How does it still stand up?

how does it still stand up?

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obviously with his legs

It doesn't, watched it awhile back. It's corny as fuck and not in the good way. It's like that kid at school that wore trench coats, fedoras, and played with dull chinese katanas got the reigns to make a movie.

>remember my parents to take me to see this when I was 8
>looked like some boring garbage
>blew my shit away
i will always love this movie.

a comfy, pre-9/11 time


This is my friend's favorite movie of all time, and I'll never understand why.
Any good will it had with me was killed off with the True Love's Kiss ending.

It's original and interesting and it was the perfect movie to end the 90's. Also, Revolutions is unduly underrated imho.

you sound like the real faggot in this

Extremely well, to be quite honest. Shame about the sequels.

It stands up fucking great.

unironically my favourite film of all time. Also, why is 90's tech so comfy?

Still one of the best movies ever made. Shame about the prequels though. The Wachowskis got too full of themselves and thought anyone cared about their stupid philosophical views.

*Spybreak Intensifies*

Brothers, the Warchowski Brothers!

Haven't seen it in a long time, i think i'm gonna rewatch it when the 4K Blu-ray comes out.

Attached: The Matrix 4K Bluray.jpg (800x988, 231K)

Because we were still in charge of it. Computers were our little box of friendly that we controlled. Now it's our little rectangle of pain and agony that controls us.

Kill yourself youngfag

>>blew my shit away
Fucking poofter.

Kill yourself

All effects done in 2K, re-release film at 4K. There is 100% probability that this is just upscaled 2K like nearly every film out there with CGI.

Shame youre a dumb fuck.

Brainlet pride world wide

It's OK. Not as mindblowing any more, but still a decent action flick.

Name better action scene than lobby fight.

>that kid at school that wore trench coats, fedoras, and played with dull chinese katanas
Damn, I knew a guy like that. Beard, glasses and long messed-up hair. Way older than me.

I know you're joking so your comment doesn't affect me. Nobody likes the Matrix sequels.

You dont know shit kiddo. I was there opening night for both.

at least he wasnt a nigger


Fuck off nigger

Cheesy in places but interesting action flick. Third act as awesome and moss looks hot

There's lots of scenes without CGI, why don't they just scan those from the negative and mix with 2k CGI shots?

>Any good will it had with me was killed off with the True Love's Kiss ending.
i unironically shed a tear the least time i watched this and trinity said she loved neo and kissed him
idk why, ive seen it like 8 times

back when 9/11 2001 was just the day Neo's passport expired

it seems corny now because everyone jumped on the fad after its release

>older movies are better viewed in the best quality
just watch it the way it was meant to be watched when it came out if you want the best experience

Whoa there edgelord

I watched it recently for the first time since release. I saw it once in the theaters and never bothered to re-watch it. I was about 9 when my mom took me, and the movie left such an impression on me, that I could practically replay every scene in my mind for years.

I've yet to encounter a movie with as much staying power as the Matrix. I'm sure the fact that I watched it at a young age had something to do with it. But I don't care much for other movies from the 90s. Go figure.

Why does it stand up? Because it's a good movie, man. They did a perfect mix of spaghetti action, cyberpunk, hacker culture, and philosophy. They didn't invent anything, but they repackaged all this into one solid product.

> The matrix is set in 1999 tge peak of our human civilization

They knew...