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one by one the pizzas fall
What the fuck is happening? It's like everything is now hitting the last stages of grief and we're going through some fantasy land bullshit
too bad huffington post is still irrelevant and nobody will even care or know that this guy supported her
>February 11 2016
nice shitposting
>pol will laugh at this
I actually feel bad for the Berniebros. A Trump/Bernie race would have been fucking amazing for our country, an honest discussion about the future.
Instead we got the fucking anti-Christ and Trump
Wait is Vargas the illegal from O'Keefe video? The first or second one
Your ID is NTNN.
praise kek
If you go on the page (just google "Why I Can No Longer Support Hillary Clinton") you can see a lot of comments agreeing.
2nd November 2016
Wait, what the fuck? Isn't Cesar Vargas one of the guys from the O'Keefe videos?
Yea the one about voter fraud
No, it was coming to this no matter what.
Sadly, our nation is so divided, that we can't have an honest discussion about our future, because we have such different ideas about what the future should be like.
America no longer has a unified moral system, thanks to multiculturalism. And we will continue to tear ourselves apart until people are willing to compromise and rethink what it means to be an American so we can have a New American Culture that everyone can at least nominally agree upon.
Mostly, I blame it on leftists, who are outright against the core tenets of our nation, such as freedom of expression and meritocracy.
As a non-american I would've thoroughly enjoyed a commie vs. murrcan race. There wouldn't have been this kind of smut we're seeing and I really wouldn't have been too worried about the world if either one had won.
>Everyone is shilling hillary with unreal expectations, rigged polls and strawman
>It fails to manipulate the masses.
>If they keep it, shilling for hillary and claiming she will win by a landslide, and trump win in 5 days against their (((predictions))), they will lose credibility. Like, they will be reminded as the news group that predicted hillary +10 when trump won +10 instead. Will never be taken seriously again.
>Slowly ALL polls that were constantly +7 for hillary are shifting towards the real results of the polls.
>He actually believes a communist would win in the US.
I mean, he was miles better than hillary, but trump would win, no matter how well bernie was prepared, how well he went on the debates, how well he did marketing. He would lose just because "lol, commie"
We're never going to be unified again. There's going to be a genocide of sorts, and one race will prevail.
That or we'll be divided so much that someone is just going to rule us with an iron fist. It's such a fucking cliche, divide and conquer. You just have to wonder who's going to conquer, and why.
HuffPuff is American, you dimwit. The date reads "MM/DD/YYYY", so it's November (month) 02 (day), 2016 (year).
You liberals really are retarded and stupid, aren't you?
Unless something big happens now, we'll just end up like SA. Whites pushed to the fringes and sporadically slaughtered.
Bernie or Trump I would have been fine with.
I'm a bernvictim but have been anticlinton since the 90s.
It would have been amazing see the old cuck fight the wall Street tycoon.
Bernie would have been a good president, not because he would have got anything goes done, but because he could call out wall Street and name the jew every week from the oval office live on TV.
His 1% bankster dog whistled me. Bernie is a pc nazi with no balls.
>muh race war
This isn't the 60's, leaf.
There isn't going to be a race war, because white people and cryptojews masquerading as whites are the primary drivers behind America's deep divisions, and are mostly sparring with EACH OTHER.
Nothing of value will have been lost.
>the left is too busy eating itself to stop America being made great again
isnt this the illegal from the veritas vids?
I guess Sup Forums should keep praising the frog.
161 million dollar transfer from Rothschild to Clinton campaign in 2016
>161 million dollar transfer from Rothschild to Clinton campaign in 2016
161 million dollar transfer from Rothschild to Clinton campaign in 2016
>161 million dollar transfer from Rothschild to Clinton campaign in 2016
This gives me hope.
The choice is simple: homogenisation or balkanisation. If the US citizens no longer share core values underpinning society, they would be better off splitting off into seperate nations who do
(((césar vargas)))
Finger in bunghole and thinking they can get away without stinking
doesnt this mean that hillary isnt that bad? the
regressive left hates her for all the reasons we
love trump...
she wars and kills sand niggers
she takes their oil
she puts russia in its place, keeping
the ruble a pile of rubbish
she is probably a lesbian
gets more pussy than average Sup Forums poster
probably even more than trump
and she wont tank the economy
whats there to hate?
((((Israeli)))) on proxy confirmed. niggerfaggot
I believe that most Americans actually do share core values, but that these values are suppressed by social engineering and subsidization.
Why not just STOP INTERFERING with our natural, cultural evolution?
Progressives live and die by forcing their shit, whether it is the right time or not.
That's the issue.
that's a pretty good obongo pic though
The Old (New Deal) Left never moved and always hated Hillary. The SJW newfags have hijacked the party over racial and gender identity and other bullshit that has nothing to do with traditional liberal values. What's happening is that a large section of the millennials who voted Sanders are just now realizing how corrupt Hillary is, with even plausible deniability becoming increasingly a farce. Just check out the TYT video about the Clinton foundation.
