How would you handle having to do a sex scene in a movie?

How would you handle having to do a sex scene in a movie?

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If it was with this rat face bitch I'd handle it by taking anti-nausea drugs

Will lube and beads be provided? and hey, I wont work for scale either.

Love scene actually

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You know that they don't actually fuck most of the time, right?

I'm a beta virgin bitch so I'd probably be very awkward and I'd get flustered a lot

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Okay. what if I brought my own lube and beads.

Better question - how would you handle a sex scene in real life?

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She looks like the skin under her boobs stinks

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Try not to cum
REALLY try not to cum

You know, it's not that hard to last. Hell, sometimes I wonder if I'm even going to cum when I fuck my girlfriend sometimes. That could just be because we've been together for so long. Not sure how I'd do with an actress, but then again, you're not actually fucking anyway.

by ejaculating prematurely

Gib milky

t. Retard

By never getting to have one apparently ;_;

It's actually a really unsexy and sometimes uncomfortable experience
In between keeping the right positions to obscure everything and still be seen, having a huge fucking light stuck in your face, having to entangle yourself with someone you barely know, and having a dozen people around watching your every move - trust me, it's not erotic


sounds like an average frat-party

Except not drunk.

I go cum accidental


>This isn't erotic

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>Nope, not erotic at all

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>I would cuddle up with Anna and we'd finally reveal our serious relationship on camera

Anna is so lovely it makes me sick

Her tiddy look really soft..

>movies are reality
You are deranged, those are people pretending to fuck in front of a film crew

imagine being a 30 yo virgin and former neet who turned his life around by getting in shape and trying to become an actor
Imagine finally getting cast in to a starring role in a movie and after months of filming it's time to shoot the big sex scene
Imagine the entire set realizing you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and have never had any real life experience after just 2 minutes of shooting
Imagine their astonished faces and feeble attempts to subdue their laughter--their utter disbelief that someone like you could exist
Imagine the actress you were shooting the scene with running out of embarrassment
Imagine realizing your attempts at self improvement were a lost cause and people like you were never meant to pursue their dreams to begin with
Imagine moving all the way back home to spend the rest of your life shitposting on Sup Forums

I didn't say it was reality, but he really is sucking on Ana's nips.

little bit of movie trivia. in order to film this scene, the director had to starve the male actor for days. cheeto dust was then sprinkled onto ana de armas breasts. the rest is history.

Unless you're a massive social retard/creep then no, it wouldn't be. You're ignoring the fact that you're surrounded by a horde of sweaty crew members and the actress is fucking mortified about what she's having to do to make it in the industry.

I think you're doing an awful lot of projecting there.
>the actress is fucking mortified about what she's having to do to make it in the industry.
Yeah, she looks like it. Must be why she keeps doing it in every movie

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Miranda "the ghost" Cosgrove, are you, you are?

Let nature takes it course.

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I couldn't handle my erection if it were Anna

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DESU if you made it that far you're probably fine

I'd probably just lay there flaccid and uninterested so the girl doesnt think im a beta

wtf kind of film is this

That, my friend, is kino

>I think you're doing an awful lot of projecting there.
How so?

>Yeah, she looks like it.
It's called acting.

whats this from?

some cuban tv show I think
>How so?
Because the assumptions you made seem to be more characteristic of the type of people who have that kind of a response to sex scenes
>It's called acting.
Yeah, she must HATE it. That's why she keeps agreeing to do it again and again

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I’d probably meet my co-star and make them come to my trailer. Then I’d hand them a big bowl of eggs. I’d say, “we don’t have to talk about the scene, but you do have to eat this”

>actress is fucking mortified
She sucked a cock already for the role, now she just does it on camera

As soon as she touches my dick, I'd come and start farting.

if with pic I would probably get really into it and cum from grinding it on her leg. Would probably have a go at the vaginie with me willy tinkiles see if I can get away with some penetration.

>the actress is fucking mortified
you don't know too many women do you

Like I'd handle acting in front of a green screen


I really feel like that there is no such thing as watching porn affecting your erections. I almost came in my pants I was just talking to some nice latina girl. Maybe it was because she was crying.

>getting cast in to a starring role
>without sex

extremely poorly

wtf you can't just post that shit without giving proper sauce

I wouldn't be involved in the production of a film with a sex scene. Pleb Normie trash is beneath me.

look anywhere but her rat face

I think she has a cute face :(

>expecting to be spoonfed the source of commonly known videos
Where do you think you are?

me too. Don't really get the meme.

She might be a cute rat but she clearly looks like a rat
proabably jewish too

i can't get hard

this is from The Deamers if anyones interested

replace her with an actual attractive actress

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>she so poor, she has to wear shoes two sizes to small

have a mandatory creampie clause in my contract