Is porn degenerate?
Is porn degenerate?
Was about to go fap, should I do it?
I don't think fapping itself it bad. Just porn.
No fap is a meme. Jerk off all you want. It's not degenerate it's natural.
This. I tried nofap and saw 0 improvement in my life. No reason to do it.
If anything I was just more distracted at work looking for hot chicks.
I'm talking about porn. Not jerking off in general.
Watching it makes you literally a cuck.
3D is. It's filled with sad, defeated people. 2D porn is just pictures designed to titillate you that harm nobody.
Porn is just one form of entertainment. If you understand and use responsibly, no problem. I watch porn once a day and have no issues sexually.
How long did you try it? I've only gone 2 weeks and no improvement either
No, you should run a mile instead
I don't know. I heard so many stories of people jacking off to porn multiple times a day and becoming addicted.
Ask yourself:
Would you want your kids to do it?
If no, it IS degenerate,
> cuckold, gangbang, interracial, gay, tranny
pro porn is degenerate, made by jews, fucks up your sexuality and makes you not able/want to reproduce
> qts with phones
amateur porn is just people fucking on camera and you watching, and lets you not have boners all day so you can do work
Yes you fucking stupid cuck.
If it isnt 'degenerate' then i'm not sure what is. You are pathetic if you willingly subject your badly adapted brain to porn.
It's almost midnight though, I'm not gonna start running now
52 days right now
i cant really tell a difference
Porn makes you impotent.
I am dead serious. Porn makes your dick not work. Look it up if you don't believe me.
I have a high sex drive, but my wife only wants it 2-3 times a week. So I either cheat on her, or fap a little bit to porn.
how can you watch people do stuff you wouldn't want anyone you care about doing to themselves?
slightly less degenerate than fucking real whores.
Everything but tranny porn. Tranny porn is strictly enlightening.
yes, but we all enjoy it too much to do anything about it.
What, having sex?
Have you tried not touching your dick and DOING SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE?
unless you want to be a slave to more jewish influence then dont
There's tons of homemade stuff out there that you can choose from, free of jewish influenced stuff like Blacked.
If you're worried about niggers, get an elastic velcro back support band
You can comfortably tuck a gun in there without hindering your ability to run or do most other execises
Have you done anything else different?
The good porn is.
>and lets you not have boners all day so you can do work
This. Honestly I think porn is wrong and messes with your brain in some ways. Fapping is fine though. But I need to fap in the morning before going to work, and porn helps for that.
Why is Sup Forums so fucking concerned with degeneracy?
Nothing is degenerate if you don't let it consume your life. The only thing degenerate is degeneracy itself.
I made it 51 days nofap but gave in today.
Never understood how people fuck pay-to-play whores. They all have STDs and who the fuck wants to be the 1000th guy inside a woman?
15 years of porn and my rock hard erection on demand disagree with you
if i don't fap i'll get sexually aroused by fucking anything and honestly chasing women and having pre-marital sex is way more degenerate than amateur porn
focus on your life, family, careers, education, pick up a qt traditional chick in traditional society when your 30 and pop out 12 kids
You need water to live or you die but you can still overdose and drink so much you die.
In all things moderation is key. What works best for you might be too much for some, not enough for others. Knowing yourself and figuring out what works best for you is just a part of life.
Yes goyim. It is normal and healthy to masturbate every day to videos of strangers having sex. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
I make 6 digits at 26. I'd say I'm doing okay.
I was at almost 3 weeks and then said fuck it.
no, women are
Triple 7s I win
really though, all women are pay-to-play. you will either pay up front or in installments.
pro whores are comparable to an hourly wage worker, wives/girlfriends run on salary. there is not difference - you are paying.
Here's a new angle for you faggots: porn isn't the problem, ejaculating is. Cum is your life essence.
Now, you don't need to ALWAYS abstain from porn/fapping like you're a monk, but if you're trying to accomplish something you should channel your essence towards your pursuits instead. Give it a shot and see for yourself.