I just finished Season 1
should I continue?
I just finished Season 1
should I continue?
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Quit after season three. The season finale is one of the best I have ever seen and the rest of the show doesn't compare that then end of season three
LOST becomes more of a pleb filter as it goes on and on, watch until you lose interest and you will know what percentage of a pleb you are based on how much left there is of it, if you can appreciate the ending you get a 0% pleb rating
Don't listen to the plebs, season 5 is the best season
It's a phenomenal show through and through. Nothing will probably ever compare.
There are a few kino episodes, but the story is fucking retarded. You expect they answer the most basic questions by the last episode, but you're left with more questions than answers.
I imagine the people who think lost is sk me sort of pleb filter also think the killing of a sacred deer is also a pleb filter, when in reality neither makes any sense whatsoever.
Sup Forums died after L O S T
Keep watching, feel free to skip episodes that drag on
LOST threads were comfy as fuck. I miss them, Smallville, and SOA threads
After season 3 the show becomes complete garbage. It isn't worth watching beyond S3, in my opinion.
The second season is legitimately some of the best television ever made, though, so at last watch that.
Also, a guy named Reetae did a retrospective on Lost where he tore the lying producers and nonsense plotholes apart that's very entertaining (it obviously contains spoilers, so don't watch it until you've finished watching as much of the show as you like):
hmm you might be retarded
>needing someone else to tell you about plot holes
sounds like you got pleb filtered kiddo
faggots. Don't listen to them OP, the entire show is good, and if you're too much of a queer to actually FINISH what you start, than L O S T doesn't deserve you anyways.
The finale is great by the way, the quickest way to tell if someone is a pleb ir not is to ask them what they thought of the finale.
this, except the exact opposite
lost ruined my ability to love tv shows. i never invested so much time and emotion in. tv show before and after lost. even went to hawaii to do a tour of the set.
its probably not as bad when you can binge watch it. but as someone who invested over half a decade and went through hundreds of theories, it is the biggest let down ever. i will never forgive you jj and lindelof
>After season 3 the show becomes complete garbage. It isn't worth watching beyond S3, in my opinion.
"The Constant", season 4 episode 5 is the best episode they ever did. You are wrong. For anyone wondering my picks for second favourite are "Walkabout" (season 1 epiosde 4) and the series finale. So that is where I am coming from.
>should I continue?
Honestly user, if you are enjoying it then keep going. The production is always solid and the characters and their story end pretty nicely. You could do worse with your time.
S1 is human-interest lord of the flies with some unexpected spooks
S2 is very meh
S3 feels long but has interesting conflicts and a good ending
S4 and 5 are very sci-fi but if you like sci-fi the ending for each is great and satisfying. Show should have ended around here
S6 is garbage until the end which is both exciting and a let down. Even the sci-fi aspect gets boring.
Unironically this
>it doesn't fit my autistic headcanon so it's bad
That said, I loved it all.
Maybe one more season, beyond that, it's a waste of time
>tfw you grew up between the best shows in television history and the glass box in your living room has never felt the same
>S6 is garbage until the end which is both exciting and a let down. Even the sci-fi aspect gets boring.
It just feels like a lot of padding and waiting around and more mysteries are added which just gets you angrier. Then the finale happens and its fantastic.
This user is accurate but I wouldn't be so harsh on the show.
I'm more in agreement with this user.
How has nobody posted anything from the score of this show? It is one of its best aspects.
Do so if for nothing else but all of this great music
>I'm more in agreement with this user.
Sorry, i meant i agree with . I love this show
>lost ruined my ability to love tv shows.
I am sorry this happened to you user. I saw the same show you did and came out the other side happier. To each his own i guess.
Okay...I'll try one more season and decide whether to finish the entire series.
season 3 (during the writers strike) is when i realized they were making it up as they went along
There is a long, slow knife for Invidia.
That was clear from the start honestly, but I think season 4 was the writers strike season, not 3. 3 had a full 24 episodes. I mean honestly made up as it goes along pretty much applies to every single tv show ever produced, but I do agree they should have had a grand arc planned out a little better.
Yes but keep your expectation low as you continue.
ah you’re right
season 3 beest i think
some ppl think 4
>made up as it goes along pretty much applies to every single tv show ever produced
>they should have had a grand arc planned out a little better
I think they did, at least in part. I expect they had what we got in the series finale planned from the beginning, and then the show became so mega successful they had to throw in all of this other shit to keep it going for endless years. If it was a mini-series it probaly would have ended basically the same way with alot less emotional investment.
Dont waste your time. Anybody encouraging you to continue is just a sick bitter fuck who wants other people to waste their time like they did.
The S02 opening scene is the greatest of all time.