Korra live action when?
Korra live action when?
Could you imagine getting your holes ruined by Korra?
>tfw Sandra will never hold you down and fuck you
We dont need another Mary Sue
played by washboard :^)
>Hur dur muh cartoon character isn't portrayed by a busty wiman!
>"Well, whatever happened with Mako, I'm glad it hasn't come between us. I've never had a girlfriend to hang out with and talk to before, except for Naga. This is nice."
I don't care about bust size, I care about the starving children/anorexia sufferers around the world and she's obviously one of them.
now cast Asami
These pictures are pretty long circling around on the internet.
I'm still in love with her,so fine.
>being angry about lesbians
gay detected
You are.
nom nom nom
I wish I was a lesbian...
she literally gets her ass handed to her pretty much the entire series, especially compared to Aang who always just pulled the avatar state out of his ass every tough fight to instawin
>Not going tongue deep in that delicious brown butthole.
Fuck get it together Asami
overpower me and rape me!
The dream of live-action Avatar died with M. Night.
why did he cast a load of indians as the Fire Nation despite them clearly being chinese influenced? Was it cultural nepotism on his part?
Aang was a far greater Mary-Sue.
>Toph is a child prodigy who is an Earthbending master at the age of 12 and even though she's blind it isn't a disability because she has sonar abilities
>Katara is a child prodigy who could go head to head with a waterbending master while barely having any training, and in fact being shit at waterbending in the beginning while Aang flawlessly mastered the water whip on his first try, was deemed so good that she became a waterbending master fit enough to teach the avatar, then gained bloodbending powers
>Sokka is a child prodigy who basically invented mechanized blimps, whose designs were stolen by the Fire Nation (this is equivalent to a teenager building an airplane, then having it get used by the Nazis) and becomes a war strategist, again, with no experience
literally everyone in avatar is a mary sue
Yes and Korra wasn't (despite having mastered more than Aang at the start of her respective series), which is the point. She was very flawed and spent most of the series losing. In terms of raw power she was the strongest around (which she's supposed to be as the Avatar) but she always had flaws due to personality, PTSD, impatience and all those kinda things.
I do agree that Katara got too strong too fast though.
One thing I liked about LOK is showing that Toph was an utter failure as a mother.
And yes Katara was even worse then Aang.
Got you sempai but the roles are reversed
What the fuck happened to Korra's face in the second part
The semen from the asshole turned Korra transcendent
At least this it would be an actual improvement.
I wish that were me
have you forgotten the last attempt live action attempt with Last Avatar?
Who would Shyamalan have cast as Toph if he got to make a second movie?
>tfw ywn smother your face with her abs
any cute little asian girl desu
>Could you imagine getting your holes ruined by Korra
Could you imagine being her buttslave and having to tongue wash her ass every day
wow go on
Reminder that Korra's body was modeled after Allison Stokke.
>making a sensible casting decision in the past decade
Wouldnt it be poetic if The last airbender the good cartoon got the shit movie and Korra the shit cartoon got the good movie?
pic unrelated
>People unironically think Legend of Korra was better than The Last Airbender
Consider suicide.
Because Agni is a fucking Indian word and it is central to the Fire nation culture.
Does this upset you user-kun?
Despite a lot of people hating the sudden same-sex connotations in the ending, I thought it was a really good ending. It was a lot more touching than some generic ending, even if some felt it was an asspull relationship.
The actress who played Yue in the Shyamalan movies is QT and ending up voicing Asami, so in a way he inadvertently made a sensible casting choice.
>one word out of two of a random tradition within the nation = Indian, despite shitloads of obvious Chinese influence everywhere else
forgot my picture
>I thought it was a really good ending
Nothing was good about this fucking trainwreck of a series
The second Aang pulled a dues ex machinima and gave back Korra's powers at the end if season 1, EVERYTHING went to absolute SHIT. It was already hovering around that area nonetheless with the entire cucking and constant triangle drama.
