>tfw a movie goes from an 8/10 to a 3/10 in the last 10 minutes
Tfw a movie goes from an 8/10 to a 3/10 in the last 10 minutes
More like 6/10 from the beginning to the end
What the fuck are you smoking. Movie goes from a 6/10 to a 8/10 in the last minutes. The chamber and the mimic are the only interesting things about the movie.
its the other way around
>tfw you spot a pleb on Sup Forums
Just finished watching this 15 minutes ago while getting progressively drunker and higher. No fucking clue as to what I just saw.
>fly a million miles to earth to mutate it to a new world
>mutate it for three years
>turn to ash because a mimic was too dumb not to accept a grenade
Yeah ok
2/10 to a 3/10
>watching comfy sci fi flick
>45 minutes in
>flash back to the Jewish protagonist fucking a black guy for no explainable reason
Oh, wow you're really a brainlet. There was no design nor a plan, not to mention that it did mutate two human beings, husband and wife. If the objective was to fuck the human race it achieved it.
This movie ends on a similar tone like a companion piece to Ex Machina. Is this the second in an unnamed trilogy?
last 10 minutes saved the movie you braindead ape, stick to cyberpunk and videogames
It’s the “We want the Reddit audience” trilogy
You can't complain about Hershlag fucking a black guy, because there's no white males in this movie, except the one that got carved up in a found footage.
You know the reason
Oh my God you're right.
So they explained the reason the croc was a crocoshark, the reason the bear was fucked up, the reason for the trees but they left out the most interesting parts like why the fuck did the bears exhales sound like a woman screaming after he killed her and why the fuck did that cunt have a worm/snake in him.
In terms of story i feel this movie just spat shit at a wall and then went we'll leave it upto the audience. like they gave you 2/3's of a movie and said end it your way
It's all about alien Adam and Eve.
Literally watched this with my kids.
probably a strong 6/10
the affair shit really put me off this flick.
are you mentally ill?
it was a space cancer that refracted and mixed the DNA of everything procreating cells that reproduced themselves uncontrollably. organic beings that got in contact with other became walking chimeras of different species
honestly they show ONE movie that does not treat the audience like a retard and you get 10 threads daily of people discussing how "they didn't explain it"
>in the last 10 minutes
>not as soon as Portman gets BLACKED for no apparent reason
the whole lighthouse act was absolutely kino, that alone makes the movie a 7/10 at least
but the affair shit is literally a major plot point of the movie
the difference i see the generic "lol its refracted it does what it wants" as bullshit story telling.
also where did the croc meet a shark?
It's the black goo all over again.
Could really have done without the constant worthless flashbacks and the cliche twist at the end. (I mean really? Right down to spooky eyes? Fuck off that's x-men tier shit)
>why the fuck did the bears exhales sound like a woman screaming after he killed her
Because she refracted into the bear at the moment of death. It's why what other girl intended to go out peacefully.
Jesus fucking Christ it's to explain why Kane volunteered. How can you be so fucking dumb.
while uncommon it is known that some sharks will swim upriver if it connects to the ocean, there have been cases of shark attacks some miles inland in the USA
>movie that does not treat the audience like a retard
Excuse me? This movie is about as subtle as a Nolan flick
They have to keep some shit from the shitty book, otherwise it just has the name.
Kane figured out his old lady was humping Tyrone on the side and volunteered to go on a suicide mission.
I mean what's the problem with the refraction effect? it's stated within the film and it was kept consistent the whole time, the shimering was explained through the examples of mutations in the movie. it's like "The Thing" kind of explanations
faggot maybe the croc ate a fag with a shark tooth necklace , maybe the the sea brought fishes with shark dna,
>we will be fragmentated into their smallest parts until... not one part remain.... Paramount Picture's™ Annihilation™ (2018)
I think it was very subtle
>tfw you are a brainlet that doesn't understand what it's watching
Including the screaming in agony pig creature would have made this significantly better
I wanna fuck this mutt so dam hard and have kids that will fucking rape you all.
>movie is interesting
>conclusion is just killing everything
Same with Get Out, Ex-Machina, The Ritual, etc, literrally the most cheapest and blandest option
>the monster is still alive at the end
>'80 flick
Are we back?
Anyone else think this was the most Lovecraftian film that they had ever seen, at least out of mainstream/semi-mainstream movies?
looks like it user
why they didn't put the spooky things in the movie ?
the crawler in the tower, the creature near the swamp instead whe had a shitty croc and a bear wtf
This isn't what the film is about. All that is simply a vehicle for a deeper exploration of the human soul.
Cheating alone explains it, but he just HAS to be black
I didn't even notice this shit 10 years ago but when you see movie after movie and show after show with sudden sex scene with black guy yeah I'm calling bullshit
So can someone actually tell me about the affair everyone is upset over? I know Jew cheats with Tyrone but why and what does the husband do, does he even find out? I see people chimping out over it (fairly) but no synopsis even mentions it as a plot point.
No it isn't, are you retarded?
>I didn't even notice this shit 10 years ago
Jeez, I wonder what changed.
This movie was always a 3/10
It’s literally 30 seconds of the movie and serves absolutely no purpose other than to piss off conservatives. While watching I thought she was cheating while the guy was already on the mission. It was completely pointless.
