
How and why?

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it elsjgjd

She's sort of cute sometimes

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The implication is that she embraced the shimmer and joined with it, becoming one of the tree statues in the mutated brush. Apparently, the shimmer mutates people differently based on their mental state. Kane, Lena and Ventress could get to the lighthouse without seeing their skin and guts moving because they were determined, while the others died one by one because they didn't really care.

But Kane did kill himself because of moving guts and etc.


>She's sort of cute sometimes

thinking that's actually her ass.

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Shit and trash.

I don't think she warrants a body double, especially on a show where half the fucking cast is a robot that has to stand there naked while people look at them or do maintenance at some point

just found out she had fappening

very nice even though shes black

Oh fuck really?

>I don't think she warrants a body double

If you just see her back, it's not her you retard.

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You sound like one of those fags insisting Daisy Ridley's naked corpse scene was CGI'd

If Kane got a body double when he got to the lighthouse and the main chick got a body double when he got to the lighthouse, why didn't the blonde chick get a body double when she got to the lighthouse?

>You sound like one of those fags insisting Daisy Ridley's naked corpse scene was CGI'd

It was tho.

But a pretty basic rule of nudity in tv and movie. If you don't see a face it's not the actress. I mean that's common knowledge.

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>It was tho.

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I'm not sure its the shimmer changes people according to their mental states but how they die reflects parts of their character. If we look at the shimmer as a metaphor for cancer then the deaths become clearer. The geologist dies screaming and in pain, mirroring how people often remember their loved ones dying from cancer (her daughter from leukemia) in painful and terrible ways, like how the geologist lives on in the terrible form of the bear. The physicist thinks the battle is futile, saying to Lena "Ventress wants to face it, you want to fight it. But I don't think I want either of those things". She goes and accepts her death peacefully, mirroring how some cancer patients choose euthanasia instead of the terrible, sometimes pointless struggle against the disease. The paramedic shows another common coping mechanism for people with such life altering diseases - denial. She refuses to accept that the shimmer is behind all these strange things and causing these mutations, and it her denial of the reality of the situation ultimately causes her downfall, falling for the bears mimicry instead of believing Lena when she said the geologist was dead. Ventress makes it all the way to the end, the lighthouse, but ultimately fails againste the shimmer, or cancer. I've seen it theorised that she, as a psychologist represents depression and mental illness, and you can see she definitely exhibits some traits of the mentally ill, a lack of empathy, very brusque and direct, not caring what other people think, just in general being negative in regards to other people. Lena I think is represents the fighter referenced so much in cancer talk, the once who truly "battles" the disease (a callback to her previous life as a soldier). She has the willpower to struggle against the shimmer, and eventually a mutated form of herself trying to kill her (really beating you over the head with the whole cancer theme).

She was actually kind of qt and likable in this
I hate her playing the arrogant bitch faced characters she seems to get stuck with

>black girl face
>white girl ass

What's the point?


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Furthermore it is almost directly stated that she is the only one with an actual reason to make it out of the shimmer. The rest of them have had troubles in their lives, addiction, loss of a child, suicide attempts, cancer, cheating spouse, so they enter the shimmer as a form of self destruction referenced by the psychologist. Lena half does the same (self destruction), almost as penance for her husband going in (her line of question with the psychologist about why her husband goes in can be seen as confirming her guilt about why he went in), but also as a true way of trying to figure out the shimmer and save him, She finds a way to conquer the shimmer, through her own willpower, which the other characters lack. Still not sure about how Kane fits in this interpretation, but if we take it further from the cancer interpretation some theories start to make sense. If we take the cancer metaphor and abstract the shimmer further as just a time of great change for a person (his wife cheating on him) then his death also represents another coping mechanism. He, like the others, also doesn't have the willpower to survive this change, which we see as the shimmer affecting him (in both body "My flesh moves like liquid" and his mind "My mind is cut loose. I can't bear it. Can't bear it.") Ultimately his coping mechanism is presented to us through his clone - he is given a perfect copy of himself that hasn't been through the ordeal of the shimmer (change in his life, ie his cheating wife) and so chooses to kill himself and replace himself with this copy. He fails to learn and grow from the change (Lena learns and grows from the shimmer, and uses this knowledge and growth to defeat her clone, perhaps a metaphor for the old her?), and so like the paramedic with denial, chooses to pretend it all never happened and so sends a copy of him home without the terribleness affecting it.