If anything she was a jobber
I enjoyed both series, I binged both recently for the first time. Last Airbender wasn't quite as masterful as people made out (although still great, but I suspect that's because a lot of people grew up with it). It has its Mary Sues, generic villains and predictability, but its carried quite a bit by Zuko + Iroh. Remove those and its quite a generic hero's journey story.
Conversely I felt Korra was better than people made it out to be, I probably enjoyed it even more likely because of the more mature tone. I suspect a lot of people were expecting Last Airbender 2.0 but got annoyed when it went in a completely different direction.
how's that less of a deus ex machina from Aang suddenly getting the powers to seal bending away at the end of the series vs Ozai?
The second Korra had the power of 3 of the elements as a toddler was where everything went wrong.
Making the avatar spirit into a literal spirit of light in some halfbaked god satan analogue was when it went from wrong to "oh shit nigga what the fuck are you doing"
that pissed me off too, think the writers just wrote themselves into a corner and realised at the last minute they were writing a kids show and cant have the protagonist perform an execution
except Aang was far more of a mary sue and had way more deus ex machinas than Korra ever did
Well at least with Aang it was at the very end of the show.
Korra's problem is that it was a show that was never certain if would get another season so you get self-contained seasons that have to be continued and expanded in ass pull ways. Not to say it didn't have great parts, though.
I watched Airbender for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I can see why people loved it as kids but in too many of the problems were the result of the characters own stupidity.
Aang had to learn his powers, over the course of 3 seasons and was a continuous fuck up the whole way (see above) Korra is loved by everybody instantly and already has all but one of her powers and never actually grows as a character
That was at the end, not at the beginning. Doesn't justify it, but it does elevate it from the utter trash that LoK was.
>was a continuous fuck up the whole way (see above)
Yeah he does stupid things but no, Aang pretty much always wins, even in impossible situations by popping avatar state. Korra pretty much always lost until she got her shit sorted out. Aang was far more of a Mary Sue.
yeah and over the course of the series he learned and stopped fucking up. Name a single Aang fucks up episode that occurs after the library?
that's only one example, Aang had a deus ex machina per boss fight basically
>The eye of Shiva
>n..no stop, it was obviously solely Chinese.
That being said, I agree that the Indian influence was emphasized more than in the series. It was Shyamalan abusing the shit out of the show for cribbing from Indian culture (Including the word that makes up the title and the entire fucking concept of Avatars) while not including any Indians apart from that stereotypical Indian Uncle Tom Guru fuck.
And I approve. The Pajeets send their regards.
Korra is much worst because she's bisexual. She is Tumblr's wet dream.
Korra had the best villian. The best.
What does her tattoo say? Anyone have a clearer image?
tbf Korra S4 was very different from her S1-2 teenagey behaviour, it was an evolution although some people say it was too quick. But she did end up in a wheelchair for a while.
Korra was a more interesting protagonist than Aang. Aang was just sort of a generic happy go lucky adventure guy who is a bit immature and his main problem is mastering the elements. Korra already mastered most of them but her main issues spawned from her flaws as a character, how she was impatient, brash, hot headed, etc.
Aang only really had two interesting dilemmas and he ended up skipping over them. One was accessing the Avatar state by letting go of Katara, but that ended up not mattering because he ends up accessing it anyways, and the other was deciding whether or not to kill Ozai, which he also skips over because super special Lion Turtle powers
Well there's the perfect casting for live action Asami
The Fire Nation is Japanese you dunderhead. The Earth Kingdom is the Chinese one.
She looks like she fucks black guys
>guy who is a bit immature
He was fucking 12
>applying cynical adult review nitpicking to a literal children's show
>two interesting dilemmas
You forgot growing the fuck up
>whether or not to kill Ozai, which he also skips over because super special Lion Turtle powers
They could have made a death work, the problem was they had to only imply death and not directly show it which wouldn't work for the main big bad. Combustion guy and Jet died in TLA. Korra had quite a few deaths but it was like 10 years later I suppose.
korra has never been mary sue
Aang’s main fuck up was that he ran away from the temple and ended up getting himself frozen. Without an Avatar that allowed the Fire Nation to take over. Other than that he nearly got killed by Azula and there was that one time he tried learning firebending too early and realized he couldn’t control it
Other than that he basically stomps everyone else
SJWs hates big tits
Toph's voice actor is a qt.
