I'm putting together a team

I'm putting together a team.
You in?

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You can count me in.

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When does TRUST premiere?

you have my sword

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He's a loose cannon but he can get the job done.

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Let's do this, motherfuckers

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I can write the compiler, find a coder.

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Lets ride

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The JUSTice team?

We got this boys

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It's gonna cost you, our work ain't free.

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only one son of a bitch crazy enough for a job like this

I think I know a guy

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I would die for Brendan Fraser

why is his eye like that

One last ride...

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I know a guy. His methods are... unorthodox, but you can't deny he gets results.

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See you on the other side

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I'll have to check in with my wife's boyfriend

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I’m in

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well, my schedule is pretty clear

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We're wheels up in 5. Get what you need team.

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Isn't that the mission of the day?

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Make it happen

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Ok, I'll do it. But not for you.

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Hey does Furlong need someone to maybe ride shotgun. Man I really need the work.

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what's in for me?

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I'm putting together a DEAN

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I heard you needed a wheelman.

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Say no more, I'm in.

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I'm the muscle

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Count me out out fellas

After the role of a life-sentencing, I've been...busy

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Count this wise guy in!

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when do we start?

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I'm loyle to the OP

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This is now my team

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>Jack and jill went up da hill, then I fucked jill in da ass. OWWWWWWWWWWWW

All stations are a go Sergeant

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Laker girls thread?

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i wont say no

boys and fucking lads get in here

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Black hobo 1, standing by

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oh no those poor girls dont even realize how bad they are being exploited by the patriarchy. wait till twitter hears about this! #savetheirsouls

hahaha i bet he is grabbing her ass golly i hope he is squeezing her ass

Goddamn, Artie Lang really let himself go

He looks better than the real Artie Lange.

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wheres my fucking burger you whores

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Imagine running out of shirts that don't have stains on them.

Ready to pop these niggas like a wheelie

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I have the vacation days saved up.

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el creatura...

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