Le edgy try hard pseudo intellectual movie that is actually very shallow 6/10 with one dimensional characters, horrible acting, annoying plotholes, stealthy bears and crocs.
But somehow you faggots have multiple threads during each moment of the day up
Because there are hardly any other movies worthy of discussion that even came out in the last three months.
>good because other stuff is bad
But that's not how criticism works
>dude the murderous aliens aren’t actually bad, they’re just CHANGING things
>and that’s a GOOD thing
wonder what they meant by this...
You realize that was supposed to be seen as degenerate and self-destructive, right?
If the alien was so weak that it could be killed by a grenade, why didn't they just drop a bomb on the lighthouse from space?
No one is saying it’s good you absolute moron. We’re just talking about it to talk about something.
Oh come the fuck on, you only remember seeing the black guys because seeing a black triggers you and that scene stands out but every other type of character having a gratuitous sex scene or success story is just the norm for you.
this, it’s a shame the guy who made such AIkino wasted his talents on gurl power immigrants are good bullshit
Because the grenade didn't kill him, copying Lena's self destruction/suicidial tendencies allowed it.
The only thing I can praise this for is the lighthouse scene. That music, the creepy movement of the mimic, the floating alien thing looked gorgeous, they should have focused on all of this some more and not just gone ‘lel here’s a grenade, k bye’
>also where did the croc meet a shark?
You do realize that there's such a thing as freshwater sharks?
That’s retarded...
Why didn’t it just copy her drive for survival instead?
Because she had none, she went into the zone to die as atonement for what she did to her husband and seeing him dead made her completely lose her will to live.
But she survived...
Because the alien took it and self destructed in her place.
this ending was so lame and drawn out it reminded me of AI
the creature even looked the same
shame because the first 3/4 was great
I still need explanation on the whole fucking a black guy in the middle of the movie part with no context or explanation at all
>with cars
>infrastructure clearly exists
>they walk randomly into the forest instead of following roads
>memory loss
>no one keeps a journal
give me one good reason they didn't use a jet ski to reach the lighthouse in 1hr tops
i'm listening
They literally insert scenes of exposition
Not even a Sup Forumstard but I agree. Netflix always ALWAYS has to have BMWF in some way shape or form.
She cheated on her husband which resulted in him signing off to a suicide mission since it's implied that he found out about her affair. She feels guilty over this hence why she signed up for the expedition to find out what happened to her husband.
>instant memory loss as you enter
>lol ride a jet ski
>want to watch movie about weird alien zone
>get interracial sex
Keep jumping through hoops trying to insult me but this just is what it is, Prometheus did the same thing too
which is the worst looking sex there is
they didn't forget the mission or lose lucidity
i mean they set up camp
For me, It was more Kafka-esq
except thats the only thing they seem to remember is the exact location they are relative to the lighthouse
have you had black cocks on your mind since you finished the movie? fuck off retard
>It wasnt destroying, it was creating something new. -Lena
Except the psychologist lady who was completely obliterated by the alien.
It reminded me a lot of The Colour Out of Space.
It seems as if she was actually transformed into the fractal womb.
>Except the psychologist lady who was completely obliterated by the alien.
I need an explanation for this as well. Did cancer-lady die because the mimic just copied her feelings of self-resignation over her cancer or what?
wtf is a fractal womb. is there some Wikki fanpage for this shit im not aware of? whats the name of the black guy she was fucking randomly out of nowhere
I'm just referring to the the fractal thing that took a bit of Lena's blood to make the humanoid.
put this movie up against something like Arrival and it doesnt even come close. It tries so hard to be more complicated and make you think when in reality its just stripping away pieces of the plot to create pseudo-mystery and blankness that the audience is formed to figure out themselves. It would've been good if all of the pieces were there and the audience just had to put it together. But thats not what we got, we got an imcomplete jigsaw puzzle that requires me to go on a Sup Forums post to find out what i missed
I liked it, but I didn't think it was that complicated either.
It went from a 2/10 to a 4/10 for me just because of the lighthouse events.
This part tell her husband isn’t exactly the same that she truly knows, dummy.
You mean a 10/10
>It tries so hard to be more complicated and make you think
are you serious? they literally leave nothing to the imagination and beat you over the head with the themes, plot, the 'mystery' of the shimmer, etc. the entire movie.
is this the 'power' of Sci-Fi fans? are you the kind of person to make posts asking why Natalie had the Tattoo on her arm?
>requires me to go on a Sup Forums post to find out what i missed
lmao? how can you 'miss' anything in a movie that completely lacks any subtlety.
It was a pretty cool scene
I'm this user I should have read the rest of that user's post, I didn't realize that they didn't even understand some of the shit going on in the movie when everything was so on the nose.
The ending is the only good part though. Shame the movie preceding it couldn't live up to it.
Terrible movie, looked okay though. Anyone who liked it or thinks it's deep is confirmed for fucking moron
>ex machina
alex garland can do no wrong
They already succeeded in their plan; killing all white men on Earth.
Even the magic protomolecule from the Expanse is better presented than this mimic crap.