is this any good
Is this any good
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its rated r, i wasnt aloud to watch it
The first half is good and then it turns to shit
Fuck off, kid.
its ok
Main character is a middle-class beta male who wants to get small to pay off his loans and lives in a mansion. He and his wife goes to get small but during processing his wife's chickens out and leaves for the airport without telling her husband. The husband is now stuck being in small all alone in his big mansion until his wife divorces him taking all his money.
Beta male finds his life to be in the same position as BEFORE he got small and is miserable until he falls in love with a poor asian women with an amputated leg, who can't speak english. He follows her around, helping her steal drugs/medicine from rich people (which they give to hobos living in a shelter) then the movie ends.
There. I've saved you two hours of your life.
Only when Christoph Waltz and/or Udo Kier is on screen.
Jesus Christ, that sounds fucking terrible.
The fucking twist at the end tho was probably the most fucked up thing I’ve seen in cinema
the premise of this movie makes no sense at all to me
why would you being small help you with your financial situation ?
This film is dull and does nothing with its concept. It's a wasted idea with no coherent focus. Do not watch this movie.
>shrink yourself
>you can live inside a dollhouse for $200
>food, drink, everything is cheap as fuck and lasts forever
>1 bottle of alcohol = years supply of getting hammered every day
Matt Damon is starting to look like Dr Smith from Lost in Space. What a fag.
Food and drink are fucking cheap though. Medical bills and housing are the only areas where you can get fucked hard in life.
>t. sheltered kid
Anyone could easily maintain a $20 a week food bill. Don’t cry sheltered because you’re too fucking lazy and pay top dollar for take out and fast food.
How retarded are you?
I have an 832 credit score and my monthly budget is $1000 a month.
Stop living above your means.
So essentially it could have just been a story about a guy getting temporarily rich, his wife fucking him over, going back to where he started, and then being happy because he can realize he can be a giving person.
For the sake of the story there was no reason to have a Sci-Fi plot. Even the worst Black Mirror is episode is more interesting.
what is the twist
Any animal is a Godzilla tier disasters, yea I will pass.
>any animal is a godzilla tier disaster
Fair point
when will they learn?
i wonder if men would pay to be women's dildos, or if women would pay for shrunken man toys.
Is that the son of Ben Kingsley and Harvey Keitel?
get off my board, we have too much nude for you
Yep. Post divorce scene (around 40 min in) the movie forgets about the concept
and there isn't a single big person / small person interaction throughout.
They mention being small in dialogue but since there is no longer any
visual comparison it feels completely pointless to the story.
Literally the worst movie I've seen in years.
>premise is people can shrink down to live in communities where their money is worth a lot more because of course they need fewer resources
>theme is all of humanity should do this to prevent consequences of overpopulation/starvation
>matt goes through procedure
>his wife chickens out and divorcerapes him so that he isn't relatively rich anymore
>meets a rich party boy and his Vietnamese slave/maid
>she lost a leg while illegally immigrating
>theme is let all illegals in
>matt is a physical therapist so he follows her outside the city past a wall into mini Mexican slums where the poor people live (GET IT IT'S LIKE MEXICO AND DRUMPF DO YOU GET IT?)
>how are they even poor when your money is worth so much more when you're small?
>if they were poor before how did they afford the $15000 procedure?
>whatever, physical therapist Matt acts as their doctor even though he doesn't know shit and his advice leads to the Vietnamese woman murdering her roommate via overdose
>this is played for laughs
>by the way she speaks like a racist impression
>shes the love interest btw
>anyway she's like a minor celebrity because of her illegal immigration making the news so they get invited to meet the dude who invented shrinking in Sweden or Norway or some shit
>they head up and out of nowhere he announces it's the end of the world due to global warming and invites them into his bunker full of white people
>theme is now global warming
>matt rubs her leg stump which leads to a sex scene
>matt decides to go into the bunker, and then decides to run out before it closes because of the power of love
>they all decide to forget about it and go back to playing doctor for the illegal shitskin village
>I guess global warming doesn't matter after all
>then it ends
>at no point did being small matter at all
I really liked it and I thought the romance between Damon and the Vietnamese girl was very touching and cute. Waltz was good and it's always great to see Udo Kier. All of Alexander Payne's films are worth watching.
