How did this win best picture?

How did this win best picture?

Attached: shape-of-water-creature.jpg (960x540, 477K)

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I really don't know

It got the most votes and it was a weak year.

They just wanted a Mexican to win to piss off Drumpf. That's all hollywood is: politics.

The same reason Deakins won for the trash that is BR2049, but was shafted for Jesse James a decade prior: recognition of career, not recognition of this one specific work.

Bravo Del Toro

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i think the academy were just fed up with all the social justice oscar bait they picked this piece of shit to win

Same guy playing him too, can't believe I used to like Del Negro.

I thought it was a swquel to Hellboy when I first saw the trailer.

The Creature looks better as a fishman than Abe honestly.

Wait wtf I literally thought this was a hellboy spinoff

That's because Abe is only half fishman ;^)

Lovecraft predicted all this.

Attached: 220px-H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg (220x270, 13K)

What he a god?



it was his turn


It stood for values and morals that we need in this time of despair, now more than ever #fucktrump

lets see

>disabled wahmen protag: check
>female "love" story: check
>obligatory homo and nigger for diversity points: check
>Poor (((illegal alien))) who just wants to live happily in a world full of hatred: check
>Evil, bigoted american government wants to take away the poor alien from his love :'( : check
>Commies are actually the good guys: check
>Allows the audience to put themselves as the white savior of the poor, oppressed alien guy who dindu nuffin wrong: check
>Female protag gets to fuck big black fish: check


Cause they did gay niggers already so fish fucking is the only way to out do it. This year will be gay bestiality or pedophile shit

everyone in Hollywood is into bestiality, and this is the first salvo in their campaign to get it legalized in every state.

could secretly be a prequel

>hollywood is degenerate incarnate
>last year's best film was about homosexual niggers
>this year's best film involves interspecies sexual relations
really jogs my noggins

>>Commies are actually the good guys: check
You mean the one?

Can't forget the evil White male who has heterosexual sex and sexually harrasses women #metoo

yup. which begs the question, why would the soviet government send such a softie treehugger as a spy. Would've been better if it went like this

>Helps Sally release the fish
>Betrays her and flees with the fish
>Fish kills the guy and goes back or something

Why were the Soviets even in the story to begin with might be the more pertinent question. You could cut Dimitri out of the story with very little alteration

Yeah, pretty much this.

Del Toro should be super thankful Trump got elected. It was the single biggest contributing factor to his Best Director win.

As for the Best Movie win, well

It was a safe film with some decent performances.

Trump wouldn't even consider him mexican because he is white.

It’s slightly cheeky communism mental gymnastic by establish the good russian guy to be leninist and the evil guys to be stalinist. Stalin is well known to kill a lot of people so he get to thrown under the bus as “ bad seed of socialism that didn’t work”.

Because it fits libtards ideals the most.

Dont be affraid to fight the white male and fuck another species (niggers), ladies.

>rich successful white male is a piece of shit who abuses his wife and insults his coworkers: check

Fell taco's prior work was pure shlock

You know why. Stop asking.

He gets more and more based as I learn about him.

This plus the lgbt+-// movement already opened the floodgates to degeneracy.
within a hundred years everybody will be fucking animals while wearing their vr headsets pretending them to be cute anime girls or aliens

Del Taco was playing a big joke and the academy lapped it up. Now maybe he'll be able to do At the Mountains of Madness without the studios putting in retarded shit.


the Creature from the Black Lagoon

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Kinda sad all the wholesomeness and values that people used to insert into films is being replaced by forced diversity and fish dicks.

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