But Lena didn't get back from shimmer.

[citation needed]

The new her, changed by the shimmer (mutation) and therefore made stronger through her struggle did. This goes back to what Kane's rant was about "If I wasn't Kane what was I? Was I you? Were you me?". This is him post change talking about him pre change, or pre cheating. He can't believe they were the same person. and they aren't 100% the same but they are similar, there are echoes of the other in both of them. It also ties in to what the geologist says when talking about her daughter "In a way it's two bereavements, my beautiful girl and the person I once was" implying it is still her but changed, like the Kane that killed himself and the Lena that destroys the shimmer


That’s it?

It would seem so. Other than that just a bunch of personal but otherwise normal pictures


Anyway, surely there’s some significance to the glass of water - Poe and Natalie have the exact same tumbler of water, surely it’s intentional. He drinks water and immediately gets fucked up; she finally takes a sip and you expect her to get fucked up, but she’s fine. Ergo she’s mainly unmutated.

I might have seen it wrong, but I think the psychologist's face was all wrong and mashed up when I first saw her at the lighthouse, but when she turned around her face was normal. So I thought the cloning thing or whatever has already happened to her.

Love your explanation

As someone who was a bit confused the first go around, you've made me actually want to watch it again
Thanks for the insight.

she is not "un likable"

>Love your explanation
Go the fuck back to r*ddit you piece of shit

>praising a post goes against the shitposting rules

damn straight, he should be banned for excessive Redditness

>i am smart
>you surrender you win
*spread grass in wounds*

Oh my god what a shitty movie like holy fuck are critics fucking retarded?

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*ruins your movie*

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Cmon now the movie was shit when post-prime hershleg was in it, then she was blacked then it all went south, i was ready for "modern" hot garbage but i didn't knew it would be this bad.

it literally wasn't "tho"
how dare you associate based sterling with your shitty opinion

Honestly I didn't care for a single character. The closest I came to to giving a shit about someone was Ventress. Only because I thought it was funny how she openly didn't give a shit about anybody else.

her acting was painful in this scene in particular

how could you be expected to? It was written and acted horribly

But bright colors!

>that embarrassing "music" when the clone is forming
Christ what a bunch of hacks

The tranny's manface almost made me walk out

she was fine in it though

I really dislike all her acting, she's just...bad

But she’s milky black and hot.

So when are we going to have a serious discussion about Sodomy?

Did anyone get the POUND OF FLESH reference?

Why do white women always cheat on their husbands with black guys in these movies, it's become a ridiculous cliche at this point

>white women
She's a kike and they don't see Europeans as people. Jews have a hard on for blacks though, Jews see blacks as their Brown Shirts while they see themselves as the Black Shirts.


To everything?

What’s the sodomy reference? Also if you hear 'pound of flesh' and think anything other than the obvious, you’re a retard.

low iq retard. That was a question for grown ups with intelligence, go back to your capeshit threads dumb dumb.

What’s the sodomy reference? What does 'pound of flesh' mean?

Pls respond

>What does 'pound of flesh' mean?
Somebody that needs to ask that question is not worth conversing with.

>im assembling a team...

also why didn't they just tether themselves before going in?

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I was thinking why they didn't use a hard line or have tanks.

What was Lena's motivation for going into the area?

She owed him

Pound of Flesh

I know what it means, I just don’t remember it in the flick. And I don’t see how it has any significance.

Also smartfag, where’s the sodomy?

