I hate white people and coming here and speaking to you fags make me hate more white people.
I'm glad white people will become extinct this century.
I hate white people and coming here and speaking to you fags make me hate more white people.
I'm glad white people will become extinct this century.
Other urls found in this thread:
Glad you got that off your chest. Have a good evening.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
I think we all hate people who don't belong in our country but try to make it all about them. Americans and spics/niggers, Germany and mudslimes, Sweden and fucking everything, etc. It's almost like most people naturally have a ethnic-nationalist perspective that the Jew media tries their best to silence through social pressure and media brainwashing.
Tell you what, you take all our niggers and we'll take all your white people.
Really? This made me just dislike leftists
I already know the white people on Sup Forums are southerners and northeastern so of course you're gonna get a nigger or spic
>canada apologising
no surprises here
Does your IQ score and unattractive shit-skin have you feeling low OP?
keep moving, nigger
my IQ is higher than most white people on the planet, thanks.
you're a standard deviantion lower than me.
well I like white people
I might add that white people, who originated from you niggers managed to get much farther, so it's only fair game perpetually offended faggot.
Yeah except the part about your chimp brain being centuries behind our superior genetics. Remember when we found you people in the woods? Yeah we already had colleges, written language, and you know... the wheel... Your chimp ancestors were still fapping to the idea of fire.
The tickle.com IQ test isn't accurate you nigger
Good luck without us
Well so you are 105. *Slow clap*
wanna me posting how shitty is your education (common core)?
I passed the mensa test faggot.
people can make typos, we're not perfect.
thank you for your service
Unless you're mixed-race (thank your white people for the god genes), I doubt that. Even if you were above 140 (your odds of being a pure nigger and pulling this off.. yeah fuck off), your people are still worthless shit-skins, and all that extreme outlier nig IQ makes you is an autistic and perpetually offended fag
your ancestors deserved everything that happened to them
without us chimp, who is going to support your 6 chimp pups? All 6 dads are in prison and we know that don't support your H habit.
OP is likely tobget shot by some nigger as he walks down the street tommorw.
Have you considered going to a place with no white people? Maybe try Mugabe land. It's full of the descendants of kangz.
>fuck whitey!
>whole family murdered by other spics
I hate Columbian niggers. Coming here and reading their shitposts makes me hate them even more.
I'm so glad that Columbian niggers live in a shithole where they belong.
IQ involves a verbal portion too. Even if you're an amazing mathematician, you have to be good at speaking too. After all, language is a system, so you should actually be able to learn better than the white people who supposedly have lower IQ's than you
These aren't even typos, you speak like a tard
what is your race? And
Have you interacted with white people recently?
And u wuz kangs and shieeet.
>colombian cocaine monkey is butthurt
excellent. now fuck off nigger
whites made everything good on this planet, bow down you fucking monkey
my father is basically an amerindian and my mother is basically a brown mestiza.
I'm like 75% amerindian.
nice to see pol is another circlejerk, you faggots mentally masturbate to non white hate threads, yet I make a white people hate threads you come here extremelly butthurt and start posting butthurt shit.
I'm glad my race is breeding and the fact there's almost no inmigration in my culture.
feels good to have no inmigrants here and not be ethnically replaced in a couple decades, fagget.
stay asspained like y'all white neckbeards, keep masturbation to cuck shit in the mean time, while you keep playing videogames and browsing Sup Forums, like the milenials pieces of shit you are while your civilization is falling apart.
And you keep dreaming about race war while 99% of the white race is too fat and dumb to even hold a gun.
good luck faggets.
Whites will never become extinct, they will just continue white flight to their own enclaves.
OP post a pic of your skin with time-stamp or we will never believe you're a pure nigger who has the IQ he says he does
I can speak pretty confortable english and hold conversations about pretty much any topic in english.
another thing are typos, since It was a shit ton of time since I studied english.
75% amerindian blood.
more asspained idiots.
keep being butthurt.
nice to see your countries being colonized by non whites right now.
No no no no. You are the "butt hurt". You started a thread about how DA WHYTE MANG made you feel. If you were intelligent, you'd notice the real harm your low-IQ constituents and other minorities cause to this world.
We're making fun of you. No one is hurt by what you're saying because we all are convinced you're retarded. Maybe Canada is butt hurt but yeah, Sup Forums is basically a meetup for sociopaths and fringe schizophrenics. Good fucking luck OP
Enjoy your ashes
So your surname is pataquiva or something in quechua?
Why are you so butthurt about white people? They're always nice.
I posted this on /soc/ this morning.
I'm 135 IQ.
having into account my race average is 89, I'm ok with that.
Yeah, and you're still asspained enough you need to reply to my thread.
good logic then champ.
nope, ceron cobo.
I don't hate white colombians, I hate white first worlders, big diference.
Wtf are you Julio Profe?
>75% amerindian blood
So you're Chinese? Ni hao peng you!
