Hidden Hollywood transgeders: Clint Eastwood

Continuation from the previous Ryan Gosling thread. ITT I will showcase Clint Eastwood and pintpoint the foolproof obejective aspects which are the location of the hips and the back shape (P shaped for males and S shaped for females) , unlike subjective points like hands etc.
Link for you in order to study the anatomy below.


You can research on your own a even make a request to me in case you don't feel confident in your find. It's preferable if you provide a photo of the subject for transvestigation in case you do.

Attached: Clint_Eastwood_Feature1-700x374.jpg (700x374, 38K)

I'm starting with this photo in which you can see Clint "catwalking" andleaning his weight on the front leg in a similar manner to the women at his sides. The hip location is below the crotch which shouldn't be for a man and you can observe the q-angle begin acutely when the widest point of the hip bone terminates which It's clearly below the pelvic/crotch area.

Attached: clint_eastwood_01.jpg (700x554, 52K)

In a similar manner you can observe the below the crotch widest hip point here and take notice of the above the navel waist indentation. He clearly starts spreading from there (which more often than not aligns with the elbows) and the widest point is below like I mentioned in before.

Attached: 17072cddadef2758685d8700bb533b83.jpg (424x640, 39K)

Can be also demostrated in this photo when the q-angle appears extremely acute.

Attached: SWM03b.jpg (319x491, 51K)

Also an other photo when the above female only anatomical hip point it's demostrated. The legs appear going acutely "inside" as his stands and it begins when the wid point terminates. A female way of standing.

Attached: Clint Eastwood in the 1950s (20).jpg (471x640, 36K)

Here you can take a peak at his hight waist indentation and curved S shaped back arch even when viewd from the front.

Attached: 3122141_original.jpg (475x559, 134K)

See how he curves here.

Attached: Clint Eastwood in the 1950s (17).jpg (434x640, 51K)

There are deliberately no clear pictures to showcase his back from the side/back view especially in a relaxed position.
But here even though he straightens his back you can kind of make out his curved spine and butt beginning too high. Complety impossible from a male even if he suffers lordosis.

Attached: e44072f6c0ce75f4e67a030e84cbbd2a.jpg (236x332, 14K)

Even in the midst of back exersice the curved S shaped spine so in the middle of his back.

Attached: Clint Eastwood in the 1950s (23).jpg (514x640, 64K)

Pelvis tilted forward for hadling the weight of childbirth and back which doesn't show match from the side view. A appear pushed inside as it should be for a woman. You can see the same anatomical patter to the lady in the photo.

Attached: 1cd1cc52f853cffd4d5ba12772763dc6.jpg (564x586, 60K)

His overral shape showcasing here when it matches exactly with the body curves of the females. Huge hips and curved waist/back tilting inward.

Attached: cvvhhshdasdgghV1_.jpg (640x439, 55K)

Notice how the pelvic bone comes forward and separate from the rest of the upper body. Very telling.

Attached: a971940b47fe999b8831560511902de4.jpg (479x480, 57K)

You can even see the shape beginning from the indentation and moving through the below q-angle even through the clothes. Very curvy and twisting in a way which is impossible for a male.

Attached: 3f3979095fd5b6dedca44b33e1850aae.jpg (495x671, 53K)

Still clear hip point and hip swing from walking. You can see him putting his weight on the forward leg and "catwalking" pointing his front leg inside.

Attached: 428d7e1e6f30a0b0714291871e8294da.jpg (400x542, 48K)

Observe the way he sits. Vey wide pelvic area.

Attached: 41fb4e9ce3c83bc5aeb8bb4a1e443be7.jpg (480x666, 56K)

I think you were just looking for an excuse to stare at clint's hot body.

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For fucks sake MrE, don't you think this is taking it TOO FAR

This is quite honestly one of the most autistic things I have seen on Sup Forums. And i’ve been here 8 years.

Attached: 4L_leTgMKnU.jpg (343x481, 58K)


>and then..and then he said...he's only been here EIGHT years! BAWHAWHAWHHAW

Attached: 1518650497988.gif (245x230, 871K)

If you really wanna shit on this thread, say the S-word.