After nominating Garland the Democrats showed who they really are and can all fuck off.
wew lad
Look at those top comments, Trump might actually fucking pull this off
Is it bad I understood the Spanish saying?
Tell me with who you walk and I'll tell you who you are
Stupid nigger.
badass motherfucker/looks like he's holding in a shit
ugly, but cherry picked/AYY LMAO
cherry picked/barefoot savage
Good job would rate again
Stark contrast. We really are making america greater
>the set up opposition would have been a good president
I hope you're right user. The rule of law needs to be reestablished, BLM etc is a cancer pushing an unsustainable black national identity
>an honest discussion
He's just as big an identity pandering hippy as Clinton.
You misunderstand one of the fundamentals of liberal logic
>it's not bad if a mexican immigrant does it
>two days ago
>U.S. President Barack Obama says he believes the "republic is at risk" if Donald Trump wins next week's election.
>Revelation 17
> The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
friendly reminder that next week is Obama's magistral move.
Are you ready for
third term: the movie ?
Cesar has been quite depressed lately.
Hope he doesnt do anything rash.
He's that dog whisperer guy
No he's a writer
>César Vargas Writer. Founder of upliftt. Op-eds & Quotes: Huffington Post, Fox News, NBC, Salon, The Guardian, Okayafrica, Okayplayer, Sky News, The Hill...
No, of course not. Romance languages have too much in common for you not to pick up on them after learning one or two. I took French for three years, and while I'm OK at it, I can understand spoken/written Spanish and Italian pretty easily.
You mean the Jew vs. the American.
While I actually want many of the things Sanders was saying, anyone who actually believed a word he said is an idiot. He would end being just a continuation of Obama even more so than Clinton.
I raged at the comments of their lead story. This was the rage-filled comment I was about to drop before I realized you needed a Facebook account to log in
Lügenpresse! Your malicious lies will reach a boiling point soon. And no college campus will be able to prevent the people, the REAL Americans, not every little minority you can think of, from executing justice on you cultural Marxist swines. Watch your back, because me and untold millions would like to give your entire editorial board helicopter rides for high treason while we sit back and shoot off fireworks.
>third term: the movie
do you think if it
happens, civil war breaks out?
Thanos for jewing the jew, jew.
people realize that hillary's administration would be 4 years of half the country being very angry and very vocal. Republicans will basically fight her tooth and nail.
impeachment likely if they can get 2/3 of the senate on board with it before the trial.
accept 4 years of trump instead and hope he kills the republican party. allowing a clean democrat to come in 2020, and a surging in democrats in the congress in 2018.
I respect his integrity. If only other liberals would see the light before they sell their souls to the devil by supporting Clinton.
>Cesar Vargas
He thinks this will get him off the hook?
Bernie vs jeb would be the most pathetic debates lmao
They're pulling the copper out of the walls on the 9th
The closer we get to the pedophile connection the more fear runs rampart.
>huffpo writers dumping shillary
The world has taken a turn for the surreal
They will never get enough to convict, but it only takes a House majority to impeach.
Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted.
Clintons stole the furniture when leaving the white house.
he was just a cuck all along though
No but I think it would confirm Obama as the antichrist
Republican House was stupid. They should have wheeled and dealed behind the scenes with the senate to secure the conviction votes before the actual impeachment started.
vargas is a kike name now?
This guy will just get fired and they will take down the article
It's been up for over 24 hours
Aye. Truly a stark contrast between two flawed yet earnest characters instead of Shillary and Trump. Also nice digits.
Time line pizza. Wow
If Bernie had told Hillary to fuck off at the DNC and run third party, he may have posed a bigger thread to Trump.
*bigger threat
if trump wins. we need to make Bernie an honorary aryan and thank him for reminding the Democrats what they really are. So they would turn on hillary.
I cant believe this shit. Is fucking amazing.
We need to push the hashtag "HillarysTitanic"
Is going to be fun.
This is a blog post mate.
No you dumb fucks, it actually is from February.
He should have taken the Green Party nomination from Stein, and had Stein be his VP.
they would have pulled enough votes and maybe a state or two. to secure future funding and ballot access for the greens.
which would split the Dem vote hard and leave them scrambling for years. As the Republicans hold the white house till 2024. allowing trump to replace 4 justices at least. two of them being liberals.
Trump is nailing this mother fucker in a fucking landslide.
yfw a mexican started it
the instrumentality project
The dems won't take office for a very long time if trump wins. He's going to ream everyone who betrayed and fought him underhandedly a new asshole. Bernie will die before he can even hope to run for president again
Oi, wasn't this the fucking illegal spic called out for being a DNC provacateur by O'Keefe and Project Veritas? Too late to recant an endorsement when you've already been filmed committing/conspiring to commit election crimes you la Raza queer.
holy shit
The author of OP's article