Chinese are superior to white people.
soon they will flatten your house.
you poor creature
so butthurt you had to find a way to get back at mean people on the internet by bragging about your intelligence and posting your retarded bin lid face on Sup Forums
nobody needs to say anything to you, you've shot yourself in the foot so much at this point you don't even have feet left lmao.
>when ur a nu-male but ur shitty Amerindian genes stop u from growin ur beard
>You reply to da thread lolzz you're butt hurt
Just off yourself. Why make the thread in the first place? No one can reply? If I reply I'm automatically butthurt?
>Colombian intellectuals
Move along nigger. I look forward to watching your torture and beheading video at the hands of the cartels soon. :D
Whites will retreat to the mountains somewhere and watch the word fall into degeneracy because other races are not capable of technological progress or getting along together. Even the highly intelligent Asians are incapable of new technologies, they only copy and improve what the white man invents. White people are the only mediator between other countries. They are the peacekeepers of the world, and the reason why dominant countries such as China have not simply just taken over Africa or South America yet.
White people will become the beautiful fabled elves, not sharing their technology with you savages. They will emerge after many centuries to reclaim the world for themselves once again, after all of you kill each other.
I agree, I'm white and everyone I know who is white is a scumbag. Most whites won't admit it but tis true and they know it.
And yet you keep giving me (you) and bumping my thread.
instead of doing worthwhile with your misserable and pathetic lifes and maybe breeding some white kids, here you are, wasting your time argueing with me.
wonder who's more pathetic.
>muh genes are superior
>still don't breed or race mix
kek what a pathetic piece of shit is the average white cuck on this board.
>be american
>get shot by some nigger, chicano or the police
>can't pay for his healthcare
The fact that you're mixed race makes me almost feel bad. Everything worthwhile about you came from race-mixing. You're a self-loathing sperg mogrel lost and without a home
>no one told him white people are building space ships to Mars
>be white
>stop breeding
this delusion that there will be some white left after 2050.
>amerindian father that looks like a peruvian
>mestiza brown mother
I'm more pure blood than most ameriniggers.
At least I don't have nigger DNA, unlike most americans.
>make thread
so this is the power of columbian intelligence...
>make obvious bait thread
>still replies
wow, what an inteligent white person.
No nigger would be smart enough to actually comprehend what's going on in the world.
except I'm more redpilled than y'all faggots.
keep blaming niggers and non whites dumbasses.
how do you even spell intelligent wrong when the exact post you replied to didn't
Why make the thread then OP? You think it's worth your while triggering probably the most emotionally fucked collective you can find?
People here jack it to horse pussy and cock mutilation. You're the one wasting time.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
You never admit to this, it ruins the whole thing.
because inteligente is the proper spanish word.
I can still write english words using spanish forms.
because pol deserves to get shitposted.
is a fucking circlejerk.
keep bumping dumbass.
>At least I don't have nigger DNA, unlike most americans.
i hate to break it to you but there is a far greater chance of you being part nigger as a Colombian than as an American.
No it's whites and Jews who we're fighting politically. Minorities like you are cannon-fodder.
Plus, even if whites began mass race-mixing, it'd probably end up only leaving the most racist and intelligent whites, as all of our retards won't accidentally fall into our gene pools, and instead must be sifted though the nigger dick.
most white americans have between 5-10% african DNA.
Colombian black population = 10%
American black population = 13%
using any metric, america is a more nigger country than mine.
the jews meme is a conspiracy meme only redpilled idiots who read infowars believe.
Have fun reverting to the dark ages then, because a bunch of violent, low IQ apes (like your countrymen) won't be able to uphold Western civilization.
>most white americans have between 5-10% african DNA.
Literally the dumbest thing I've read on here all day. Try your hardest to provide me with even a totally unreliable source. I'll bet you can't.
As you command, senor.
At least this is better than another MAINSTREEM MEEDIUR thread or WOULD U FUG JILL STEIN/HUMA thread.
I can relate. I used to be completely color blind and even thought white people were unfairly blamed for many ugly things trough history. 4 years here and I hate every single pale face and can't wait for them to get cucked out of their countries, land, women and everything. I don't even care what happens after that, but Sup Forums has shown me how fucking awful they can be and their extinction can only be an improvement.
Don't bother trying to tell me why that isn't going to happen or how this or that candidate will stop it. Hard numbers aren't on your side,all in all everyday there's less of you and I'm all the happier for that.
what's there to hold fagget?
being a cuck?
feminism, multiculturalism, marxisms, crony capitalism, white guilt, jews, corporatism, pornography, feminism, female sexual liberation, atheism, cuck fetishes, furries, bronies.
what's there to hold faggot?
careful what you wish for, don't believe me? look at haiti. shitskin leaders have no empathy for their own people. If whites ever did go extinct nothing would stop the asians from complete and total genocide of all the other inferior races.
Stop shit-posting to an echo-chamber of high-functioning autists. You're the one wasting his time. Telling us that won't work oonga boonga
You cunts remind me of when you go to shitskin parts of the world and you see unclothed uncivilised monkeys shitting everywhere, thieving and biting tourists.