The protagonists are basically mirrors of each other. Both are fuckups in their own way.
We're told that Aang prefers nonviolence and isn't that good at other elements. Aang may try to find a peaceful solution, but most of his problems are solved with violence. He also picks up all the other elements pretty quickly and is proficient at using them. Aang was immature at times, but he was still a kid and was often wise beyond his years. Aang got to yip yip Avatar State his problems away. Even Azula's lightning seems like bullshit in hindsight once you see how powerful the Avatar State is.
Korra's supposed to be great at bending, but she spends most of the time getting her ass kicked because they don't know how to set up a villain without having Korra job to them. Granted most of the villains were stronger and could give Comet Ozai a challenge, if not beat him, but Korra getting her ass kicked so much gets old fast. She was supposed to be immature and a bit of a fuckup, but it just doesn't feel as excusable with her because she's practically an adult. Aang was 12 but felt a lot more mature than her at times. They didn't want the Avatar State to be as much of an instant win button, but in the process just nerfed too much where it barely felt special.
Legend of Korra isn't as bad as Sup Forums says it is, but not as good as Tumblr says it is (or used to--I think they've started to turn on it). Defenders bring up executive meddling while criticizers bring up bad writing, but the reality is that both contributed to making LoK as missed potential as it was.
All the nations are mutts made up of various Asian cultures, not just one.
And Katara healed it basically 2 seconds later, even when Aang does "fuck up" his actions almost never have consequences and he still wins anyway.
>Combustion guy
Blew himself up
Died heroically off screen
Are you forgetting that town he didnt want to leave because everyone loved him
Ehh fair enough, probably would have been better if they desperately wanted to go the 20's route to do a season on Bending becoming more and more irrelevant with the advances in tech. Similar to how Knights became irrelevant after the advent of gunpowder
I’m not a big fan of muscular girls, but nothing’s hotter to me than a girl with lean arms and TIGHT, STRONG FUCKING ABS.
they could've had Ozai blow himself up easily (or backfire in some way that doesn't directly show it but obviously implies it) seeing as the comet was amplifying his powers significantly
Yeah but that never really had a long term consequence on him. It’s not like he was constantly arrogant throughout the whole show and that ended up costing him a fight or something. The big fuck up was running away from the temple, because that literally allows the entire main conflict of the story to happen
Who is this woman? She looks incredible.
thats good writing, the central conflict of the entire series is his own making
He never really gets called out for it, though. Everyone gets excited and cheers for him when he’s around. The only time he DOES get called out is when he goes to the dragons with Zuko to master firebending and that guy tells him that he may fail the test because of his absence. There should have been more people pissed that he was gone for so long
but he does suffer for it, monk gyatso was the closest thing to a father he ever had and he got him killed
On one hand though he was gone for a century, the people he encounters were probably born well into the "no avatar around" period and were used to that simply being the status quo. When he returned it was more of an exciting thing rather than "where the fuck were you?". All the people who thought that were probably dead already.
On the other hand Korra also causes a load of problems with her actions in the early seasons, but she's also called out on it (mainly by Mako, an oft-ignored voice of reason in the series).
Never, I hope. I don't expect my attitude to be popular but to my mind animation exists precisely to accomplish so much of what live action just can't.
(You did come up with about the best likeness I've ever seen in a flesh candidate though.)
Stop making live action schlock out of animation, games and literature that I enjoy
You didn't watch it
>The only time he DOES get called out is when he goes to the dragons with Zuko to master firebending and that guy tells him that he may fail the test because of his absence.
No, the fisherman in season 1 criticizes him for turning his back on the world.
sorry but you can't be that muscular and have big natural tits and fake tits are fucking disgusting
what happens when you're muscular with barely visible tits but then get fake tits but then let go/get preggo/whatever and get proper tits again
ie. what happens when natural tits grow into fake tits?