>woman in charge of crucial military operation
>black professor woman from cambridge
>lesbian of indeterminate race
>ghosbuster gang off to save the world
>cut to jewish portman fucking a nigger for no reason

dropped. fuck netflix.

or idk? maybe fly over the shimmer with helicopters and drop in or parachute at the point of the light house ?

>woman in charge of crucial military operation
Their reason for having an all woman crew was due to having a SCIENTIST TEAM, whereas all the other teams were military.

Because we all know that the most prominent scientists, and all the leading scientific breakthroughs came from women. They literally implied that men are too stupid to be scientists, and that science is the magical realm of women.

The Chinese would've dropped about 10,000 people with parachutes.

fucking hell. it's like they spent a decade working out the formula for least visually appealing group of women in the history of civilization

They literally used the other women as Struwwelpeters.

Struwwelpeters for Natalie Portman.

I was expecting that when I first saw her in the movie, but she was alright this time

eh, equivalent numbers

She was hot in Thor desu

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Is it me or does the shimmer world feels like a video game world?

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film was stupid and made a touching disconnect between partners from the book into blacked cuckolding because netflix. the whole tone of the story is wrong because they changed the timeframe from 30 years to 3 and a science mission swapped for a save the world mission, southern reach is meant to be a political backwater of an agency who are monitoring a stagnant anomoly - hence the director, and they had sent in almost 50 expiditions with disastrous results, and were throwing darts at the wall for new variables, hence the all women. every character in the film is unlikable and devoid of personality. Garland is a hack.

*blocks your path*

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Why would they? It's inconvenient and potentially dangerous, plus you need miles-long tethers for each of them.
Also, when and why would you pull them out without the risk of doing it at the wrong time, potentially at the wish of the evil force they assume works within, potentially with disastrous results?


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Why do you guys think Lena is completely healthy at the end and Kane isn't? Even though it's hinted at that they're both doppelgangers.

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Kane was healthy though wasn't he? He started healing the moment the lighthouse got destroyed

this might have been good if it didn't reek of netflix.

how do they make all their bad movies feel the same?

that wasn't a clone of lena
that wasn't kane

she had cancer

It's my understanding that although, Lena wasn't a clone,the Shimmer was as much a part of her as it was fake Kane. They showed her blood cells glowing under the microscope.


yeah something like this was my takeaway more like infected with it than a copy

Haha I hate niggers too, guys.

She only had like 5 lines lol

They were clearly going for the Stalker kind of zone where heavy weaponry and devices not only don't help you but may do you worse and it's most wise to just go in a group of few people with little to no gear. It was just explained very poorly.

me too but unironically

>It was tho.

She was a literal nobody at the time, why would they get a nobody body double for a nobody extra you fucking idiot

why did they let a child into the shimmer? on the left?

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But it was explained in the same scene that those weren't ex-people or something, just plants growing to a human shape because of reasons

But even if not for that it's not hard to just pull something out of your ass like
>maybe some people didn't evacuate lol

it's just a young tree, it would have grown older

What do u think would happen if David Schwimmer entered the shimmer??

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I felt the same way. Ventress and Kane were the only ones in the movie I actually felt something for. They were more than just placeholder characters and they felt like they actually had a reason to be inside the Shimmer. Lena and the other girls went inside why? We had an EMT, a Chemist, and nothing, then Lena happened to show up. Who in their right mind in any position of power would think "Let's just send in this team of emotionally damaged women who have zero combat training and only a slight bit of academic knowledge"
Ventress was overseeing the operations and then had no reason NOT to go, and Kane was part of an elite combat unit, those two make sense but everyone else just feels so forced.
>EMT picks up a light machine gun and complains that she couldn't carry it
That's pretty much the writers telling us that she had zero reason to actually be there since the team of men who came before them were much more physically able to survive in the Shimmer.

That being said, I want a movie about Kane's team investigating the effects of the Shimmer on themselves and slowly going mad and randomly gaining southern accents like Kane did in his death scene

have you not seen the movie

what's the significance of the tattoo? why does lena and the butch chick have it?

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They had sex in the shimmer.