He saved millions.
He saved millions
He killed millions.
well if god made everything he made the need to be saved and the saviour so really no one got saved because its gods autistic regulations he puts on his sims 4 characters, if you start a fire in a house of a sims character and then put it out. do you count as saviour when your godplay with beings under your gaze is all just fun and fun, sick games
Thank you Jesus for lifting the board's curse.
I'm not a Christian but the whole point is free will you tard. Here's a bunch of things to do to live life right, fail to do them? That's a sin (archery term, missing the mark) but you're redeemable right up to the point of being executed for serial child assrape. the emphasis on individual agency is what distinguishes it from other belief systems. "God" isn't a guy playing Sims 4 he's a concept, the universe itself basically, saying "here's what you should do, if you don't you'll get fucked, but it's up to you." it's pretty fucking ingenious
He killed everyone.
If the house just catch on fire by itself or outside intromission and you put the fire away, then you saved it.
Things in the world just happens, and some are very previsible. If you got in 00's middle east and started preaching things that may be considered eretic at the point of having a cult, people will hunt you down and kill you, just like it would happen if you did the same in the middle age. You don't need to be god to know that.
>inb4: but if he know the result than it isn't free will
You have a kid, and you know he prefers x-burger instead of the salad one. You want him to eat the salad one, but you give him the choice of wich one he can take because you respect his wishes, altought you know that if you do that, he will obviously pick the x-burger. Did his free will was a farse? Obviously not. You just predicted the result.
billions actually
>committ a sin
"muh free will"
>behave like a good person
"It's all god's merit"
why are christcucks so cucked?
>Tfw Christians are confused as to why atheists aren't doing terrible things on a daily basis when they don't fear retribution from a higher power
It's on the foundation of the ideology, mostly of their great figures were persons that died while not resisting, and lived simple lifes even while they had great popular influence. Christianism is made by martyrs, as much as islamism was made by warriors.
why aren't they?
but they do
but they are just see Hollywood and all the degeneracy it brings with it self.
based jesus christ
t. pic related
To kill gorillions.
an individual's simply choosing unbelief doesn't automatically erase all of the cultural conditioning rooted in Christian/western values. still as time passes cracks start to show, culture stagnates and morality decays. compare old movies to New Hollywood and beyond. from strong morals and idealism and archetypes to listless, equivocating, ambivalent navel-gazing. I'm afraid we may not be headed anywhere good
Caligula came out in 1979. That was a pretty long time ago.
New Hollywood started in the late 60s after the collapse of the studio system and death/retirement of much of the old guard
Except religious "morality" is terrible. As the old Simpsons joke goes "You ever sit down and read this thing? Technically, we're not even supposed to go to the bathroom."
They even have a comedy show now about trying to live by the bible , the bible is that ridiculous , I haven't watched the show I just saw the commercials.
But this idea that religion gives us morality is an evil lie just like religion.
And Jesus was not a nice guy he even tells you he's not in the bible.
Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Luke 12:51-53
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
And people just go "yea whatever , he didn't really mean it" it's insane. Religion is insane.
He led to the death of Adam Driver tho
Why does Christianity have to be about retribution or higher powers? Its Just being a good person ya know? If god gives you hope and faith, makes you want to be responsible and make him proud, then there isn't any problem with that right? If it's just common sense to be a good person and you don't need any sort of belief to know why that is, that is pretty awesome too. For me personally it's not really about who believes what and why, just their motives and actions and best interests.