Dude global war...climate change!
they filmed this in tai lopez's garage?
I knew it was straight propaganda...but damn
Shame this all American 'actor' fled the country.
>Monster Hunter IRL
Sounds fun
You don't know what a theme is
This is 1000% spot on. That movie was utter PUKE
any zoo is now a giant raid boss zone
I watched this film with a friend and both of us expected it to be extremely terrible but fun to laugh at. It wasn't really either and rather instead turned out to be a painfully average film with a hamfisted message of global warming. We were bored by it nearing the end and actually had to force ourselves to finish it.
Don't bother with this film, you'll just be disappointed.
No, the movie really does bait and switch so many themes throughout that's it's unclear if the writers were sincere about any of then
There were people expecting this to be....good?
Did you watch the movie? Every time a social/political issue is introduced it seems like that's what the movie is going to be about before being violently switched to a different writer's pet theme.
They probably rushed to get it outand wanted to cover all of their propaganda bases.
nothin personell...kid...
Why do their bodies all look disproportionately tiny in this pic? I thought they had normal proportions in the movie
The theme of the movie is something like "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". At the end of the film Damon realizes that what he has with hong chau is more valuable than going into the bunker and being on the forefront of humanity's survival. Immigration and global warming aren't themes they're plot points.
My favorite scene is when he meets a family whose son has ringworm
>kid is completely fucked up with ringworm all over his body
>"Well, it's a fungus, so keep it dry I guess I'm not really a doctor"
>they treat him like their fucking god because of the wisdom he bestowed upon them
See that wall in the background? They're in the manlet pit.
The entire movie is Damon getting pushed around and meekly accepting whatever happens to him. He's pathetic and the relationship with the girl is incredibly uncomfortable because she's portrayed as a borderline mental retard that he's grooming for sex. I'd argue that he doesn't learn fuck all, he just succumbs to more peer pressure instead of finally standing up for himself and doing what he felt was right by going with the hippies.
Men would do it but women will find it creepy. Women are enotuonally driven and any woman emotionally attatched enough to let you inside would probably be too worried about suffocating you in the first place
Nope. The premise of the movie shows so much promise. There is so much they could have done with the setting. Instead the throw it all away and just focus on bullshit. You can literally pull around 20 minutes from this film from various places, and you would have no idea that people are small. It would just be a shitty movie. That is the core issue, it is easy to forget they are small while watching it and then it is all just a shitty movie in the end.
I was really excited for this movie. It let me down so so much.
>decide walking in that if matt damon fends off an ant with a toothpick or some other cliche I'm walking the fuck out
>desperately wishing he had by the end of the movie
There's a whole scene where they're on a boat in a river in the wilderness and there is NOT ONE ANIMAL OR BUG TO BE SEEN NOT EVEN JUST TO BE VISUALLY IMPRESSIVE I HATE THIS MOVIE
You paid to see this?
Seriously, somewhere in the middle I wanted a fucking bird to just fucking haul someone off in the background randomly just because it would be something.
The ONLY thing in the entire movie that I liked was the scene where they blow the hillside to bury the vault entrance. The fucking build up, the fucking klaxon going, the settling in for the blast. Then finally the quiet little pip of snap pop. That shit was funny. I watched the entire movie and all I got from it was a 20 second scene that was worth it.
>I was really excited for this movie.
That fucking fucking airport scene pissed me off so much, I was hoping the movie would be about small Matt Damon plotting to revenge kill his wife!
I enjoyed it.
My sister was home for Christmas and wanted to go somewhere as a family so yes
I seen it in a whim because Jumanji wasn't playing. I was disappointed I was expecting a comedy and got some faggy clusterfuck of a plot.
Holy shit. That is an excellent idea. Fund it.
>tfw not even a part where he's forced to massage a normal sized qt's feet ;-;
yep, this movie was a travesty to say the least. the shrinking was pure bait that served no purpose other than so they could shovel propaganda down your throat and have you pay for it.