Don’t be ashamed OP, just admit it, we won’t blame you

I respect scientific discovery. Thanks, user.

Attached: news.jpg (447x381, 19K)


I went on a 'transvestigation' binge on youtube a while back. It's entertaining yet insane

>8 whole years, you guys.

Attached: 1502384673707.jpg (305x196, 72K)

This is some really stupid shit, but I admire the originality and length you went through in this age of "post twitter screenshot and sit back"-shitposting. - 9/10

Attached: Plausible.jpg (448x494, 108K)

Include me in the commercial

>8 years
Wew lads talk about an oldfag amirite?

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Agreed, excellent stuff

convinced me to be honest.

Attached: ClintwithfatherClintonEastwoodSnr.jpg (291x400, 24K)

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>he doesnt have an s shaped spine

so your not a human then.

I didn't expect anything from this place tbqh but it being an anonymous place I hoped I could pinpoint the objective facts and mke people understand something about the world no matter how insignificant it seems.
Clint is indeed a female but I guess most of you think that transgenders can't look good or something or can't pass.
I posted the link above which can help understand that what I posted was true and not some shitty, run off the mill transvestigation made by total noobs. That's why I told you to look at the basic skeletal traits which have to do with childbirth and can't be changed.
Male are shaped like a P or L not S.

How do you explain his kid?

tfw im nearing that number fuck, where did it all go wrong

You think I'm shitposting but I dare you to post someone and let me show you my skills. I don't call anyone a transgender unlike most of the folks online and I can clearly show you why they're wrong when they do so.
For example there are many rumours of Lady Gaga being a trans which are extremely wrong and bullshit made by people who don't understand anatomy.
His sister is most likely his biological mother, so him resembling Clint is not something strange. I don't think Clint would have time hiding to give birth.
Also this might seem shocking to you but his son Scott is transgender as well and I could showcase this fact but I would prefer you to spot it yourself.

Attached: bane nfl.jpg (475x561, 170K)

how do you explain this

Attached: young-eastwoods.png (702x392, 298K)

what's the S-word?

Look aboveIt's pretty common for hidden transgenders to adopt or use a close family member for giving birth.

unlike most jerkoff boomers, Eastwood doesn't care about being homiesexual, he said himself he was very shy growing up so he's not really all -that- masculine like everyone says

Attached: 1231+64654=53ygwnp1t6c45x.png (1011x1049, 222K)

ever heard of occam's razor? your theory requires too many baseless assumptions

In another timeline he may very well be a female.

Eh you have wasted it somewhere else.

Eastwood is a female and that's not a theory but a fact based on his skeletal structure. He could give birth himself for all I know, that can be only assumptions on my part.
He is a female nevertheless.

Pic related is a trans man. And Clint is a female be sure of it. Study the anatomy of the spine and hip/pelvic region which is all about childbirth and you will know the truth if you don't allow cognitive dissonance hinder your research.

Attached: Benjamin_Melzer_Paul_Grace.jpg (850x975, 332K)

There is great variation in hip width among males. Your theory requires too many assumptions to work. It's way more likely that he is a man.

what is this? autism strikes again?

He has an arch in the back and hips below the crotch. It's about location not sizes, a man can appear to have wide hips like the black man from star wars. It's not merely about width, you can literally study the link yourself. You're simply wrong dude I'm sorry.

You're that youtube sperg that thinkz every famous woman is a man right? I see business is good

what about the scratchy voice, did you explain that yet

Sup Forums is a strange place.

>All the poz trans tech and hormones were there perfected already in the 50s to create a perfect transmale even though the most modern shit for freaks nowadays still leave them with chest scars and obvious female traits

Youtube spergs don't talk about the points I make. Try again with your vain insults.
Testosterone treatment. Female bodybuilders who abuse steroids have the same voice. Even a strong dose of stadard testosterone does the job and the result is permanent even if you stop taking the stuff.

I have the posture of Clint. Am I trans too?