That's how I see you vicious little cunts, that is until the council comes along with some nets and shovels, gives you both a few whacks upside the head and throws you in the river to drown so working people can enjoy sitting on the parks grass in the sun in peace.
"look at how intellectual I am guise I hate white people"
Alrighty here mr.
we can all lie but lets assume we aren't
I too have taken online iq tests the same way you have and I've gotten 135. big whoop
If you hate white people then stay in your country you fucking autist
I don't bitch about black poeple all the time because I don't live in africa.
enjoy your shithole and reminder that Chileans are the superior south americans.
and their culture have bigger social cohesion and proper family functioning with proper social roles and masculine fathers.
much better than me and my wife son cuck shit you see on white nations.
I feel disgust when I see whites, the ultimate cuck race.
why do you assume I want to emigrate to the mexico of the first world?
I'm not retarded to emigrate to a country that will economically collapse in less than five years.
enjoy your martial law and soon balkanization fagget.
you can't have you cake and eat it too
you are either trolling for (you)s and wasting money on your dialup
you are actually serious and for some reason don't want people to reply to you and if they do... they are white cucks
You aren't making a lot of sense and like me, you too have time to burn. Quit the "lol ur wasting time so your arguments are invalid"
oh sweet jesus just what kind of mestizo are you? I shudder to think about the rape that resulted in your existence.
>The top boss shitskin makes anti-white thread
Kek. Black man tells whites they're the black ones. Your skin is still darker and you look like it OP.
This is a quote in the first paragraph of that "article" that you take seriously.
" almost 4% of European Americans carry African ancestry."
You are clearly one of the dumber Indios in your Turd World Country.
Good luck maintaining the modern world without us.
americans are so advanced on their cuck fetish that they now even cuck their wifes also.
I'm much better than the average indio.
call me a nigger when your country is the biggest nigger one, on any data you can measure.
It's the first link I've found.
If you keep googling you could find the original one, it was posted here.
OP is a fag, but we had Nicolás Gómez Dávila, one of the most based guys in the entire history; too bad he didn't want to get recognition
>If you keep googling you could find the original one
If I keep googling I can literally find any webpage to support any claim that I make but that doesn't make it fact.
Don't be so butthurt, mongrel boy. We still consider you human, just not fully.
Who is going to grow all that food after we disappear? Whites are the only one capable of producing food surpluses.
Let your, "high IQ" answer that.
>and their culture have bigger social cohesion and proper family functioning with proper social roles and masculine fathers.
>much better than me and my wife son cuck shit you see on white nations.
>I feel disgust when I see whites, the ultimate cuck race.
Not one bit of that applies to me you weird homosexual looking cunt. I'm Asian and trust me I hate you way more than you hate whites you shitcunt crybaby
Who let this nigger have access to google? Let alone a computer?
I didn't decide personally to let niggers and you mongrels have access to one of the greatest nations of the world. Our low IQ voter base did that. If it were up to me, people who don't pay taxes wouldn't be able to vote, keeping women and shitskins out of politics. Your kind fucks everything up and all the shitskins around the world have horrible countries.
I'm just going along with the shitposting desu
I long ago gave up daring to hope for good threads, so if a "would you suck Huma's toes" thread dies because this one keeps getting bumped, it was worth it to me
Look at this ugly ass shitskin, no wonder he hates white people.
dude I agree
Fuck white people,if I was on my PC I'd share a pic of myself with my white gf. u gotta attack them where it hurts them more, their woman.
It's not that bad.
The truth is you're just a trendy fashion accessory.
>Niggers going out of their way to be offended
Am I supposed to be shocked by this?
I know, but It's shit that gets posted here.
still funny.
other races can grow food idiot.
most poor nations are getting technological development.
nice, another banana who believes he's white.
the people that voted for mass inmigration were your women, another white idea to give women voting rights.
thanks white people.
nice to see white people getting heavy into the race mix fetish.
cuck race.
You should be happy white people didn't genocide your ugly ass for the last 500 years buddy.
You can hate us as long as you fear us. And fear us you do.
how can you pity race compete.
niggers are taking your wimmen.
and now your women are breeding with niggers.
>Fuck white people,if I was on my PC I'd share a pic of myself with my white gf
>Fuck white people
>my white gf
Lol! Your retarded genetic makeup doesn't allow you to understand the stupidity of your comment. You can keep the genetic failure that is your GF, we don't want her. Meanwhile, your own gene pool is now being diluted and mongrelized directly by you. Fucking LOL!
there is one reason when a white girl is free she choses the BBC.
>other races can grow food
Thanks to the white man. All that agriculture money that props up 3rd world favelas? Gone when the white man disappears.
Even then, it'll be like a mass Rhodesia all over there world. Motherfuckers like yourself starving. This will have a crippling effect on whatever shambles of economies are left.