mods since you keep deleting threads about the other boards can you atleast tell us why they are down?
Mods since you keep deleting threads about the other boards can you atleast tell us why they are down?
Other urls found in this thread:
THIS. Explain yourself janny. I got off work and wanted to talk about videogames and it's still frozen after 8 hours.
There's literally a general on /qa/ about it you retarded newfag, fuck off.
There's a sticky on Sup Forums.
I'm sure you could do that at Reddit, Sup Forums
Nah that'd just take away from the moment
>being a working adult and still caring about video games
Literally lol
One day you won't be underaged and you'll understand
how new do you even have to BE to not know there is a /qa/?
I only care about fighting games because it's the peak of the video game medium. Everything else is childs play to be honest kiddo
Only Sup Forums and Sup Forums matter, and they're both going
We post on four chanz as a family during dinner. Every night we choose a board and a couple threads to enjoy during our meal
Sup Forums and twitter by proxy has sent Sup Forums into a tailspin it may never recover from
pls go
Apparently someone said they were going to shoot up a school
how fucking new/retarded are you?
>fighting games
>not sports games
lol fag
>mfw we finally have a containment board for Sup Forums, Sup Forums and the rest of the fags
probably something to do with that shooting. probably an investigation into Sup Forums's involvement. gathering ip's etc. be patient.
>Sup Forums frozen because some faggot threatened to shoot up his school
I hope you're not talking about any smash games
did anyone click on the doge link thread on Sup Forums?
i feel like it might be a trap
The highest form of Artis Comedy.
so unless your fighting game is top tier humor its shit.
What do you mean? I stay away from Sup Forums for this reason. Seriously gives us all a bad rep
that green text is the best
Looks like Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /vg/ are all posting there. Cool.
nope. GG/SF/BB/Tekken. Smash is for literal children and autists, so it's no surprise it's a big game on Sup Forums lmaoooo
i thread popped up a couple hours ago. something about servers still online and a link. its at the top of my catalog. perhaps its an anomaly. the thread is 404 when you try to enter
I hope it stays like this. Sup Forums is shit
>trying to be smug on a fucking anime website
>on a board dedicated to television and film that doesnt even discuss television or film
heres your (you)
Pepe falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, the frog with no GF immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the sad frog's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LONELINESS.
was it that or the robot that shot himself?
at least we don't spam furfag threads
a little column A and a little column B
t. switch owner
It's not Sup Forums that brought the capeshit and Harry potter here, newcunt
not bad
sounds a little like "it takes two"
and "Hitch" or even "Dr.DoLittle".
Iki wo tomemasu yappa kurushii desu
Iki wo suimasu san ni ichi
Demo kurushii desu yappa kurushii desu
Kimi ga koko ni inai no wa nande da
Iki ga dekimasu boku ikitemasu
Ikite iru noni samishii.
Demo ikitemasu waratte ikitemasu
Kimi ga koko ni inai noni nande...?
Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo
Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo
Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo
Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo
KIMI ni aemasu ATASHI ureshii desu
Ikite iru kara samishii.
Toki wo tomemasu toka itte mimasu
"Douka" to negaimasu unteach....
Nee waratte ii no? Nee naite mo ii no?
Nee okotte ii no? Suki ni natte ii no?
Nee KISU shite ii no? Nee daite mo ii no?
ATASHI dake no KIMI ni shite mo ii no kana...
Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo
Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo
Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo
Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo
"Waratteru." "KIMI datte"
"Naiteru no?" "Kimi datte"
"Suki da yo" "Boku datte"
"Mata aeru yo." "Matteru"
Oh shit, the containment board for Keit-ai is leaking.
I just beat FFXV and it's not even remotely as bad as you fags made it out to be
*blocks your path*
nothin personnel...mustard...