The movie stars and elite take much better treatments compared to the common pleb.
Even the technology you think is just discovered nowdays has been available to a select few years before which they use selected puppets to release it to the public.
Our society is not less cruel that it was before, it only appears so. The common man is excluded from pretty much everything.

You don't and you're lying, You got a straight male back even if you suffer lordosis. Post a pic of yourself if you don't believe me, I will break it down for you.

odd how this niggerfaggot is only doing this with iconic white male figures of masculinity

(((what a coincidence)))

Attached: 1e08d6dda42ccc322541e3176b3894afs.jpg (548x440, 74K)

I can show you also black male actors which are hidden trans. The new Black Panther movie has two. The only reason I chose Clint is because he's an old Hollywood legend and I wanted to show the foundation. If anything there many more black trannies of both gender which I will visit in the future.

Who are they? You probably should have started with them than actors beloved by Sup Forums to gain more traction here, you know that.

OP, it's ok if you have a thing for tall skinnyfat guys. You don't have to try and convince the world that they are really women. Just embrace who you are...the world will not care.

I just want to say that in 2 days you've become my favorite Sup Forums poster and the only person who makes this shithole interesting.
Also I fapped to your Gosling pictures last night.

He also did Eddie Redmayne.

Damn, Clint was manly even as a baby.

>males are shaped like a p or l not s
Mate you are not as smart as you think you are

>you can study the link yourself

I hate to be the one to tell you this, user, but that link is nothing more than a drawing guide. It's not 'objective evidence'.

Listen retard the only skeletal difference between men and women is pelvic size and width in proportion to the body

This is Winston Duke and I found him to be a transgender. Firstly look how short are his arms for a black male.
Thank you I will continue.
You can check the link, this is the only way I can describe it too you with words, you have to see yourself.
You can also find photos of real people for comparison if you want to. The link is still accurate though if you're experienced. It shows how the spine is shaped perfectly which can't be mistaken. Drawings are good enough for key skeletal differences

Attached: Winston+Duke+Winston+Duke+Outside+Black+Panther+6gAifAAyjF8l.jpg (450x600, 94K)

Men and women have different spine you rude idiot. Look at the fucking link and then compare photos of women and men online.
This is fucking emabarrasing, the fact I take all this time to explain it so many times and drill it into your brain is telling. You don't have to be a spastic dick because you don't understand yet. It takes time to train your eyes to catch the difference in person easily.
The female NEEDS a curved spine to carry the weight of pregancy or else she will spill over.

Exactly the same pecs as Ryan Gosling. I legitimately, all autism aside, think you're onto something.
What is the purpose of this though? To turn us gay?

are you the guy with the every second female in holllywood is a tranny youtube channel

No, user, you need a better source than that. I've met dudes with body shapes like Client's before.

Show me a medical source that supports your claims about body morphology.

>bragging about being on this website

No she doesn’t, if a woman’s spine was shoes differently, she wouldn’t be human, what you’re talking about is a result of posture and/or using high heels
The only thing a female needs in terms of bones is a wider and more flexible pelvic structure

Kind of but more complcated. It's about social engineering and subcosciously accepting transgenderism before it goes totally public(like it happens today)

It's not body shape, it's anatomy of a curved spine and hip placement. Men can appear looking similar but they're not.
They're countless links and real photos you can check online. You are literally being wrong, different spine doesn't mean the non-human alien idea you have in your mind. It's more subtle.

Attached: 3-details1.jpg (600x475, 33K)

That picture you posted is literally just posture which can be changed easily

Were you here when that guy was doing a parody of a wine tasting journal but instead it was turds from female actresses? He did multiple threads on it and no one found it funny one bit. That was really pathetic and embarrassing.

That's still not medical evidence, user, it's from the same source. Even in your source, the writer admits that more androgynous figures exist in both sexes.

You're assuming what you've read in a drawing guide is the absolute model for biological reality, by the looks of it. Do you have any more sources? Any qualifications? Anything beyond this link and insistence?

Its ok user we get it, you're gay for young clint

bitch, do you know how much 4ch gold member account points i have? I could decimate you just by telling u