shepherd
>hey how did you like the film?
>There is no difference between blacks and others race we are all one
do you honestly believe this shit is genuine?
>gets free opportunities because black skin
>still complains
Typical nigger.
Marica Hase
We need another World War
Get outta here! We don't need racists in Kekistan!
I hate niggers...
>edited out all the chinks who hated the show
>only show those who likes it
>literally billions in their population
As a non-racist white male, I genuinely feel bad for my Kekistani neighbors who have been hurt by the general Chinese audience not being the black-hating hivemind they thought they were.
Maybe I can help you guys by sending you to your safe-space.
>damage control marketing
that's true of every country on the planet
That's not how that meme works, shill.
how were the bp and the villain bad looking?
>amazing special effects
well know we know they were lying because the special effects were objectively shit
yeah but its more so in china.
t. mom who lived in shanghai for a few years
The USA are third world, compared to Singapore.
what happened to his right arm?
>you have to come with to wakanda
so.. he knows the way?